1. GnRH agonist In Gynaecology(GnRHa) Dr. Salah Baloul MRCOG
Consultant Obstetrician &Gynaecologist
Taif Maternity Hospt ,K.S.A
3. Preparations Different preparations.Nona and Deca peptides
Different doses depends on preparation, route of administration(Sub/c injection or implants, I.M and intranasal .. commonest) e.g Nafarelin, Buserlin, Goserelin, Leuprorelin)
New preparations works for up to 90 days
4. Side Effects Breakthrough bleeding (initially)
Hypoesterogenic Status : Hot flushes, palpitations, increased sweating, vaginal dryness, change of libido, headache or migraine.
Osteoporosis: Duration dependant, 6% possible loss, reversible
5. Contra-indications Pregnancy
Breast feeding
Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
6. Clinical Application(1) General Gynaecology:
Uterine fibroids
Central precocious puberty
Premenstrual syndrome
Hyperandrogenism (PCOS,Hirsutism)
Chronic Pelvic pain
7. Uterine fibroids Before hysterectomy: reduces size by 50%. Correction of anaemia (6.4 to 13.2 gm/dl).vaginal feasibility up to 18l52 size.
Before hysteroscopic surgery: 38% size reduction, reduces fluid load risk,HB correction. Possible stromal tumour detection(no or <10% size reduction)
8. Uterine fibroids cont Before myomectomy: reduces tumour size, intra operative bleeding, and p.operative morbidity.
No effect on dissection or enucleation.
Duration: 8-12 weeks maximum benefit.delay of surgery for >12 weeks growth to previous size.
Subserosal ? Necrosis & acute presentation.
9. Endometriosis Growth associated with oesrogen & cyclical ovarian steroids .
Symptoatic: usually pain. Depends on site of implants. Dysmenorrhea. Post coital, pelvic,etc
Ovarian cyst
10. Endometriosis 2 GnRHa:
superior to other medications in symptomatic patients clinically & objectively and in number of patients withdrawal.
In ovarian cyst and implants: reduces vasculation , pelvic inflammation and size
Infertility: the contribution of the disease itself in infertility depends on its extent.
Add back
11. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding Indications for GnHRa:
Failure of conventional treatment
Pre operative: *hysterectomy * Endometrial ablation or TCRE ( Render endometrium atrophic and reduces operative time fluid load risk)
12. Chronic Pelvic Pain Common Gynaecological problem
Residual ovary syndrome
Pelvic congestion syndrome
GnRHa:*reduces vascularity&inflammation
*Suppress ovulation, prevents capsular expansion & reduces ovulation pain
HRT add back
13. PMS Aetiology??
Cyclical symptoms: psychological, behavioural, and somatic
Conventional treatment:???. Ovariectomy
GnRHa: medical ovariectomy
Diagnostic. Not with affective disorder
Duration:3-6/month,add back HRT
May precipitate depression (original symptom!)
14. Central precocious puberty Idiopathic CPP( GnRH dependant)
Peripheral PP ( GnRH independent)
Problems: Sexual maturation, Rapid bone growth
GnRHa:* Slows sexual development without compromise of sexual potential . *Arrest and normalization of bone growth *Safe , effective and reversible
Duration : > 12 months
15. Hyprandrogenism GnHRa :reduces serum testosterone & andr- osteroidione 50%. No effect on DHES (adrenal).Ovaries has minimal contribution.
Has a place in Idiopathic Hirsutism and PCOS ( Not entirely ovarian). Other drugs are more acceptable.
16. Clinical Application (2) Infertility :
Ovulation induction
Stimulation for IVF cycles
Trigger of ovulation( to prevent OHSS)
17. infertility In ovulation induction & IVF cycles
just prior to HCG use
requires luteal phase support
Avoidance of premature LH surge
synchronization of follicular growth. Hence improves quality of ovum collection
Organization of cycles and less cancellation
18. Infertility (cont) Trigger of ovulation: instead of HCG.single or double doses.usually intranasal
Longer life results in less luteotrophic effect & development of multiple corpora lutea
May reduce the risk of OHSS.
Prerequisite: No prior use of GnRHa in the cycle.infertility not related to GnRHa deficiency
Pulsatile GnRHa in cycle stimulation
19. Clinical Application (3) Oncology:
Breast malignancy
Ovarian malignancy
Endometrial malignancy
20. BREAST: as adjuvant therapy with wide local incision in premenoupasl. Palliative in advance cases( pre & postmenopasusal pts)
OVARIAN:Epithelial tumours ,advance cases or refractory after chemotherapy.
ENDOMETRIAL: metastaic advance cases. (progesterone & oestrogen receptors +ve)
21. Conclusion Different preparation with different bioviability and half life.
Requires sustained release to result in down regulation effect,and medical ovariectomy.
Duration is limited by side effects.
Add back therapy may be required.
GnRH antagonists may take over its action.