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Bullying. “The Culture of Cruelty”. Danika and Marie. Bullying Statistics. How prevalent is it ?. Bullying in New Zealand, of students aged 15-16 from 107 schools How many students have experienced bullying? 50-75% How many students have admitted bullying others? 33%

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bullying “The Culture of Cruelty” Danika and Marie

  2. Bullying Statistics How prevalent is it? Bullying in New Zealand, of students aged 15-16 from 107 schools • How many students have experienced bullying? • 50-75% • How many students have admitted bullying others? • 33% • How many students stated they were bullied once a week or more? • 9%

  3. Bullying Statistics • How many students are victims of cyberbullying? • 20% ____________________________________ • How many secondary school teachers were abused or threatened by their students each year? • 66%

  4. What is bullying? • Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person • Victimisation is sustained by a power imbalance • Two main types of bullying • Overt • Covert

  5. Overt Bullying

  6. What is Overt Bullying? • Traditional Form • Confrontational • Physical • pushing, tripping, punching, and spitting • Verbal • taunting, name calling, offensive & derogatory language

  7. Covert Bullying

  8. What is Covert Bullying? • Psychological • Invisible • Examples: • being ostracised, intentionally ignored, cyberbullied, using code language, spreading rumours

  9. What is Cyberbullying? • Bullying using digital technology to threaten, tease or abuse___________________________________________ • Sending anonymous text or picture messages • Posting nasty or threatening comments online (Facebook, Bebo, MySpace) • Creating fake profiles to intimidate or embarrass • Circulating real or digitally-altered images of someone

  10. Discussion Question Is fighting back the best way to handle a school bully? Why or why not?

  11. Types of Bullies • Ring Leader • Follower • Reinforcer

  12. Types of Victims • Defenders • Bystanders • Provocative • Classic

  13. Discussion Question What is the school’s responsibility regarding bullying and how far should this extend? A student is being cyberbullied by a classmate, what is the school’s role?

  14. Role of Teachers • Ethically obliged • ‘Take all reasonable steps to protect students from mental, physical and emotional harm’ • Positive & safe learning environment • Teach students skills to…

  15. Why is bullying bad? • Detrimental to the person being bullied AND the person doing the bullying • Young people who repeatedly bully are more likely to: • be involved in ongoing anti-social and criminal behaviour • have issues with substance abuse • have low academic achievement • abuse their spouse or children later in life

  16. Bullying and Suicide (Youth ’07 National Health and Well-Being Survey) • Highest suicide rate amongst 15-24 year olds • New Zealand - 27.6 • Australia - 14.6 • United States - 13.7 • United Kingdom - 6.7 • 9% of the males and 22% of the females reported a suicide attempt in the last 12 months • 3x suicide rate of non-bullied students • Gay students 5x more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers

  17. Anti-Bullying Strategies Vodafone’s BLACKLIST Free Service Block unwanted text messages Can block up to 20 numbers Text: Blacklist Add (mobile number) to 713

  18. Discussion Questions As a new teacher, what ideas can you think of to prevent cyberbullying and covert bullying specifically? Think creatively, draw upon your experiences from high school and practicum

  19. How To Prevent Cyberbullying? http://www.cyberbullying.org.nz/teachers/ • Promote safe and responsible use of technology in your classroom • Develop a class contract for appropriate online behaviour • Use Netsafe NZ’s ICT Use Agreement • Inform parents and community • Class pledge to be pro-active, not bystanders

  20. How To Prevent Cyberbullying? • Peer Support (and Peer Mediation) • Building Self-Confidence and Assertiveness • Developing & Encouraging Personal Support Networks • School & Personal Responsibility to Acknowledge and Prevent Bullying

  21. Resources • Australia’s National Centre Against Bullying. Retrieved July 1 2011, from http://www.ncab.org.au/ • Fortune, S., Watson, P., Robinson, E., Fleming, T., Merry, S., & Denny, S. (2010). Youth’07: The health and wellbeing of secondary school students in New Zealand: Suicide behaviours and mental health in 2001 and 2007. Auckland: The University of Auckland. • Netsafe- Resources for schools, students and parents. Retrieved July 1 2011, from http://www.netsafe.org.nz • New Zealand Education Leaders: Bullying and The Law. Retrieved July 1 2011, from http://www.educationalleaders.govt.nz/Problem-solving/Education-and-the-law/Bullying/Bullying-in-schools-and-the-law • New Zealand Police - No Bully. Retrieved July 1 2011, from https://www.police.govt.nz/service/yes/nobully/index.html • Queensland, Australia: anti-bullying policies and procedures. Retrieved July 1 2011, from http://education.qld.gov.au/strategic/eppr/ • Smith, Peter K. (1994) School Bullying: Insights and Perspectives. London: Routledge. • Smith, Peter K. (1999). The Nature of School Bullying : A Cross-National Perspective. London: Routledge. • Vodafone Anti-bullying. Retrieved July 1 2011 from http://www.vodafone.co.nz/about/responsible-mobile-use/stop-txt-bullying.jsp

  22. Stand Up To Bullying

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