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The importance of supporting emerging researchers: Perspectives from across the Commonwealth

This article explores the importance of supporting emerging researchers and provides insights from various perspectives across the Commonwealth. It discusses the challenges faced by emerging researchers and suggests strategies for change. The article also highlights the initiatives and collaborations aimed at developing the next generation of researchers.

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The importance of supporting emerging researchers: Perspectives from across the Commonwealth

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  1. The importance of supporting emerging researchers:Perspectives from across the Commonwealth Dr Joanna Newman, Chief Executive and Secretary General The Association of Commonwealth Universities

  2. TheACU: Whoweare… OUR MISSION To build a better world through higher education OUR VISION A world in which higher education transcends borders, strengthens societies, fosters innovation, and lifts the lives of people throughout the Commonwealth and beyond.

  3. TheACUacrossthe Commonwealth 500+memberuniversities 66%in low andmiddle income countries 5%insmallstates Africa:109members(20%) Asia:261members(50%) Americas:36members(6%) AustralasiaandthePacific:32members(7%) Europe:90members(17%)

  4. Priorities for higher education in the Commonwealth • Higher education’s critical contribution to meeting the SDGs • Access and inclusion, including gender equity • International mobility and recognition of qualifications • Employabilityand the 4th industrial revolution • Growing research capacity through N-S, S-N and SS partnerships • Universities’ role in building respect and understanding

  5. We have created new networks Peace and Reconciliation Realising the modern vision of the Commonwealth “Kenya came to Melbourne to engage with Canada about indigenous experience.” Climate Resilience Supporting universities to develop resilience to climate change “Universities should be a resource to the community and the society around them.” The Earth Sciences Garden at Monash

  6. We are creating life-changing opportunities

  7. Issues in emerging researcher support Science Papers published – 2016 Source: worldmapper.org

  8. Global PhD production Over 75% of PhDs graduate from OECD countries (UNESCO) Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/02/countries-with-most-doctoral-graduates/

  9. Transformed teaching practice • Uneven quality of supply and demand • Students more demanding of quality • New and disruptive technologies • New pedagogies and delivery mechanisms (ODL, online, blended, flipped, etc…) • Greater emphasis on quality assurance and assessments of teaching effectiveness

  10. Imbalance in supply & demand Growth of Kenyan HE sectorStudent enrolment increased x11 in 12yrs Minimal growth in academic staff numbers acute shortages 6 public universities 31 public universities 50% of academics teach at more than one university

  11. Experience of returning scholars • Promoted too quickly into management and administrative positions • Passed over for promotion in favour of less qualified or more junior peers • Swamped with heavy teaching loads – it’s ‘their turn’ to ‘pay back’ PhD scholarships are a significant investment in your staff. ROI needs to be managed and protected.

  12. Suggestions for change The Nairobi Process 2009 2011 2016

  13. Research funding: changing landscape • Interdisciplinarity • More competitive • Greater emphasis on collaboration • More complex publication landscape • Greater emphasis on impact • Greater accountability and transparency required by funders

  14. Skills to be an effective researcher

  15. ACU responses Developing the next generation of researchers 2-4 April 2019, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

  16. Strengthening institutional support 6 / 31 institutions had policies and/or strategies to support professional development In 2015… 5 / 31 institutions offered mentoring to early career researchers

  17. Strengthening institutional support 19 / 31 institutions have policies and/or strategies to support professional development By 2018… 17 / 31 institutions offered mentoring to early career researchers

  18. We are meeting demand Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning (PEBL) • Addresses academic staff shortages in east Africa • Enables universities to shareteaching resources • Degree courses delivered through blended learning • Bridging the gap where universities don't have capacityto run courses in certain disciplines

  19. Additional training during the PhD • 23 partner organisations including: • The ACU • Amazon Web Services • Alan Turing Institute • British Library • BT • Ericsson • Ernst & Young • IBM • Mayor of London’s Office for Policing and Crime • Royal Mail • Samsung Electronics • Vodafone “the skills developed in our students will be relevant and valuable to industry and society at large”

  20. Split-site PhD Scholarships • 487 split-site PhDs since 1998 (70 to RSA) • 12 months in the UK in 1 or 2 blocks • Links and co-supervision between home & UK institutions builds collaboration & partnerships • Scholar remains integrated in dept research • Ongoing contribution to teaching & engagement • Greater retention • Cheaper than a traditional scholarship

  21. Commonwealth collaborations • Top ten Commonwealth collaborations • (2013-2017) • Top collaborations with South Africa – proportion of total output (%) • Source: Elsevier/SciVal in Times Higher Education (February 2018)

  22. Options to develop the capacity of early career researchers: • Support teaching & learning • Enrich PhD training accordingly • Increase split-site PhD provision • Assist unis to develop their support offer & embed CPD in institutional structures • Promote networking and int’l mobility • Facilitate mentoring

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