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“Healthy and unhealthy food”. Выполнено: Илюшкиной Н.М. Цель : Совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения. Задачи Образовательная – расширять кругозор обучающихся по теме. Практическая – тренировать обучающихся в употреблении страдательного (пассивного) залога в речи.
“Healthy and unhealthy food” Выполнено: Илюшкиной Н.М.
Цель: Совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения Задачи • Образовательная – расширять кругозор обучающихся по теме. • Практическая – тренировать обучающихся в употреблении страдательного (пассивного) залога в речи. • Развивающая – развивать объем слуховой памяти, мышление, воображение. • Воспитательная – воспитывать потребность к сотрудничеству при работе в паре, осознавать необходимости взаимодействия для достижения совместной цели, формировать потребность в ЗОЖ.
Языковой материал • Структуры пассивного залога • Тексты для работы Оснащение урока • Компьютер • Мультимедиа проектор • Учебник
ХОД УРОКА • I этап - Начало урока
Look at the pictures and name the kinds of food you like and dislike. Say what 2 categories they can be divided into. What are we going to talk about today?
II этап • Совершенствование грамматических навыков.
1. Аудирование • Listen to the conversation and say what kind of food Georgina and Harry eat. • List 2 examples of healthy and unhealthy food that they have mentioned.
2. Работа с текстом. • There is one kind of food which is enjoyed by children and adults, especially in summer when the weather is hot. • Is it popular in your country? Is it healthy and unhealthy? Why?
2. Read the text and answer the following questions. • Which ingredients was ice cream made of in the past? Which ones are used now?
Ice cream and sorbets Have eaten all over the world since ancient time. A frozen mixture of milk and rice was invented around 200 BC in China. The Roman Emperor Neron ate fruit mixed with snow from the mountains. For a long time, ice cream was a luxury and was made by hand. A bowl with the ingredients, e.g. fruit and cream, was placed inside another bowl filled with ice and salt. The ice and salt mixture was used for freezing – when the ice cream ingredients were being stirred, they slowly changed into ice cream. Nowadays, ice cream can be bought everywhere. The production process is carried out by electric ice cream makers. The mixture of cream, sugar and other ingredients is stirred mechanically while it is being cooled to get a smooth, creamy texture. Before the second half of the 20th century, when electric freezers became common, eating ice cream was considered quite risky. People were often poisoned after eating ice cream which had been defrosted and frozen again by vendors. Now, everybody knows that to prevent the development of bacteria and avoid food poisoning, ice cream shouldn’t be left out of the freezer for long. There are already hundreds of flavours of ice cream and sorbets. And no doubt unusual flavours, like tomato sorbet or green pepper ice cream, will soon be sold.
Answer the following questions. • Which ingredients was ice cream made of in the past? Which ones are used now?
3. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream? Which is the most unusual flavour you have tried?
4.Look through the text and complete the table with the example of Passive from the text.The Passive Tense Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Past Simple Past Continuous Going to+ Inf. Can/will/should + Inf. The Passive: example New ice cream flavours are going to be invented.
Read the Passive sentences( 1-4) and match them with the uses (a-b) 1. The production process is carried out by electric ice cream makers. 2. Ice cream can be bought everywhere. 3. Ice cream and sorbets have been eaten since ancient times. 4. Ice cream was defrosted and frozen again by vendors. We use the Passive when we don’t know who does the action or the action is more important than the person who does it. b. We use a by phrase to put emphasis on who does the action.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in correct forms. Sorbets are made (make) from fruit, sugar, water and egg whites. 2. The first ice cream maker ____(invent) by Nancy Johnson in 1843. 3. Ice cream can ____(produce) at home. 4. Electric freezers ____ (use) since the mid 20th century. 5. Calorie-free ice cream is going to _____(advertise) by big ice cream companies.
Read the advertisement and rewrite it using the Passive for the underlined verbs. DREAM CREAM ice cream and sorbets have been made for thirty years. We have made DREAM CREAM ice cream and sorbets for thirty years. We carefully selectall ingredients and they are always the best quality. In the past, you could only find our sorbets in the best restaurants and cafes. Now, you can buyour famous lemon sorbet in most supermarkets. Soon, we are also going to sell our peach and orange sorbets. And while your guests are enjoying the delicious sorbet, don’t forget to follow it with a cup of our aromatic DREAM CREAM espresso.
Work in pairs. Use the cues and the Passive in the correct tenses to write your questions. Then ask and answer the questions.A: How can ice cream be made at home? B: It can be made with an ice cream maker. A starts 1 How can/ice cream/make at home? 2 Where/cola/invent? 3 When/healthy fast food/going to sell in the shops? 4 Where/tapas/eat? B starts 5 What/sushi/make of? 6 When/first electric fridge/invent? 7 How should/tea/serve? 8 How long/coffee/drink in Europe? B answers 1 with an ice cream maker 2 in the USA 3 now in some shops 4 in Spain A answers 5 rice and raw fish 6 at the beginning of the 20th century 7 in a cup, with milk or lemon 8 since the 17th century
III. Заключительный этап. Рефлексия. • What did we do at the lesson? What was the new for you? What was the most interesting /easy difficult? • Домашнее задание
Use the cues and the Passive to write about the food items below. Yoghurt is made of milk. It should be kept in the fridge. It can be eaten on its own or used to make desserts. 1 yoghurt - make of milk - should keep in the fridge - can eat or use to make desserts 2 tea - grow in Asia – drink all over the world – can drink with milk or lemon 3 eggs – eat for thousands of years – should eat fresh – can boil or fry 4 pasta - invent in Italy – make in different shapes – cook in water – often eat with tomato sauce.