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Falconry. By David Selden-Treiman. Falconry. Falconry in ancient times was a way for people to get food. Today falconry is mainly a sport today. Falconry. Some types of falcons are: The American Kestrel 9” to 12” falco sparverius The Prairie Falcon 12” falco mexicanus

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  1. Falconry By David Selden-Treiman

  2. Falconry • Falconry in ancient times was a way for people to get food. • Today falconry is mainly a sport today.

  3. Falconry • Some types of falcons are: • The American Kestrel 9” to 12” falco sparverius • The Prairie Falcon 12” falco mexicanus • The Merlin Falcon 10” to 13.5” falcocolumbanus • The Oyrfalcon 20” to 25” falco rusticolus TYPES OF FALCONS

  4. Falconry • Here are some facts about falcons today. • The smallest falcon is the American Kestrel. • The Largest Falcon is the Oyrfalcon

  5. Falconry • In ancient times falconry was a popular sport. The following is evidence to support that: • In Turkey, archeologists found several carvings from approximately 1500 b.c. It shows a large bird (held by its legs) in the fist of a human. • Also in Turkey there is another carving dated to 722-705 b. c. with a falcon in its fist. Falconry in Turkey

  6. Falconry • Also falconry was practiced in other countries. Some countries that used falconry are: • China, before 2000 b. c. • Japan, India, Persia, and other Asian countries around 600 b. c. Acient Falconry in Asia

  7. Falconry • Around the second half of the 9th century falconry was popular in England. Falconry was used widely until the first half of the 17th century. Acient Falconry in England

  8. Falconry • The following are some terms for falconry. • An aerie is a falcon’s nest • Mewing is when a falcon is molting • After a falcon molts it is called an intermewed • A falcons dive when it’s wings are closed it is called a stoop Terms for Falconry

  9. Falconry • Terms for falconry continued. • When a falcon seizes its prey it is called a clutch • When a falcon clings to its prey it is called a bind. • When a flacon is sleeping it is called jonking. • When falcons are fighting it is called crabbing. • Bating or fluttering of the wings Terms for falconry continued

  10. Falconry THE END

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