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This school was established with named “People’s elementary school” totally 60 students in 2 class at 1940, in today these school developed 22 teacher, 3 manager, 20 customer service, 305 students. All teachers 60.8% have mastership and Methodist degree, 11 certificated cabinet. Also around 80 students to get involved 9 type club. Our school was ranked 2nd of all school of Sukhbaatar province in 2011-2012 academic year. Brief introduction of school
From creative teacher-creative collective Our aim: Objectives: • Our objective of 2012 • Quality education for standard of elementary and secondary schools • Students will be venerating Mongolian tradition, comply for activity, will be citizen to be priding motherland • Protecting health of students, usually involve medical eximination
School logo Symbol of school School flag
School anthem Үг Б.Дамдин Ая Ж.Батсүх Унаган сургууль Ард олныхоо ирээдүйн хойчид Арвин эрдмийг хайрлан түгээгч Алсын оддыг атганд хуруулсан Алдрай насны гэгээн ордон Ус нутгийн минь гэрэлт наран Уулбаяны минь унаган сургууль Сургуулийн минь суу алдар бадрах нь Сурагч бидний мөнхийн бахархал Дэлхий ертөнцийн хаа ч явсан Дэргэд минь түшин тулах Эгэл жирийн хөдөөгийн ордон Энхрий бидний төрөлх сургууль Дахилт Насан туршийн сэтгэлийн уяа Нандин эрдмийн их өргөө Аяны жолоог бат атгуулсан Ачлал буянтай их шүтээн Дахилт
Our school to functionating with 1 director, 1 school manager, 1 social manager, 22 teacher, 18 worker, 305 students in this academic year. Our collective
There are many famous people from our school Our pride Honorable trainer of Mongolia Khartsaga of Mongolia (ode of national wrestler) UVGUNKHUU Choidor National artist of Mongolia, PhD of linguistic CHIMEDTSEYE, Shar
Our pride Honorable teacher of Mongolia ADILBISH Sharav Trustee consul of Mongolia SHAGDARSUREN Shar Honorable scientist of Mongolia State honor NAMJIM Tumur
The last academic year, our teachers improved their knowledge, such us, 14 teacher in centrally training, 9 teacher in region training, 21 teacher in local training and after the training present course arranged training in school Training
We doing lot of competition for improving students knowledge such us, “Question-Answer-Question”, “Golden bell”, “We can”, “Pyramid” “Knowing Mongolian Secret History” “Correct writer” etc. Students competition
Our Success: • Agwaansamdanjamts.Z, at 8th class student was to receive rewards Bronze medal from Teenagers state championship of Judo • From Province championship of Sambo wrestling: • 5th class student Munkh-Erdene.N 1st place • 7th class student Sanjaa.E 1st place • 9th class student Zeeburged.S 2nd place • 5th class student Bazargorid.Sh 3rd place • Team 3rd place • Eastern region championship of Judo in Dornod province • 9th class student Zeeburged.S 2nd place • 8th class student Agwaansamdanjamts.Z 3rd place • 9th class student Zeeburged.S was to receive rewards 1st place inWrestling competition of named honorable wrestler Nasantogtoh in Dornogvi province Teacher Urantuya.P was receive rewards 3rd place from province Mongolian language Olympiad of teachers • 9th class student Oidov.B was receive rewards 3rd place from Historical Olympiad • 9th class student Sarangoo.L was receive rewards 3rd place and elementary class teacher Oyuntuya.Hwas receive rewards 2nd place from west region Calligraphy Olympiad in Munkhkhaan district
our success: Zorigtbaatar.E 3rd class student was receive rewards silver medal, diploma of 2nd degree, 5th class student Tserennadmid.L was receive rewards bronze medal, diploma of 3rd degree, 5th class student Choijilsuren.G, Hashbat.B was receive rewards diploma of 3rd degree, 9th class student Tsegmid.S was 2nd degree diploma, Batnorov.Z, Dashbaljinnyam.L was 3rd degree diploma etc. many students rewards from INTERNATIONAL MATEMATICAL “KANGAROO” OLYMPIAD
Eco school Our school trying to will be “Eco school” from 2012. Out schools Eco committee done “500 flower festival”, “Making product by trash”
Work with parents Schools parents meeting should be one at session. We discussing about work report, taken parents suggest. Also we organized some competition with parents. Such us. “Making animals by snow and ice” competition 1st class student’s parents go in front “Are you more intelligential from 5th class students” 5th class student’s parents go in front etc
Students making product in summer vacation than holding on exhibition, their income spent to providing class in every year. exhibition
Beautify of Mongolia competition aim is students will be venerating Mongolian tradition, comply for activity. This year champion was 4a class with teacher Munkhjargal.D and 8b class with teacher Nomin.A. Also students wearing traditional clothes every Wednesday. Beautify by mongolia
Many club are working for improving students talents and ability. club
This is just brief introduction about Uulbayan schools I wish you success your work.
Training teacher: Nergui.J/teacher of chemistry-biology/ Saker falcon habitat, breeding and conservation
We used DVD from BIRD NEST project in the training that training we chosen 5a class with teacher Munkhjargal.D. Because 5a class is “Eco class” and totally 33 students. Training participant students really activity and get involved good information about saker falcon. Training
Many question from students from students during the training