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Splash page 2008 National ICT Careers Week Seeking participants in the 2008 National ICT Careers Week 28 July – 2 August 2008 Start Here Go Anywhere What is the National ICT Careers Week

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  1. Splash page

  2. 2008 National ICT Careers Week Seeking participants in the 2008 National ICT Careers Week 28 July – 2 August 2008 Start Here Go Anywhere

  3. What is the National ICT Careers Week • During one week in July 2008 and across Australia, we want to show the opportunities available to young people in information and communications technology. • We want to encourage young people to consider studying ICT after their schooling and to consider a career in ICT. • We want them to see studying computing and communications is the start to a rewarding, interesting and social career anywhere in the world.

  4. About the Career Week • This week is aimed at young people, their parents and teachers, parliamentarians, and journalists.This campaign is designed to be largely decentralised as to the types and style of marketing initiatives and activities conducted by the participating organisations.

  5. Our messages for ICT careers • ICT is a truly global career – your work in ICT can take you round the world; • No matter what area you want to work in, studying ICT will help you achieve it. • ICT – be part of the solution for climate change. • ICT is entertainment = movies, music, games, animation and fashion. • ICT = great job + great money + great lifestyle • ICT is about working with people, helping people and solving people’s problems. • A degree in ICT is an international passport to overseas jobs, travel and new career horizons. • ICT work is good money and great career prospects - ICT just keeps growing • ICT means meeting people and working with teams of people

  6. What can be done Concepts and ideas suggested by others include: • having State Premier release a supportive media release • re-branding an existing career activity happening in that week • school ICT student visits • demonstrations of ICT in use • visits to ICT companies and ICT faculties and schools • briefing of journalists • ICT study information on company web sites • briefing to ICT school teachers • promoting ICT study on the front page on university and TAFE web sites

  7. Keynote events • Keynote events will be arranged to have the campaign endorsed by key people/organisations such as State Premiers, relevant Federal and State Ministers of education and innovation, heads of peak organisations, influential young celebrities. • These keynote events/stunts will help draw attention to the campaign for parents, teachers and other influencers. If possible, these keynote events will draw TV coverage. • Participating organisations will be asked to either suggest keynote events, or to arrange a keynote activity.

  8. Media engagement • Journalists with interests in ICT careers and studies will be identified and contacted about the National ICT Careers Week. • Participating organisations will be encouraged to use their existing media relationships. • Journalists will be encouraged to contact the participating organisations to allow for individual media relationships for the National ICT Careers Week. • Media briefings will be held in May 2008 to brief the journalists about the campaign, the participating organisations, and the collection portal. In addition, information and data on ICT employment etc will be provided so they have a common set of data points.

  9. A single brand • The Career Week will use the Start Here Go Anywhere brand. • The immediate advantages of having single and national brand to market ICT study and careers to young people are that: • the clutter of images associated with ICT marketing is reduced, and • various groups can use the brand within a relaxed and distributed regime of deployment while achieving an overall integrated marketing appearance.

  10. Coordination and support • To support and manage this project, a steering committee will need to be formed from government, education providers, ICT industry and professional associations, and other groups. • AIIA and ACS will take a leadership role to recruit participants, promulgate the participants’ activities; to maximise media attention; to manage generic information resources; and to initiative future activities opened by the success of the marketing campaign.

  11. Participants wanted • Industry and business associations • ICT industry • ICT professional associations • Women in ICT Groups • Science, ICT school teachers groups • Tertiary educators • VET educators • Federal Government • State Government agencies • Careers advisers • Other groups and organisations

  12. How to participate • Develop your ideas • Contact AIIA or ACS for advice • Register to participate • Agree to brand conditions of use • Develop your activity • Participate in meetings of participating organisations • Help marketing to journalists, teachers, parents, government, careers advisers • Present your activity during the Week • Help review and improve for next year

  13. Contact Michel Hedley • Australian Information Industry Association • Phone 0417 695 616 • Email m.hedley@aiia.com.au Len Joynson • Australian Computer Society • Phone 02 8296 4418 • Email len.joynson@acs.org.au

  14. Why are ICT people important?

  15. ICT - impacts everything, everywhere In Australia, the application of technology helps drive significant upswings in economic productivity. Technology impacts every part of our economy – from health, education, environment and security to research & development, oil & gas exploration, manufacturing, tourism and transport.

  16. ICT - driving the Australian economy • ICT is the fundamental driver of employment in both the ICT industry and across other industries, employing over 500,000 Australians. • ICT accounts for around 6% of Australia’s total GDP. • Australia’s ICT revenue is currently around $85 billion pa. • 514,000 people work in ICT related and professional roles. ICT also contributes AUD$4.6 billion in export. • $50 million worth of ICT jobs are expected to be created over the next 12 to 18 months. • The Australian ICT industry comprises 25,562 companies.

  17. How does ICT connect with state and national priorities? Our nation and state face many challenges in: • Climate change & energy • Global economic climate • Investment in technologies • Employment constraints • Education • Health • Security • An ageing population The application of ICT is vital for enabling the solutions to these pressing, key issues.

  18. Australia > we have a people problem • Will the Australian ICT industry (and its customers) be able to recruit sufficient employees with the appropriate ICT qualifications and training in the short and long term?

  19. Declining numbers Student demand for IT courses has decreased markedly over recent years. Eligible applicants for IT courses decreased by 66% over the 2001-2007 period. These trends will have an impact on the number of graduates available to work in ICT from this supply channel over the next 5 years. There are also some concerns that increasing offer rates may result in increased attrition rates, if less able students are offered places. Source: DEST

  20. Australia will have a problem The continued productivity dividend that is provided by ICT to the Australian economy is being severely jeopardised because Australia does not have sufficient people with appropriate and relevant ICT skills joining the local workforce.

  21. Employers will have a problem Increasing competition for skilled people • within the industry • from non-ICT industries Increasing competition from businesses in other countries Increasing pressure on employers to pay higher remuneration to ICT employees • Need for company retention programs • Higher training and reskilling costs Constraints on business and economic activity

  22. What we want from our ICT staff? The roles that ICT professionals perform are becoming increasingly diverse and cause constant change in the job tasks within ICT occupations. The work of an ICT professional can now encompass: • management of significant ICT contracts with major vendors; • development of application‑oriented solutions; • implementation, management and support of ICT systems; and • selling of ICT products and services; and undertaking consultancies. The skills required vary considerably. They range from very specific in‑depth technical knowledge and expertise to others where broader technical ability is needed alongside good interpersonal and project management skills.

  23. What’s the response?What’s the action? • Run a new high-profile ICT Careers week (last week of July 2008). • Seek to create a new national ICT careers portal. • Turnaround the decline in ICT course enrolments • Re-energise & restructure ICT course agendas through industry involvement. • Better insights into what impacts ICT career choices. • Build deeper government support for our programs. • Develop cross industry plan to re-training and re-skilling. • Better modelling of ICT supply/demand patterns.

  24. Start here: Go anywhere National brand being used to encourage year 12 students to sign up for post-school ICT courses Being used by Federal & State governments, industry and professional associations, education providers, ICT companies, women in IT groups, and others

  25. Thank you

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