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Class 8: New Look II. Unconscious Motives. Thematic Apperception Task (TAT). Correl. between TAT and self-report is low. Indicates? Which predicts short term motivation better? Which predicts long-term career outcomes better?. You would like to be a: ___ Leader ___ Follower
Unconscious Motives Thematic Apperception Task (TAT) Correl. between TAT and self-report is low. Indicates? Which predicts short term motivation better? Which predicts long-term career outcomes better? You would like to be a: ___ Leader ___ Follower ___ In charge ___ Meeting others' goals [EXPLICIT MEASURE OF NEED FOR POWER] Self Report TAT
Choices Based on Feelings Vs. Reason "Wagner's music is better than it sounds" Mark Twain A B Give 5 reasons why you like Painting A and Painting B OR Pick the painting you like better Take home favored painting. 5 weeks later, rate how much you now like painting? At 5 weeks, which group happier with choice? Those who picked w/o analyzing. Why?
Unconscious Emotions and Consumption Behavior Winkielman, Berridge, & Wilbarger, 2005
Alliesthesia Motivational state shapes “incentive value” of stimuli Water tastes better when thirsty Food tastes better when hungry Aromas more appealing when hungry Question: Would friend look kinder when you are lonely? Braver when you are scared?
Theoretical Model Action X Motives Affect Happy Neutral Angry Evaluation Subliminal Emotional Stimuli
Greenwald: Is Uncons. Smart or Dumb? Unconscious does exist Operates at simple level: dumb, not smart Techniques to investigate unc. * Subliminal activation (M & I = 1) * Selective attention (dichotic listening) Findings * Unc. affects memory: "mere exposure" * Unc. affects learning: grammar, co- variation rules. * Implicit memory—amnesiacs and pin-prick Conclusion: Unc. sensitivities based on gross cues, like those used to sort "junk mail".
Implicit Covariation Task Lewicki, Hill, & Czyzewska, (1992) Learning Tables Subjects see many of these Test Table Subjects fill in missing cell
Implicit Covariation Task Lewicki, Hill, & Czyzewska, (1992) 6 Learning Tables Subjects see many of these Test Table Subjects fill in missing cell
Dan Simon’s Research on “Change Blindness” http://viscog.beckman.illinois.edu/flashmovie/15.php http://viscog.beckman.illinois.edu/flashmovie/10.php Gorilla not seen if attention diverted by other task Change blindness: Stranger asking directions How are these phenomena relate to New Look? To ability to see but not see?
Erdelyi New Look not about consc/unc. but about interactions between external stims and internal states. New Look about "constructions" of reality What is perceived is in fact inferred (Bartlett). Evolution of New Look approach Bartlett (New Look 0) -- percepts reconstructed out of intellective/cognitive needs (coherence, intelligibility, schemas) Freud (New Look -1) -- percepts also influenced by emotions (emotional acceptability, emotional integrity).
New Look, Unconscious, and Psychodynamics New Look is about psychodynamics But psychodynamics ≠ unconscious Status of "unconscious" remains unclear * Poorly defined (attn to outward things only? what about attn. to inner states?) * Where does perception become memory? * How come uncons. displayed with some measures (e.g., recall) but not others (e.g., recognition)? * Where does cons. --> uncons --> cons? Hypermnesia * Unc. is neither dumb nor simple
Jacoby, et al. Uncon. definitely exists—question is how and where it influences thought and behavior. Uncon defined: psych states (thoughts, behaviors) that lack conscious control Is uncons. an uptown gent or a downtown dude? a. clean, dry, cognition-based entity b. dirty, wet, emotion/need based entity c. Jacoby agnostic on this question
Projective Tests of the "Hot" Unconscious Rorschach Inkblot Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Evidence of "Cool" Unconscious Amnesiacs -- recall of negative events (pin prick), word stem completions and priming. Blindsight patients -- can't consciously see, but behave as if they did see. Prsopagnosia --Can't consciously recognize face, but show GSR to familiar faces. Normals -- mere exposure, perceptual fluency, implicit covariation
Jacoby et al. Method -- Memory Dissociations • Noise Judgments -- • Background noise more/less loud for previously heard sentences? • Background noise more/less loud for emote. arousing sentences? • False Fame -- Mistake familiarity of name with fame of named person. • Unconscious influence -- Question of control • Method of Opposition -- false fame task strong under distraction, weak under non-distraction--when all Ss told that List 1 was non-fame.
Jacoby vs. Greenwald Greenwald -- two senses of unconscious 1. Unconscious perception 2. Unconscious/automatic influences on memory Jacoby -- Both issues subsumed by cognitive control May be aware of event in moment, but then forget this awareness. However "damage done", learning occurred. We just forgot that it occurred. "Subliminal messages" might be seen, then forgotten, in subsequent attn. to lyrics, movie images.
Pooping Babies: Biological States, Primed Goals, and Emotional Reactions Shidlovksi & Hasssin, 2011
Emotions Serve Goals Old View: Emotions once seen as obstacles to goals, and self control New view: Emotions can abet goals 1. Provide feedback on progress [HOW SO?] 2. People prefer emotions that advance goals: Anger, excitement [WHY?] Emotions modulate goal-related behavior. Act as “accelerator” or “brake” Unconscious goals can therefor affect conscious emotions.
Study Design Goal Relevant (peak fertility Ss) Goal Irrelevant (low fertility Ss) Motherhood Prime Neutral Prime Motherhood Prime Neutral Prime Disgusting Stim Disgusting Stim Goal Relevant Goal Irrelevant Goal Relevant Goal Irrelevant How disgusting is this picture? 1 – 9 [MEASURES GOAL-REL. EMOTION] How much want to establish family? 1– 9 [MEASURES CONSCIOUSNESS OF GOAL]
Disgust Ratings Due to Stim, Prime, and Physio. State Goal-Related Stim (Runny Nose Baby) Goal-Unrelated Stim (Rotten Vegs.)
Questions and Issues with "Pooping Babies" 1. How is this model similar to Winkielman et al. unconscious emotions model? What is the precondition that both models share? Unc. Emotions: Must have relevant motivational state (i.e. thirsty). Unc. Goals: Must have relevant motivational state (i.e. fertility) 2. Unexpected outcome #1: Low fertility women primed with "motherhood" esp. disgusted with snotty baby. Why? 3. Unexpected outcome #2: High fertility women, regardless of prime, are less disgusted by gross things unrelated to babies. Why? 4. Problems with study? a. Very high attrition -- lost over 50% of subjects b. No replication--just single study. Psych. Sci. should require rep. c. Generalizability: What other motivational states are like fertility?