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Systemic functional grammar (SFG) and discourse. by Riyadi Santosa. 4 competence tests: mood and theme, transitivity, clause complex, verbal group and nominal group, the whole analysis (all of them are ‘take-home tests” Halliday, 1985, 1994 Martin, et al 1997 Thompson, 2004
Systemic functional grammar (SFG) and discourse by Riyadi Santosa
4 competence tests: mood and theme, transitivity, clause complex, verbal group and nominal group, the whole analysis (all of them are ‘take-home tests” • Halliday, 1985, 1994 • Martin, et al 1997 • Thompson, 2004 • Hewings and Hewings , 2004 • ILC materials
Why SFG? • To understand language as it is • SFG sees society explains language, as opposed to formal linguistics which seeks the explanation from neurological context. • The relation between social context and language is not cause and effect but rather ‘realization/ representation / symbolization’. • Thus, society is resources of meaning and language is the meaning maker.
Clause as exchange • To construe social reality and realize interpersonal meaning • To explore clause resources for participating in exchanges. • Exchanges: to give and to demand information and goods or services • MOOD system is system of clauses as interpersonal resources.
Mood structure • Mood structure is a structure where the meaning of proposal or proposition of a clause can be found. • Mood structure consists of 2 constituents: mood and residue. • Mood is built from the relation between subject and finite, whereas residue is the rest. • Subject is grammatical doer; finite consists of tense, modality, and polarity; complement is potential subject in passive; adjunct can’t be subject; predicator is verbal group excluding finite; continuative and conjunction connect the previous clause; vocative is used to summon.
CLAUSE AS MESSAGE • To explore clauses as semiotic resources to express message. • Principles: - language including clause is linear - so message is structured linearly - linearity means it is like a line which has a start and an end • This principles implies that message is structured from beginning to an end. • There are two points of views in looking at clause as message: reader’s and listener’s point of view and speaker’s and writer’s point of view.
Message is expected to be structured from ‘known’ to ‘unknown’. Or message is structured from old information and moves to new information. For example: My uncle visited me last week Old New He stayed in my house for 2 days Old New Message from reader’s and listener’s point of view
Patterns of old-new information in different genres (continued)
The beginning is a stepping stone to develop a message Message is structured from theme (topic) and moves to rheme (tail). It is used as strategy to develop the message based on the theme or topic they think it is important For example: My unclevisited me last week ThemeRheme Last weekmy uncle visited me. ThemeRheme Luckily, wegot the right bus. ThemeRheme Message from speaker’s and writer’s point of view
Types of theme • There are three types of themes in English: topical, textual, and interpersonal. • Topical theme is the theme that develop the topic of discourse. • Textual theme is used to connect the previous clause. • Interpersonal theme is used to interact and transact socially.
There are two types of topical theme: unmarked and marked. The unmarked topical theme is the typical theme in English clauses that are usually started with subject. The marked topical theme is non-typical theme that is characterized by other than subject such as: complement, adjunct, or predicator For example: My uncle visited me last week Theme Rheme Unmarked Last week my uncle visited me Theme Rheme Marked Topical theme
To connect logically the first and second clause Mostly in the forms of conjunction such: and, then, after, although etc., and continuative such as: Errr…, Emm…, Well… For example: But he doesn’t understand Theme Rheme Text Top Err… he did it Theme Rheme Text Top Textual theme
To realize the interpersonal meaning of the theme. Interactional interpersonal theme is realized in vocative Transactional interpersonal (giving and demanding information and goods and services) theme is realized in finite and wh. For example: John, will you be the chairman? Theme Rheme Int Int top Interpersonal theme
Example of combination analysis of mood and theme of English clauses
Example of combination analysis of mood and theme of English clauses
Clause as representation: transitivity • Clause also represents experience (ideational meaning: experiential) • Basically experience consists of three constituents: - process or the event / happening, realized in verbal groups. - participants, realized in nominal groups, and - circumstance, realized in nominal groups or prepositional phrase. • In English, there are 6 types of processes: material, mental, verbal, behavioral, relational, and existential processes.
Material process • A process of doing, physical action. • There are two types of material process: happening and doing. Happening material process is characterized by the absence of goal, while doing material process is characterized with the presence of goal. • Participants in material process involves: actor (the doer), goal (affected participant), beneficiary (client and recipient), and range.
Mental Process • A process of sensing: perception, cognition, and affection. • Perception: perceive, see, notice, obserbe, feel, smell, taste, hear, etc. • Cognition: assume, believe, conclude, consider, discover, doubt, etc. • Affection: enjoy, relish, regret, like, fear, dread. Favor, love, prefer, etc. • Participants: senser and phenomenon • Three types of phenomena: micro (thing), macro (thing with embedded process), meta (an idea)
Verbal process • A process of saying • Participants: sayer, verbiage, receiver
Behavioral process • Process of behaving • 2 types: verbal behavior and mental behavior • Verbal behavior: talk, chat, converse, speak, call, discuss, abuse, flatter, etc. The participants: behaver, receiver, verbiage. • Mental behavior: look at, watch, listen to, experience, survey, smile, laugh, cry, memorize, concentrate, mediate, etc. The participants include behaver, and phenomenon.
Relational process • Two types: attributive and identifying • Attributive relational process: - a process of giving attribute to a thing - participants: carrier and attribute - types of attributives: - appearance: be, seem, appear, sound, look, taste, smell, feel, etc. - phase: become, remain, turn, grow, run, come, keep, stay, etc. - measure: weight, cost, measure, number
Identifying relational process • A process of giving a value to athing • Participants: token and value • Types: - Be: is, am, are, was, were, been - Equality: equal, add up to, make, come out as/at, amount to, translate, render, paraphrase, reformulate, transliterate - Signification: signify, expound, code, encode, express, realize, spell, write, transcribe, read, mean, denote, connote, define, call, name
Identifying relational process (continued) - Representation: symbolize, represent, stand for, refer to, imply, index, express, reflect, personify - Indication: indicate, suggest, betoken, connote, smack of, evoke, reveal - Role: play/act as, function, portray, typify, personify For example:
Existential process • A process of projecting that something exists • Participant: existent • For example:
Circumstance • There are 8 types of circumstances: angle, extent, location, manner, cause, accompaniment, matter, and role. • Angle: - verbal source - who says? - for example: