1. Council Bluffs Community School District Budget2005-2006
2. Budget Timeline2005-2006 Board Meeting Date: April 12, 2005
Distribute Information with Board Agenda:
April 7, 2005
Budget Public Hearing/Board Approval of the:
2005-2006 Budget
Budget Reductions
Budget Priorities
3. Budget Priorities 2005-2006
4. Budget Priorities
5. Solvency RatioandBudget Reduction 2005-2006
6. History of Solvency Ratio
7. Budget Reduction Process Level One:
Reduction of Operational Expenses or Increase in Revenue through Grants and Fees
Level Two:
Reduction in Personnel Costs without Layoffs or Program Cuts
Level Three:
Reduction or Elimination of Programs and Associated Personnel
8. Budget Reduction 2005-2006 I. Facilities/Operational Support - $297,839
Lease buses from bus company.
Reallocate Kanesville space/Integrate PACT program.
Reduce summer school transportation.
Reduce building and department budgets.
Evaluate all energy savings possibilities.
9. Budget Reduction 2005-2006 II. Program Support - $166,133
Reduce number of Extra/Co-Curricular
B. Restructure use of substitutes.
C. Adjust a portion of funding for police liaison
D. Shift cost of one position for elementary reading support.
E. Outside provider for infant and toddler program.
10. Budget Reduction 2005-2006 III. Staffing - $1,178,035
Reduce staff through attrition.
Capture anticipated turnover savings.
Savings achieved through mid-year vacancies 04-05.
Participate in UNO Cadre Program.
Consolidate after-school credit programs.
Combine truancy, mediation and dropout recovery.
11. Budget Reduction 2005-2006 IV. New Revenue - $48,280
Increase textbook fees-elementary.
Increase driver’s ed. fees.
Extend facility fees to more users; minimize waivers.
Re-structure summer school and night high school fees.
Consider renting facilities for outside events.
12. School Finance Formula
13. ALLOWABLE GROWTH INTRODUCTION The State Aid formula is complex.
The State Aid formula provides financial equity for school districts, therefore, the opportunity for program equity.
The Operating Fund is a mix of local property taxes and State Aid.
Each district’s allowable growth is impacted by enrollment gains and losses.
The Governor recommends and the legislature sets the allowable growth rate.
14. Allowable Growth
15. Tax Rate Estimate
16. Allowable Growth
17. Property Tax Rate
18. Tax Rate Drop Out Prevention from $1,395,000 to $1,950,000 – Increase $555,000
Cash Reserve Levy from $250,000 to $545,000 – Increase $295,000
Management Levy from $750,000 to $975,000 – Increase $225,000
Total Increase $1,075,000
Property Tax Rate from $15.18 to $15.81 - Increase $.63
19. ResidentialAppraised Value of Home: $100,000
20. CommercialAppraised Value of Business: $100,000
21. Proposed Property Taxes 2005-06 Foundation Formula Taxes
Property Taxes
Voter Approved Taxes
Instructional Support Levy
$.67 PPEL
Debt Service
Board Approved Taxes
Management Levy
$.33 PPEL
Drop Out Prevention
Cash Reserve Levy
23. Proposed Property Taxes2005-2006
24. Revenue Breakdown 2005-2006
25. Revenue2005-2006
26. Expenditures2005-2006
27. Certified Budget Requirements Breakdown Instruction
Regular Programs
Special Programs
Vocational Programs
Co-Curricular Programs
Non-Public Programs
Continuing Ed Programs
Activity Funds
28. Certified Budget Requirements Breakdown Support Services
Student Support Services
Instructional Staff Support Services
General Administration
Building Administration
Business Administration
Plant Operation and Maintenance
Student Transportation
Central Support Services
29. Certified Budget Requirements Breakdown Noninstructional Programs
Nutrition Services
Community Education
30. Certified Budget Requirements Breakdown Other Expenditures
Physical Plant and Equipment Levy and Construction
Capital Projects – Sales Tax Funds
Debt Service
AEA Support – Direct to AEA