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Mapletoen 2 Martineau - ppt

There is no scoring in this game however you do receive drops and money (mesos) ... Music and sound effects get annoying after a while (thankfully you can shut them ...

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Mapletoen 2 Martineau - ppt

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:Maple Story By: Nick Martineau

    Slide 2:General Game Information Title: Maple Story Company: Wizet\NX Games Type: Side Scrolling 2D MMORPG Price: Free

    Slide 3:General Game Information Hardware Specs:

    Slide 4:Quick Overview Maple Story is the worlds first 2D side scrolling MMORPG Original target audience was for kids between the ages of 7-15 but the average age of a player is 24 Over 1.5 Million people registered to play

    Slide 5:Quick Overview Cont. Four different flavors of the game MapleGlobal � United States MapleSea � China MapleKorea � Korea MapleEurope � Europe With anywhere from 5-10 servers per flavor 20 channels per server

    Slide 6:Story Line No real continuity to the game, do what you want, when you want

    Slide 7:Player Roles Four different roles to play Thief Bowmen Magician Warrior

    Slide 8:Instillation Go to http://www.mapleglobal.com/ click on the download button and download the game. NOTE: The web page must be opened in Internet Explorer About 200MB Run the downloaded file to install

    Slide 9:User Interface

    Slide 10:User Interface Cont.

    Slide 11:User Interface Cont.

    Slide 12:User Interface Cont. Fairly functional game play without to many problems Controls can be tricky, there are about 45 keys that are bound to various functions Better to use a gamepad with keyboard bindings

    Slide 13:Game Play

    Slide 14:Game Play Cont.

    Slide 15:Game Play Cont.

    Slide 16:Game Play Cont.

    Slide 17:Game Play Cont.

    Slide 18:Game Play Cont. Playing the game is quite simple Run around Kill stuff Do missions Gain expirence Level up Don�t die

    Slide 19:Scoring There is no scoring in this game however you do receive drops and money (mesos) from monsters that are either traded in or used to buy various items Experience

    Slide 20:Artwork Visually stunning for a 2D game Not a lot of animation Lots of monster artwork (about 2000 monsters in the game) Lots of item artwork (about 1000 items in the game)

    Slide 21:Monster Artwork

    Slide 22:Sound and Music Not the best midi files ever Some sound effects are cool others are annoying Ability to shut the music/sound effects off

    Slide 23:Special Features Cash Shop The way the game makes money Can buy different items, pets, gear, safety charms, etc�

    Slide 24:Manual Not an official game manual but there are several web sites that will help you www.hidden-street.net www.basilmarket.com

    Slide 25:Bugs Hacking!!!

    Slide 26:Game Review What is good/fun about the game? Its eclectic Easy to learn, easy to play Great artwork for monsters, skills and worlds Social interaction, play against the world Play for free, character never expires Unlimited character levels

    Slide 27:Game Review Cont. What is bad about the game? At level 60 it takes about 10 hours to level your character and grows every level Quests don�t give enough experience at high levels (level 65 quest gives 10k exp when you need 1.9 Million to level) Hackers � VacHack, map hack, destroys the game and the economy

    Slide 28:End of Class Presentation Question? Comments?

    Slide 29:How does it compare to similar games in the same genre? Character types are similar (warrior, thief, mage, bowmen, etc�) 2D graphics makes the game easier to explore but doesn't give it any depth like 3D games Free to play, no monthly fees, no cost to buy the game, only pay if you want to buy something from the cash shop

    Slide 30:Better or worse then similar game? Better Free to play, easy to learn Lots of things to do, lots of areas to explore Worse No depth to the game While 2D is cool it gets old after a while, you cant run around monsters

    Slide 31:Appropriate Age As it was mentioned before, the target audience was for 7-15 year olds but the average player is 24

    Slide 32:Design Mistakes Allow hackers to hack Not a full proof system to stop hackers GM�s don�t respond quick enough to players requests

    Slide 33:Summary Strengths 2D art work is amazing Lots of areas to explore Lots of game content (missions) to do Tons of monsters Lots of skills Unlimited levels Free to play and own Eclectic and fun

    Slide 34:Summary Cont Weaknesses 2D gets old after a while Takes forever to level as the character progresses Hacking destroys the game economy Music and sound effects get annoying after a while (thankfully you can shut them off)

    Slide 35:Worth Purchasing? Yes and no I suppose Its worth getting and playing but you don�t have to pay for it

    Slide 36:How could it be improved? Get rid of the hackers Cut down on the amount of experience needed to level in the latter levels Have more quests that reward the player more frequently

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