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Talent Skill Innovations Framework. Every Child Matters…. Purpose:. Share a workable framework that actively supports student opportunities To develop and maximize gifted skills, academic or other. . The Policy. The GIFTED and The TALENTED. SEEN THIS?.
Talent SkillInnovations Framework Every Child Matters…
Purpose: Share a workable framework that actively supports student opportunities To develop and maximize gifted skills, academic or other.
Identification of Gifted students A Multi – leveled Process built on team work.
Features: Step 1: Identification of ‘Talent’ in Schools through various identification processes like Parent Nomination, teacher recommendations and senior management confirmation. Step 2: School Counselor's evaluation and confirmation of referral cases of ‘gifted and talented’. Evaluations would be done based on internationally recognized and standardized tests and adapted methodologies.
Features: Step 3: Development of identification benchmarks for achievement and leveled enrichment program to accommodate and develop identified skill sets and talent areas. Participating Schools can appoint a core teacher/expert team for such a purpose. Such a team would also aid the sharing of best practices and innovative ‘what works’ ideas. At GEMS OOIS, House Masters and House Mistresses have been deployed for identification in Extracurricular Skill sets and Subject teachers have been deployed for Academic Skills. Step 4 Long Term: Establishment of a strong talent development department which caters to the specific needs of students in this skill base. Gifted students are given opportunities to develop their talent further within the framework of the school
Identification of Gifted students Within the school we recognize that gifted students can be: Good all rounders' High achievers in one area Of high ability but have poor writing skills.
SEN Parallel Identifiers -perfectionists and highly organized -need to be challenged -general education classes frustrate them Special Curriculum -individual education plan -involve parents to develop a plan to support learning at home -celebrate success by focusing on what the child can do rather than what they can’t do -support to develop resilience and self-control
Route Map: So Far… PD presentations for staff at OOIS on Gifted and Identification of the Gifted in Classrooms • Accommodations and Best Practices within the Active Classroom - Workshops at OOIS for ICT and Innovative Teaching Strategies for teachers.(Implemented) • Creation of the Core Team for Gifted Management at OOIS 2012 -13 • ICT- Student Advisory Group – Student – SLT Advisory. • Increased opportunities for students to display talent. • Challenge Program for the Gifted– January 2013 • (Pilot Project for Mathematics and English.) 2013 -14 Regular Challenge Program for a range of Select subjects for the Gifted. { English and Mathematics}
Route Map: So Far… Continued PD presentations for staff at GEMS on Gifted and Provisions of the Gifted in Classrooms • Accommodations for a Tiered Subject Structured within the Active Curriculum – Parallel Curriculum in Mathematics for ( Advanced Math for Gifted.(Under feasibility study) 2014 -15 Long term • ICT- Student Advisory Group – Student – SLT Advisory. • Accommodations for Intra Curricular Provisions in English Regular Challenge Program for other subjects for the Gifted.
A Few Links… Check your gifted scale…. http://www.gotoquiz.com/are_you_gifted_1 http://giftedforlife.com/263/are-you-gifted/ High Ability / Gifted Organizations and Websites Profoundly & Exceptionally Gifted Youth (PEGY) is a British website giving information about young people with very high IQs www.pegy.org.uk . Brainy Child is a website dedicated to helping you support your child’s brain developments between the ages of 0 – 6 years www.brainy-child.com . You can sign up to a newsletter. Family Education website has a section about Gifted and Talented that is informative http://school.familyeducation.com/gifted-education/parenting/34390.html . Talent Development Resources website is a haven of great articles aimed at multi-talented and creative people http://talentdevelop.com/ . British Mensa website offers some to support