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REINHOLD WAGNLEITNER. PUBLIC OPINION ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. OVAL OFFICE 21 December 1970. International Herald Tribune November 4, 2004. A global 'What now?'. Der Spiegel , online November 4, 2004 America is a Strange Country, with its own values.
International Herald TribuneNovember 4, 2004 A global 'What now?'
Der Spiegel, online November 4, 2004 America is a Strange Country, with its own values.
Simon Schama, The Guardian, 5 November 2004 • In the wee small hours of November 3, 2004, a new country appeared on the map of the modern world: the DSA, the Divided States of America. • Godly America vs. Worldy America
Retro States vs. Metro States • The two coasts vs. Middle America • The Christian right vs. the rest of the United States • The United States of America against the rest of the world • America vs. America • And finally the word of the year: battle states
Timothy Garton Ash, The Guardian, November 4, 2004 • Great Vote, Grisly Result • Many Europeans will conclude from this result that George Bush is the true face of America. That would be a huge mistake. In fact, this election has shown that America is more divided than ever over essentials of politics and faith. It's one country, but two nations.
Polls in the Netherlands in 2002 and Great Britain in 2003 • In a Dutch poll of October 2002 US-Americans were counted as one of the most unpopular nationalities, besides Moroccans and Turks. • And in a British poll of February 2003 the United States were deemed to be the most dangerous nation on the globe, even ahead of Iraq and North Korea.
IMAS-Polls 2003 and 2004 in Austria • The American way of life, US policies and economics represent a model for Europe. Is that correct or not? • Austrians in 2003: • 8 percent yes • 28 percent partially correct • 53 percent incorrect • Austrians in 2004: • 4 percent yes • 27 percent partially correct • 57 percent incorrect
IMAS-Poll May/June 2004 in AUSTRIA • What do you think: did the general attitudes towards the United States recently improve, deteriorate or remain the same? • Improve Deteriorate Same • Feb/Mar 1998 13 25 62 • Oct/Nov 2001 12 32 56 • March 2002 10 36 54 • June 2004 6 73 22 1026 persons over 16 polled face to face http://www.imas-international.com/institut_report.htm
The downright dramatic growth of criticism towards the United States since March 2002 leaves no doubt at all that it is based on the US-war against Iraq and the violent occupation policies of the Americans. A crushing majority of nearly 80 percent of Austrians followed the torture of Iraqi POWs. More than 50 percent of the adult population discussed these events with friends or relatives. These discussions were especially intensive among the better educated groups with high school diploma and academics as well as top managers and civil servants.
Canadian Youth Poll June 2004: http://www.torontofreepress.com/2004/weinreb063004.htm • over 40% of Canadian teens think America is "evil„ • that number rose to 64 per cent for French Canadian youth • WHY? • U.S. IS SEEN AS LOSING ITS MORAL AUTHORITY International Herald Tribune, 5 July 2004
Austrians, 12-13 years old • stupid politicians who have no clue • President George W. Bush – a blithering idiot • Bush is a dumb president • September 11, World Trade Center • addicted to war • budget deficit • election fraud
Austrians, 12-13 years old • world power, biggest companies, biggest crimes • many dangerous weapons • death penalty, lethal injections, electric chair • ghettoes, racism, street gangs, KKK • know-it-alls
Austrians, 12-13 years old • full of fear • life in the fast lane • violence, drugs, poor people • bad English • fast food, bad food, fat food, fat people
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) • What are the first associations coming to your mind when thinking about the United States of America? • Four years ago, I would have answered MOBILITY. • Now the answer is HYPOCRISY.
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) • The Iraq war and George W. Bush • Wars for oil, post-democratic situation • Militarization of society, armament, largest debts • Torture • Death Penalty
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) The most influential state in our time Supervisor of the world World power Number One, democracy, ignores friends Divide and rule – we and them Divides world into good and evil Distorts reality in its own favor
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) • From dishwasher to millionaire • football, hot dog, statue of liberty • September 11 • Fast food, terrorism, war • Music, country, jazz, rock • Pearl Jam, Pearl Harbor • Vietnam, Afghanistan • Ku Klux Klan, Hip-Hop, Blues
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) • Did your attitudes towards the United States of America change during the last years? • 74 yes, 4 no • Why? • I´m on the road from friend to opponent.
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) • Mostly because of the current president and books and films of Michael Moore • Because of the acting of the U.S. government • Because of the strange politics of George W. Bush • Because of falsification of reasons to start war • Certainly because of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq and because of president Bush´s point of view concerning gun laws, homosexuals, death penalty etc. • They changed because of the Bush administration and all the changes that it caused (war,…). And I want to emphasize that my attitudes didn´t become better but worse! • My opinion concerning the USA changed a lot since the government of George Bush because I think that the wars that he led were not necessary, but even a criminal act.
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) • Too patriotic, manipulative (we are the best), Bush! • Iraq War, treatment of prisoners and torture (especially Guantánamo Bay) • Doubtful foreign policy, doubtful president, cabinet and advisors, doubtful domestic and social policies, enormous patriotism, does not accept criticism. • The rise of political and military aggression, the rise of conservatives in US-society, economy without respect for ecology. • Doubtful way of decision making especially concerning the Iraq War. • Distancing from values of US-constitution, for which the United States had stood before.
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) • The US have become less “friendly” towards other countries, started apparently to perceive themselves as totally self-reliant, independent, not having to take other countries and organizations into account • I can´t understand the politics of George W. Bush in the last years. For me Americans are strange people, because they always act very conservative but in reality they have the biggest porno-industry and they allow their kids to carry pistols. • It changed from an unreflected admiration to a more critical view on some aspects of American policies (fight against terrorism, attitude to rule the world, “we are Gods own country”)
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) • I am one of few Europeans who think that President Bush did absolutely right in case of Afghanistan and Iraq. U.S. changed but not so extreme as most Europeans think. Inside the U.S. it is normal as usual; photos and fingerprints are not as evil as seen by European media.
Reinhold Wagnleitner: Survey in Lecture History of the US since World War II (Salzburg, 13 October 2004, 38 students, age 19 – 63) • My attitude did not change, because it does not depend on who is the president. I think that Europe and the USA have still a lot in common.
Sebastian Münster. “[Die Nüw Welt] Tavola dell’ isole nuove.” From Cosmographia Universale. Cologne, 1575
America always has meant more to the rest of the world than the rest of the world has meant to America