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Final Term Project

Final Term Project. Hi- Tek Smoke Detektor By: Rohan Sharma. A smoke detector that changes LED color from green (indicating everything is OK) to red Buzzer also sounds when enough smoke collects

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Final Term Project

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  1. Final Term Project Hi-Tek Smoke Detektor By: Rohan Sharma

  2. A smoke detector that changes LED color from green (indicating everything is OK) to red • Buzzer also sounds when enough smoke collects • E-mail is sent to user with personalized subject and message to alert them that there is a possible fire • Works due to the fact that smoke will inhibit the amount of light reaching photocell; when certain threshold is reached, alarm sounds and email is sent Conceptual Idea

  3. Materials List: -Arduino + Breadboard -GoBetwino (free software) -Plexiglass -Laser cutter -Drill Press -Caulk Gun -Solder -Piezzo Buzzer -RGB -Wires + Resistors + Photocell How to Build

  4. Step 1: Cut Plexiglass into 6 pieces to form a rectangular prism in order to encase Arduino + Breadboard Step 2: Laser cut out square to accommodate USB Cable into one side, drill holes into 3 remaining sides Step 3: Attach all sides together (with Arduino inside) using caulk Step 4: Bend back breadboard using rope in order to allow all components to fit Step 5: Solder Piezzo Buzzer wires to regular wires, then attach to Pin 11 and GND How to Build Pt. 1: Outer Casing

  5. How to Build Pt. 2: Circuit Diagrams

  6. int photosensor = A1; int sensorValue = 0; int greenPin = 10; int redPin = 13; int pinSpeaker = 11; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(photosensor, INPUT); pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinSpeaker, OUTPUT); } void loop() { int brightness = analogRead(photosensor); if (brightness >= 250) { digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); digitalWrite(pinSpeaker, LOW); } else if (brightness < 250) { digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(greenPin, LOW); digitalWrite(pinSpeaker, HIGH); Serial.println("#S|MAILMAN|[]#"); } } How to Build Pt. 3: Code

  7. Smoke not dense enough to trigger change in photocell  Create chamber to collect smoke around photocell • Too many holes drilled in plexiglass, allowed smoke to dissipate too fast  Drill less holes/Tape over some holes Problems/Possible Solutions

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