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Low-Temperature High-Magnetic-Field Lab . 低溫強磁場實驗室 Yuen-Wuu Suen ( 孫允武 ). Dir. Ni, Dr. M.N. Chang, Dir. C.P. Lee, D.C. Lin, S. Liou, W.H. Hsieh, L.C. Li, Y.T. Sung, J.Y. Wu. Location : L419. Basic Equipments : (1) Oxford Kelvinox MX40 Dilution Refrigerator : Temperature range : 25 mK - 1K
Low-Temperature High-Magnetic-Field Lab.低溫強磁場實驗室Yuen-Wuu Suen (孫允武) Dir. Ni, Dr. M.N. Chang, Dir. C.P. Lee, D.C. Lin, S. Liou, W.H. Hsieh, L.C. Li, Y.T. Sung, J.Y. Wu Location:L419 • Basic Equipments: • (1)Oxford Kelvinox MX40 Dilution Refrigerator: • Temperature range:25 mK - 1K • (Cooling Power≧40mW at 100 mK, test result: 86mW) • with: high-frequency probe (below 18GHz) • (2)Variable temperature insert: • Temperature range:1.5 - 300 K • Superconducting Magnet: 16 T at 2.2K, 14 T at 4.2K
Expected Researches: • This equipment will be used for fundamental studies of nano structures and characterization of many nano devices, especially those that require high magnetic field and low temperatures. • The VTi has an optical feedthrough (fiber bundle) for magneto-optical measurement. Examples of Applications:
Milestones 2004/09/07 Oxford Kelvinox MX40 Dilution Refrigerator抵台,運至代理商科榮公司。 2004/09/0 - 2005/06/02 此段時間內,因尚在尋找適合之場地,Oxford Kelvinox MX40 Dilution Refrigerator暫時置放在代理商科榮公司。 2005/06/03 由科榮公司委託大華公司將Oxford Kelvinox MX40 Dilution Refrigerator運至NDL L416空調機房暫放。 2005/06/07(中興大學孫允武開始主導建立實驗室) 由科榮公司、交大奈米科技中心與NDL等單位人員參與Oxford Kelvinox MX40 Dilution Refrigerator拆箱。 2005/09/21 Oxford原廠工程師開始至NDL L419室進行裝機工作。 ☻2005/10/05 MX系統達到Base Temperature 24mK (Spec.是25mK) MX系統cooling power為86 μW @ 100 mK (Spec.是40 μW @ 100 mK) ☻2005/10/11 1. 磁場達到14Tesla。 2. Variable Temperature Insert (VTI) 的Base temperature (single-shot) 與hold time測試正常。 2005/10/13 完成磁鐵與VTI測試–完成裝機工作。 部份高頻semirigid cable不合規格,安排送回原廠。2006/4送回。 2006/1~2006/7 裝設isolation frame, 採購相關測試儀器
IV測試 磁阻測量 高頻精密測量 磁光(PL)測量
高頻測量(Fridge) 維修後高頻模組測試 Fridge 測漏 準備 中興、台大、交大團隊 (送回原廠維修) 降溫準備 磁光測量 高頻:中興(孫允武)、台大(梁啟德)、交大(李建平、林勝迪) 整修 (台大、交大、中興) Still running !!! 磁光:中興(孫允武)、台大(鄭鴻祥)、交大(李建平、林勝迪、孫建文)
Microwave vector measurement on a quantum wire array sample with a coplanar waveguide sensor (100mK)
Pulsed Microwave PLL and Gated Average System Schematicof a homemade PLL system for microwave signals up to 18 GHz. The phase resolution is about 0.001 degree even under very low average input power (~ -100dBm). A special designed homodyne amplitude detection scheme also allows us to detect very small microwave adsorption (smaller than 0.005%). 1. 2. (mixers) Y. W. Suen et al, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 76, 084704 (2005) W. H. Hsieh et al, Applied Physics Letters, 85, 4196 (2004)
H.S. Cheng (鄭鴻祥,台大) Magneto-optic measurement (PL) on SiGe/Si heterostructure
林大鈞,李建平,林聖迪 交大 PL of quantum rings in mag. fields 2.0mev
C.D. Liang (梁啟德,台大) Variation of magnetoresistance of 2DEG induced by microwave
C.D. Liang (梁啟德,台大) Variation of magnetoresistance of 2DEG induced by microwave
FTIR Lab (鍾佩剛) • 中紅外 (370 - 7500 cm-1 or 1.3 - 27 mm)至遠紅外線 (40 - 680 cm-1 or 14.7 - 250 mm)室溫或低溫(300 – 4K)樣品反射或穿透頻譜之量測 • 兆赫波輻射元件光電流之量測 • Sample: Si(B), GaSe, InGaAs QDIP • Si(B) 為本實驗室研究之基本材料,已量測其低溫(10K)雜質之吸收頻譜並與文獻符合. • GaSe 樣品為潘犀靈老師所提供,其需求為 • 藉由本實驗室量測GaSe之室溫反射頻譜推算於FIR region之 n, k 值. • 量測其實驗室無法量測 FIR region 之GaSe 室溫吸收頻譜. • InGaAs QDIP 樣品為李建平老師所提供,希望能藉由本實驗室低溫系統與FTIR量測樣品之中紅外低溫(77K)吸收頻譜.
Missions of 2007 • We will have a more stable dilution refrigerator, which is under major checking and repair. (We detected a cold leak!!) • I-V, and magnetoresistance measurements down to 1.5K will become standard service. Other services should be discussed case by case. • We will install a He gas recovery system. This will reduce the running cost so that we can provide more service time. (150 days, I expect.) • Develop more sophisticated magnetooptic measurement setup. • We hope to set up a SNOM system, which can operate in low-temperature and high-magnetic-field environment. • We will keep providing high-quality low-temperature microwave measurement, which is unique in Taiwan. Many users have been on the waiting list. • I hope to develop a special platform to combine different kinds of measurement technique together to inspire new experiments which can not be done elsewhere. We will have more customers. • We can produce not only papers, but good papers.We will provide not just service, but special service and good solution.