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Mahavir Education Trust’s Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College. PRESENTS. ADDITIONAL MMS COURSE (PROPOSED). About Mahavir Education Trust.
Mahavir Education Trust’sShah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College PRESENTS
About Mahavir Education Trust Mahavir Education Trust, established for the purpose of developing technical education, started the Enginering College in July 1984 with the help of munificent donations from the two main donors viz. • Shri. Lalji Velji Anchorwala • Smt. Shah Laxmiben Karamshi Bhujpurwala CheritableTrust Both the donors belong to the Kutchhi Community and as per their wish the Engineering College is named as “Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Enginneing College”
Honourable Members of Mahavir Education TrustBoard of Trustees
The College is approved by A.I.C.T.E., and awarded Accreditation for Electronics Engg. course by National Board of Accreditation for a period of 3 years from 15/02/2005. • College is recognized and awarded Grade ‘A’ by the Directorate of Technical Education, M.S. • College is affiliated to the University of Mumbai. • The college is ISO 9001:2000 certified
Mahavir Education Trust established “Shah & Anchor Kuchhi Polytechnic at Chembur before starting the Engineering College”. The polytechnic was inaugurated by Late Shri Vasantdada Patil, the then Hon’ble Chief Mainister of Maharashtra State. The Polytechnic is recognized by the Govt. Of Maharshtra’s Dept. of Technical Education and conducts courses leading to the Diploma in • Electronics Engg. • Computer Technology • Electronics and Telecommunication • Information Technology awarded by the Board of Technical Examination of Maharashtra State. The Polytechnic is accredited by NationalBoard of Accreditation for two course viz. • Electronics an Telecommunication • Computer Technology
Placements The placement cell conducts Aptitude tests, mock interviews and expert lectures to prepare students for placement interviews. The average salary was Rs. 2.5 Lakhs per annum for duly placed students of 2005-06 batch. The renowned companies who recruited our students are given below. The details …….
Flow of Presentation • List of Appointed staff members for Proposed MMS Course • Ratio of Teacher : Students • Proof of Vth pay commission paid to the staff. • Area of the Proposed MMS course (Including Carpet Area) • Equipments / machinery is to be purchased
Orders and acceptance for computers for MMS Course. • Orders and acceptance ( proposed) for Library books and journals for MMS Course. • Interim fee proposed for MMS Course for academic year 2007-08 • Existing and proposed details of Built-up area of the institute in the prescribed format • Proposed delivery of MMS Course
2. Ratio of Teacher : Students (Existing Engg. College and Proposed MMS course) For Proposed MMS course, we have appointed 4 Faculty members against the intake of 60 students. Therefore the ratio of Teacher : students Is 1 : 15
3. Proof of Vth pay commission paid to the staff. Vth Pay commission is already implemented in the existing Engineering college. The details of the same is available in the salary register of January, 2007 which is attached in the file.
Equipments / machinery For proposed MMS Course, the total of Rs. 11,43,000/- (approx) will be spent on furniture/fixtures
6. Orders and acceptance for computers for MMS Course. Order placed for computer to M/s Libra Systems, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. 400 705 70 computers at the rate of Rs. 39,000/- Total cost will be Rs. 27,30,000/- 5 Printers at the rate of Rs 15,900/- Total cost will be Rs. 79,500/-
1 Color printer at the rate of Rs. 17,100 Grand total of the order placed is Rs. 28,26,600/- Acceptance of M/s Libra Systems vide their letter dated: 09-12-2006
7. Orders to be placed for Library books and journals for MMS Course. Quotations have been received and order is to be placed for Books and Journals with M/s Navkar Book Distributors, Dist: Thane 421201 For Rs 5,00,000/- (approx)
8.Interim fee proposed for MMS Course for academic year 2007-08 We are proposing Rs. 80,000/- per year per student
9. Existing and proposed details of Built-up area of the institute in the prescribed format (Area in Sq mtr)
10. Proposed delivery of MMS Course • The Program will be delivered by core faculty and eminent experts from industry and academic as visiting faculty. • The lectures and tutorials will form part of structured formal learning. • Other mode of interactive and experiential learning will consist of management games, case-studies, participation in seminars and workshops and also out-bound training for students • Faculty development will be through sponsored seminars and workshops, membership of professional society, consultancy assignments etc. • Management development programs may be offered with the help of various corporate.