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Partnership Offer Contents What is Virtonomics ? Project’s audience Advertising in games Our advantages Partnership alternatives Media advertising Banner advertising Advertising in an online-newspaper « Virtonomics Times » Product placement Franchise
Contents • What is Virtonomics? • Project’s audience • Advertising in games • Our advantages • Partnership alternatives • Media advertising • Banner advertising • Advertising in an online-newspaper «Virtonomics Times» • Product placement • Franchise • Brand-namegame objects and artifacts • Auction for your productsfor virtual money • Purchase / Saleof a brand company • Proprietary services • Use of the brand as a plotformative game element • Sponsorship • Field sponsorship • Rubricsponsorship • Sponsorship program • Our partners • Contacts
What is Virtonomics? Virtonomics: • Business simulator(training simulator) • Education system(practical addition to the economic theory) • Entertaining step-by-step business strategy • Social network(convenient communicative environment for business oriented people)
What is Virtonomics? Project’s special features: • Project’s aimis to create a successful virtual business • Global close to reality economic model (wholesale trade and retail, entire production cycle,17 economic fields, about 100 types of products). • Emphasise on communication between players(partnership and competition with real people) • The game is played with the use of virtual money • Easy integration of any new products and services into the game process
Project’s audience The Virtonomics project’s audienceconsists of people who are directly associated with business, experienced in economic business management aspects. These are active customersof high social status, paying capacity and intellectual level : • Managers of all levels, entrepreneurs, business owners Motivation: competition, communication, entertainment • Business and economy schools students • Motivation: training simulator to remember theory and check business-ideas • Office employees Motivation: training simulator, communication with successful people, entertainment • Other categories of players Motivation: communication, entertainment
Project’s audience: statistics • 500 000+ registered users • 150 000+unique / 45 000+new visitors per month • 10 000 -12 000unique visitors per day • 500 000+daily pages views • Average session duration – 40 minutes • 50%players have been the part of the projects for more than 6 months • 66%players visit the game every day • Average depth of viewing – 50pages • Average monthly payment of a player exceeds$30(average index among online-games – not higher than $3-5/month) Visits number Views amount per day Visitors per 31 days Visits per 1 day
Advantages of advertising placement in games Advertising placement in games allows advertisers increase: • brand recognition – up to 64%; • brand ranking – up to 37%; • customer’s intention to buy the product - up to 41%; • advertisement memorability index – up to 41%; • Advertisement ranking – up to 69%. * According to the research: Massive Inc. and The Nielsen Company The «Electronic Gaming in the Digital Home: Game Advertising» research forecasts that the amount of 370 million dollars (that is how much is spent for game inside advertising per year) will have increased in wholeup to 33%by 2012 , which is much more than in any other popular advertising media field, including television, radio, printed advertising and the Internet.
Advantages of advertising placement in the Virtonomics project • Game’s economis orientation: gives wide opportunities for organic integration of any brand or product into the game process no matter its specificity. • Audience involvement: Within the game process users actively interact with the brand, associate it with their financial wellbeing, thus positive attitude towards the product and the company is formed. • Audience activity and paying capacity: Managers of different levels are the main body of the game, every day they make management and business decisions, consult others and to certain degree control other people’s way of thinking. • Unlimited opportunities: Apart from the traditional Product Placement, we are happy to implement almost any kinds of integration: from banners placement on the website to plot generating events built upon your brand.
Partnership alternatives: media advertising Price markups: Restriction on demonstrations frequency: 5 – 5 % 4-3 – 10 % 2-1 – 15% Minimum purchase budget– 1 500$.
Partnership alternatives: Advertising in an online-newspaper «Virtonomics Times» Placement alternatives: • banner advertising • an article about the company/product of the client (or an interview) – 1 000$ / edition • newspaper sponsorship (advertiser logo, name, link to the website on the main page of the newspaper, publishing of one or series of articlesabout the company and the product of the client) • Information about the newspaper: • The newspaper comes out every week, and every edition is accompanied by e-mails to game users with thenotice about the edition • 6-8 articles in every edition • Audience: 30 000 unique users per month • Audience:20 000 unique users per week • 10% of reader are not registered in the gameand look at the newspaper as at the source of interesting information 110 x 1000 134x134 240 х 400 Views amount(thousand) 240 x 400 240 x 400 Diagram peak – first days of the online-newspaper edition
Partnership alternatives: Product placement In the game a virtual representation the advertiser company is created. Your brand product is implanted into the game process of the whole Virtonomics. The gamers produce and sell it. • Standard package includes: • A contest among gamers, the main prize is franchise. • The opportunity for other players to buy franchises for virtual cash. • Logo placement of the company which has gottena franchiseon all pages with the suppliers list. Your product will be in all the players’ stores. • Floating windowwith the information about the companyand the web-site link in the suppliers lists. • Advertiser’s banner placementon the game site within the action term. Minimum placement term:3 months Package price: 5 000$./ month Franchise Example: the Polaris company action Term – 1 year Effect: members – 150 000individuals 83% playersvisited the advertiser’s web site Brand’s recognition among playersincreased by 78% 18% playersmade purchases in Polaris within the action’s year
Partnership alternatives: Product placement Brand game objects For personal office or enterprise Standard package includes: • The introduction of the advertiser’s brand objects, which give bonuses to the players • A contest among players, the main prize is a few brand objects for a player’s office • For every other player: an opportunity to buy an object in the gamefor real or virtual cash • Placement of a floating window withthe information about the companyand a link to its websitein the personal office while buying an object • Notification of all players via internal mail and the game newspaper about the action Minimum placement term:1 month Package cost: 3 000$. Information about office users: * Officeis a player’s status index. * 100% players have their office (>200 000 individuals) * Players have the opportunity to see each other’s offices *A player checks the office pagea minimum of oncewithin the game session * 15% all fundsinvested into the game by its usersare spent on office objects
Partnership alternatives: Product placement Brand game artifacts For enterprise Standard package includes: • Introduction of advertiser’s brand objects, which give bonuses to the players • A contest among players, the main prize is a few brand objects • For every other player: an opportunity to buy an object in the gamefor real or virtual cash • Placement of a floating window withthe information about the companyand a link to its websitein the personal office while buying an object • Notification of all players via internal mail and the game newspaper about the action • Advertiser’s banner placementon the main page of the game sitewithin the action term Example: The picture shows an enterprise with an integratedEPR-systemfrom the “1 C” companywhich allows to increase your management skill Minimum placement term:3 month Package cost: 5 000$. / month
Partnership alternatives: Product placement • Standard package includes: • Advertiser’s real productsare offered as auction lots • Information support (banners, mailing lists, attached forum thread) • Apart from real object, a winner gets its virtualanalog, which gives games advantages (it stays in the game for unlimited time period) Minimum placement term:1 month Cost:a lot – 100$. Example: actions were held byAbbyy, Kaspersky Lab, the «Alpina Business Books» publishing house Auction Of your products for virtual cash Effect: * All lots (with description) are still kept in the action sales list * Bonuses keep their effect by bringing their owners pleasure from the purchase * The last lot from Аbbyywas sold for 11 billiongame dollars. * Although the percentage of the auction participants is quite low among players, about 95% users follow the bidding.
Partnership alternatives: Product placement Example:creation of virtual “Arbat Prestizh” storewith its unique characteristicswhich give bonuses to the players. • Standard package includes: • Introductioninto the gameof the brand company with its unique characteristics • Company’s logo placementon all pages containing suppliers lists • A floating window withthe information about the companyand a link to its websitein suppliers lists • Prior notification of all players not long before the action • Advertiser’s banner placementon the game sitewithin the action term Minimum placement term: 1 month Package cost: 10 000$. Purchase/saleof a brand company
Partnership alternatives: Product placement Special services Introduction of the alternatives to already existing services of personnel education and hiring, which give bonuses to the players. Standard package includes: • Introduction of the service, analogousto your company’s activity.The players using the service get bonuses (we guarantee multiple interaction of 100% players with your brand virtual service) • Notification about the event. The notification embraces all players viamailing list, attached thread in the main forum, banners on the website. • An article in the game newspaper with the information about the action Minimum placement term:1 month Package cost: 3 000$.
Partnership alternatives: Product placement Standard package includes: • Concept developmentand introduction of thebrandlarge-scaleunit, which is closely associated withyour company’s activity. • Vast promotion of the actionamong the players of Virtonomica (e-mails, attached thread in the forum, contests, newspaper articles, etc.) • Use of the action formutually beneficial PR-activity • Example:Introduction of theFOREX POS terminal «VirtaFX». • Effect:About 15000permanent members per month • 84% players tried this serviceat least once • Monthly contests forthe best trader and the best trader of the month with unique awards Minimum placement term:6 months Package cost: 50 000$. Use of brand as a plot formative game element
Partnership options: Sponsorship Standard package includes:Placement of the logo, text blockwith the company’s nameand the link on all pages of the enterprises of the sector. Minimum placement term:1 month Package cost: 3 000$. Example: The «INTEL» company is a sponsor of the electronics industry sector Sponsorship sectoral
Partnership options: sponsorship Standard package includes:Placement of the logo, text blockwith the company’s nameand the link on all pages of the forumand ranking on the top of the pagenext to the heading. Example: The «American Express» company is a sponsor of the Top-100 companies ranking Minimum placement term:1 month Package cost: 1 000$. Columns Sponsorship Forum and TOP100 ranking
Partnership options: partnership program “Economic game” servicefor your website • Program advantages*: • business-game on your own website without any effort or expenses • payments from playerswho came via your websitesince the game has appeared • effective use of the advertising spaceof your website • extra service for your visitors • extra motivation for users to visit your website every day • extra advertising space Partnership program * Detailed information about the partnership program: http://virtonomics.com/partnership/
Specifications Specifications for top-line banners: 1. Swf-banner 1000х110 pixels which is able to stretch by 100% without any damage to the image, or .swf bannerand a 100% widetablewith the background (html+images) and with a built-in flash-banner. 2. Image background (110 pixels high). The background has to fillthe entire width of the top-line banner column. 3. Other requirements are similar to requirements for standard banners. Specifications for banners: 1. The size must not be more than 40 KB 2. The required formats are GIF, JPG and SWF (Flash version 8.0). 3. For proper record-keeping of flash bannersclicksit is necessary to inclusde into banners code a special code which allows to do so: on (release) { if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") { getURL(clickTAG,clickTARGET); } } Special conditions: We DO NOT place banners: - with interface elements - Which are eye irritating- Similar to porn sites advertising. We also keep the right to rejectbanners which do not meetthe internal policy of the company.
Contacts GAMERFLOT Trading Ltd. virtonomics.com advert@virtonomics.com