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Fritz-Erler-School Pforzheim Volunteer work Comeniusproject “ Yourovol “ 2011-2013

Fritz-Erler-School Pforzheim Volunteer work Comeniusproject “ Yourovol “ 2011-2013. Our project : environmental work Comenius group forms part of the school‘s environmental team that existed previously Our focus : reduce the school‘s environmental impact

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Fritz-Erler-School Pforzheim Volunteer work Comeniusproject “ Yourovol “ 2011-2013

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  1. Fritz-Erler-School Pforzheim VolunteerworkComeniusproject“Yourovol“ 2011-2013

  2. Ourproject: environmental work • Comenius groupformspartoftheschool‘s environmental teamthatexistedpreviously • Ourfocus: • reducetheschool‘s environmental impact • raisestudents‘ awarenessregarding environmental aspects

  3. What we have done:1. "RubbishTask Force" • wasteseparationatourschool: twodustbins: • recyclables (yellow bin) & residual waste (green/brown bin) • goals: • havestudents separate wastecorrectly • raisestudents‘ awarenesstoreducewasteandusereusable lunch boxes & bottles instead • visiteachclassroomthreetimes per schoolyear • firstvisit: explaintheimportanceofseparatingandreducing/avoidingwasteandhowto separate wastecorrectly • secondandthirdvisit: evaluatetheclass‘ performance • displaytheresultsof all theclasses on a poster in a centralareaoftheschool

  4. results of tour through classes (marks 1-6)

  5. 2. Weaskedourselves: whathappenswiththerecyclablewaste of ourschool? • Wetalked to a localrepresentative of Veolia, a globallyoperatingwastemanagementcompany: • therecyclablesareseparated and soldasrawmaterialsfortheproductionofrecyclingproductstoothercompanies • theystressedthefactthatrecyclablewastearerawmaterials and thereforemoney!

  6. 3. We also askedourselves: Whatcan be doneagainstthis mess? • Problem: • studentsscatterpapertowels in theschool‘stoilets • naturalresources(trees) neededtoproduce (so many) papertowels

  7. Wethoughtwehadfoundthesolution: DysonAirbladehanddrier •  drieshands in 10 seconds, hygienic, • needslittleenergy, norubbish But: Not cost-effective. Handdrierscould not be boughtforourschool.

  8. 4. Monitoringconsumption: econ-solution

  9. October2010: 4921 Reductionin electricityconsumption: 420 kWh October2011: 4501 Youcanuse 420 kWh to: - watch TV for 2940 hours - dry yourhair 350 times - workwith the computer for 2100 hours

  10. Electricityconsumption in thecourseofoneday (April 18, 2013)

  11. 5. Presenting our environmental work and selling fair trade products at the information day at our school

  12. 6. Questionnaire survey analysis

  13. Results: e.g. consumptionofschool material 2012

  14. CO² emissionsofdriving 6.500 km using a 11W energy-savinglampfor 650.000 h 1.300.000 sheets format A4 Making 433.333 potsofcoffee 1.300 full bathtubs

  15. 7. “Climatedays“ in the city hall in PforzheimStudentspresentthe environmental activities of ourschool

  16. 8. Howtheprojectsofother Comenius countries haveinspiredus:

  17. Wehavenow a bookshelf in ourschool (Italy)

  18. Webuilt and put up nestingboxesforbirds (Spain)

  19. Weadopted a (Slovakian) penguin.His nameis Pit!

  20. Thanksforyourattention

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