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Use of biodiesel as a Traction fuel for Indian Railways – A Case Study

1 st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris. Use of biodiesel as a Traction fuel for Indian Railways – A Case Study. A.K.Kathpal Government of India – Ministry of Railways. 1 st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris. Introduction.

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Use of biodiesel as a Traction fuel for Indian Railways – A Case Study

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  1. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Use of biodiesel as a Traction fuel for Indian Railways – A Case Study A.K.Kathpal Government of India – Ministry of Railways

  2. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Introduction • Approx. two billion litres of diesel fuel is consumed annually by nearly 4,000 freight and passenger locomotives in the Indian Railway fleet. • The annual expenditure of Indian Railways on diesel fuel is approx. US $1.3 Billion.

  3. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Diesel Loco fleet of IR • Indian Railways operate around 4000 Diesel Locomotives. • Around 100-120 locos are added to the fleet every year

  4. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Policy Map

  5. Government of India policies for Bio-Diesel 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Ministry of Railways • Financial and fiscal incentives • Tax and duties structure • Subsidies • Knowledge banks • Financial assistance • Micro-credit • National Bio-fuels Development Board • Core groups on Technology development

  6. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris R&D areas in focus by Govt. of India • Plantation methods • Generative Propagation • Vegetative Propagation • High yield plants of Genus Jatropha – 160 types • Heterogeneous transesterification – 2nd generation conversion method • Quality Control • Engine Studies/ Optimisation • Engine Development Experiments • Field trial • New Raw Materials • Algae, Fungi etc. • Biomass

  7. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Testing in RDSO, R&D Wing of IR Preliminary testing of Bio diesel blend was first carried out on the test bed at Engine Development Directorate of RDSO in Nov. 2002. The above was followed by detailed testing and evaluation of biodiesel on the test bed in April 2004 . 16-Cyl. ALCO engine under test at RDSO

  8. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Engine configuration on the Test Bed

  9. Experimental setup 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris

  10. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Load & Speed combinations used

  11. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris RDSO, Lucknow, INDIA Test results of Bio-diesel

  12. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Engine Power • Maximum engine power with Bio-Diesel blends remains within 1% of Petro-diesel.

  13. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) • Bsfc highest with B100, followed by B50. Lowest bsfc with Petro-diesel. • With B10 and B20 blends, negligible penalty in terms of volumetric fuel consumption.

  14. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Thermal Efficiency B0 blend gives the lowest thermal efficiency, thereby concluding that biodiesel has improved combustion efficiency.

  15. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Exhaust Temperatures & Boost air pressure • Exhaust gas temperatures show a downward trend with higher percentage of biodiesel. • Boost air pressure (Pressure at the exit of compressor) reduces due to reduced energy content of the exhaust gases.

  16. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Fuel Injection pressure • Good correlation between kinematic viscosity and fuel injection pressures. • Higher injection pressures suitable for improved fuel atomization.

  17. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris NOx Emissions • NOx emissions increase upto 4th Notch and decrease thereafter. • Lowest NOx emissions with B10 and highest with B50.

  18. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Gaseous HC Emissions • GHC show a generally downward trend from B0 to B100. • GHC is lowest with B100 and highest with B0. • Indicates improved combustion characteristics of biodiesel.

  19. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris CO Emissions • CO emissions are comparable and less than 0.2 gm/hr. • For B100, CO emissions at 8th notch are significantly higher.

  20. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris p-θ & lN- θ diagram for B0

  21. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris p-θ & lN- θ diagram for B20

  22. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris p-θ & lN- θ diagram for B100

  23. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Combustion Analysis • With Petro-diesel, the peak firing pressure is 130 bar, with B20 and B100, the pressures are less than 110 bar. • This is due to poor volatility of biodiesel. • Combustion starts early with biodiesel blends, at 17° CA BTDC as compared to 10° CA BTDC for Petrodiesel suggesting lower ignition delay for biodiesel. • For Petro-diesel, the Needle lift is less than 0.2 mm whereas with the Biodiesel blends, it is more than 0.6 mm. • Duration of fuel injection is more in the biodiesel blends as compared to petro-diesel. • Difference is due to lower calorific value and higher viscosity of biodiesel.

  24. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Shatabdi Express Trial • Indian Railways tried a 5% blend of bio diesel on ALCO locomotive to haul their prestigious Shatabdi express on 31st Dec, 2002. • Hauling Capacity: No adverse effect was observed during the run in terms of haulage capacity etc. • Filters: No unusual deposits were noticed on the filter surface. • Fuel Injection System: The fuel injection pumps and injector nozzles were also found in satisfactory condition.

  25. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Field Trials - II • Subsequently, in May 2004, the locomotive hauling the • Jan-Shatabadi Exp. from Lucknow to Allahabad has been fuelled with B10 and performance monitored for 5 days. • No adverse effect has been observed with B10 also in terms of • haulage capacity, • lube oil consumption, • abnormal engine performance etc. • No unusual deposits have been noticed in the fuel filters in this trials also. • Fuel injection pumps and injector nozzles • found in satisfactory condition and • free from any gum or resinous deposits.

  26. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Present Status • Indian Railways have signed an MOU with Indian Oil Corporation to plant Jatropha saplings on land to be provided by Indian Railways. • This pilot project is aimed at generating base-line scientific data on growth of plants, seedlings, yield of the oil seeds, oil from seeds etc. • All the Railways have grown Jatropha plants on their surplus land. • Indian Railways have advertised seeking Expression of Interest for Jatropha plantation in Railway land of about 43,000 Hectares. • Railway Board has issued instructions to all Zonal Railways to set up their transesterification plants. • RDSO plans to set up state of the art hetrogenous catalyst based transesterification plant to try out Bio-diesels produced from different plants.

  27. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Present Status (Contd.) • Southern Railway has got their own transesterification plant and are running two Diesel Multiple units on B5 blend. • Northern Railway has recently set up transesterification plants at their Shakurbasti and Tughlakabad Diesel sheds. • South Eastern and Northeast Frontier Railways are also running trains with B10 diesel. • Northern Railways will start field trials with 3000 KL of B-10 blend in their Alambagh Diesel shed based locomotives. • Railway Board has advertised seeking Expression of Interest for supply of 50,000 KL of Bio-Diesel to Indian Railways.

  28. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris MoU with IOC - Salient features • Signed in February 2003 for a period of 15 years. • Railways has offered about 500 hectare land to IOC for plantation of Jatropha curcas. • IOC will take up plantation, extraction, transesterification. • 81 hectareshave already been planted and normal yield expected from 2008. • IR will use bio diesel supplied by IOC. • Starting with 1-5% bio diesel, Indian Railways will go upto 20 % depending on field experience.

  29. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Future Plan of RDSO • Well to wheel project for biodiesel at RDSO. • Setting up of pilot biodiesel plant with heterogeneous catalyst technology. • Transesterification with multiple stocks. • Engine studies and optimisation with multi-stock biodiesel, Jatropha, Karanja, etc. • Finalise the specifications for Biodiesel plants in Zonal Railways. • Development of Industry for production of biodiesel. • Monitoring of B10/B20 blended biodiesel on whole fleet of diesel locomotives.

  30. Multiple feed stocks planned by RDSO 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris • Non-edible oils • Jatropha Curcas, Pongamia Pinata, Shorea Robusta, Mahua, Neem, Rubber, Tree Seed etc. • Waste vegetable oils • Lard/ Other waste animal fats • Surplus edible oils • Biomass to Liquid - BTL

  31. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Future Engine Studies on RDSO Test bed • Modify fuel injection timings. • Increasing compression ratio. • Increase / decrease fuel injection pressure and injection rate. • Optimisation of Intake manifold air temperature. • Improve turbocharger match and air boost. • Improve and optimise individual notch and duty-cycle operations. • Toxicological Studies.

  32. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Quality Assurance • Problems • Long term stability • Compatibility with natural rubber, plastics • Purity is process dependent • Pour point is high • Special equipments for certain parameters • Standards • IS 15607:2005 • ASTM D 6751 • EN 14214 • Test Laboratories • IOC(R&D) • RDSO • IIP • IICT • Private Sector

  33. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Savings of HSD with use of Biodiesel Thus if B10 blend is used by IR, then 200 million litres of diesel shall be saved annually.

  34. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Land requirement • Land availability with Indian Railways – 44,000 ha • Ministry of Rural development plans for 11Million ha of wastelands • Land availability through Intercropping

  35. Contract Management 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris • Public Private Partnership • Vendor selection procedures • ISO TS 16949 • Juran’s 16-step vendor development procedure, etc. • Market friendly contract conditions • Reduction of delay points • In synchronisation with International practices

  36. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Conclusion • Initial engine test bed and field trials have shown promising results in use of biodiesel as alternative fuel for Diesel traction on Indian Railways. • Optimisation of the engine parameters are required for widespread use of Biodiesel on diesel locomotives.

  37. Eco-Friendly Locomotives of IR 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Not only travelling along greener pastures but using Bio-fuels as well

  38. 1st Workshop on Railways and Biofuel at UIC, Paris Thank You

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