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Agronomy Journal. Editorial Board Meeting Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 3:00 to 5:00pm. 3:00-3:05 Welcome 3:05-3:20 ASA Publications Director, Mark Mandelbaum Digital Library and Page charges 3:20-3:25 Recognize incoming and outgoing Editors
Agronomy Journal Editorial Board MeetingTuesday, October 23, 2012, 3:00 to 5:00pm
3:00-3:05 Welcome 3:05-3:20 ASA Publications Director, Mark Mandelbaum Digital Library and Page charges 3:20-3:25 Recognize incoming and outgoing Editors 3:25-3:30 AJ Statistics, 2012 (submissions, accepted, rejected, etc.) 2011 symposium papers, Barry Glaz 3:30-3:40 Managing Editor’s Report, Sue Ernst (new page charges, electronic only, open access, TOC headings) 3:40-3:50 Software issues, Brett Holte Impact Factor (discussion) Need to change due dates by SAE’s Easy access to web page showing AJ statistics http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=15639&tip=sid 3:50-4:00 Top reasons why papers are 1) accepted, 2) rejected ASA Abstract, example (326) 4:00-4:20 AJ Editorial Structure (SAE-AE-SE, versus TE-AE) Utility of the Screening Editor, fake peer reviews 4:20-4:50 Added issues as raised by SAE’s and AE’s AJ board needs to encourage authors to publish in AJ (symposia from the meetings)Need for added Crops SAE (genetics) 5:00 Adjourn
1/01/2012 to 10/5/2012 364 submitted 34 (9%) rejected and not reviewed • Acceptance, 2012 47% • Expected submissions, 2012 480 • 26 SAE’s (2 retiring)94 AE’sAverage papers/SAE, 2012 12 Range 4-16 • Crop science/genetics SAE
Increased submissions: China and India • Added SAE to assist in better evaluating these papers • Science is quite good, but struggle with English • ASA recommends several web sites that can be used to improve their paper. • https://www.agronomy.org/publications/language-help • http://virtual.parkland.edu/walker102/punct.htm • http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ • Instructions to Authors • https://www.agronomy.org/files/publications/aj-instructions-author.pdf
AJ 2007-08 • Editor • Technical Editors (4-6 depending on the year) • Crops (2) • Production Agriculture • Biometry • Modeling • Soils • Associate Editors (4-12 per category)
AJ 2007-08 • Manuscripts assigned by the Editor to TE’s • 40% were “soils” papers, and 60% were crops, precision agriculture, biometry, management, etc. • Not all were papers in the actual category each TE was listed • Some papers returned to authors by the TE without sending them out to an AE. Reasons, • 1. English was so poor that they would not have been given a fair chance. Asked the Author to get the paper to an “English Speaker” and for them to correct it. • 2. Clearly something missing in analysis, main Table, Figures, etc. • 3. English units throughout, other units
Technical Editor, 2001-08 Average number of papers as Technical Editor 7+ years, 78/year Total papers: 516 • Review time: 141 ± 92 days (includes 2nd review) Methods • Technical Editor • 1. assigned paper by Editor • 2. before assigning paper to AE, checked to see how many papers he/she had in-queue (in process). • Did not assign papers to anyone who had 3 papers in-queue (active). • Seldom assigned papers to anyone who had 2 papers in queue (active). • 3. Did not assign papers to an AE with outstanding papers or who had a poor processing time record • 4. Did assign papers to an AE who had already processed more than his/her fair share of papers that year, and who only had 2 papers in queue. (AE’s who just knew how to properly process papers)
Associate Editor Average number of papers as Associate Editor • 6 years, 8-12/year Methods • Associate Editor • Assigned paper by the Technical Editor • Read abstract, methods, conclusions • Looked at the references (potential key reviewer) • Identified 2-4 potential reviewers from references • Called 2-4 of these potential reviewers on the phone. • “such and such have referenced your “AJ” paper of 2005. Commented on the importance of their work, and that being cited was very important. Once I had them there (respect for their work), I had them on the “hook” and they couldn’t say no to my next sentence, “can you review a paper with some similar work…..” Using this approach, I never had a potential reviewer say no.
Current review process • Strengths • Enlisting reviewers is very impersonal, matter of fact • Identifying potential AE’s (reviewers) is efficient • Review time is down • Weaknesses • Little communication between TE’s (now SAE’s) • Limited editorial board interaction, • Too many SAE’s, AE’s (reviewers) to encourage any kind of synergy
Thank you • Sue Ernst • Brett Holte • Brent Godshalk • Warren Dick • Meg Ipsen • Penny Magana • SAE’s • AE’s