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Goal for Today. To introduce you to key principles and basic concepts for a continuum of support for students known as Positive Behavior Supports (PBS). Did you know?.
1. PBS Overview Introduce Introduce
2. Goal for Today To introduce you to key principles and basic concepts for a continuum of support for students known as Positive Behavior Supports (PBS)
3. Did you know? We live in an era when research tells us that the teacher is probably the single most important factor affecting student achievement- at least the single most important factor that we can do much about. (Marzano, 2003)
What the teacher does in the classroom, the teaching of students is the most important thing that takes place in a school.
Everything else about a school exist to support the act of teaching.
What the teacher does in the classroom, the teaching of students is the most important thing that takes place in a school.
Everything else about a school exist to support the act of teaching.
4. Challenges Poor attendance
Academically deficient
Disruptions by students in classrooms
We know that teachers and teaching are most important factor, yet so many things get in the way.
Time is limited and stretched too thin
What other things take students out of the classroom
We know that teachers and teaching are most important factor, yet so many things get in the way.
Time is limited and stretched too thin
What other things take students out of the classroom
5. Competing priorities
Improve literacy, math, social studies, science, etc.
Make schools safe and tobacco, alcohol, and drug free
Improve student character and prevent bullying
Provide a free & appropriate education for all
Meet AYP and APR standards
All students reading on level by grade 3
Leave No Child Behind
. Within your school, within classrooms
Time is a valuable commodity
A lot to do with limited resources especially the limited time for instruction Within your school, within classrooms
Time is a valuable commodity
A lot to do with limited resources especially the limited time for instruction
7. Positive Behavior Supports Addresses the competing priorities
Goal to
reduce time spent on discipline
increase social skills
support students so they can function in the classroom successfullyAddresses the competing priorities
Goal to
reduce time spent on discipline
increase social skills
support students so they can function in the classroom successfully
8. Why?
9. Public school teachers must deal with all of Americas children.
(Marzano, 2003)
These students enter the classroom with a staggering array of serious issues in their lives.
Schools are experiencing an increase in students demonstrating antisocial and violent behavior in the school setting
Children with antisocial behaviors come to school from situations that have unrealistic expectations, are dysfunctional home environments, or provide few opportunities for learning and practicing appropriate social behaviors with peers or adults
Schools are experiencing an increase in students demonstrating antisocial and violent behavior in the school setting
Children with antisocial behaviors come to school from situations that have unrealistic expectations, are dysfunctional home environments, or provide few opportunities for learning and practicing appropriate social behaviors with peers or adults
10. What Do Schools Exclusion and punishment are the
most common responses to
conduct disorders in schools.
Lane & Murakami, (1987); Rose, (1988); Nieto, (1999); Sprick, Borgmeier, & Nolet, (2002)
Exclusion and punishment are
ineffective at producing long-term reduction in problem behavior.
Costenbader & Markson (1998)
As schools encounter students with antisocial or violent behavior, the response has been increases in student suspensions and expulsions within our public schools
[and spending] more time and energy in implementing punitive rather than positive or preventative measures.
As schools encounter students with antisocial or violent behavior, the response has been increases in student suspensions and expulsions within our public schools
[and spending] more time and energy in implementing punitive rather than positive or preventative measures.
11. A Solution?
12. A Paradigms Change Schools have the responsibility to provide an education to students in safe and predictable environments
Yet, how schools typically respond to problem behavior has not resulted in lasting change or improvement.
Schools need to have a pair of dimes change about student behavior.Schools have the responsibility to provide an education to students in safe and predictable environments
Yet, how schools typically respond to problem behavior has not resulted in lasting change or improvement.
Schools need to have a pair of dimes change about student behavior.
13. In this illustration, you get to the same place (20¢). However, you are doing it in a different way.
During this overview of PBS, some of the shifts or changes in how behavior is viewed are presented.
An example:
Changing the order of the words problem behavior and behavior problem. (the student is a behavior problem vs. the student has a problem behavior)
What does this simple switch of wording do in how you communicate about a student?In this illustration, you get to the same place (20¢). However, you are doing it in a different way.
During this overview of PBS, some of the shifts or changes in how behavior is viewed are presented.
An example:
Changing the order of the words problem behavior and behavior problem. (the student is a behavior problem vs. the student has a problem behavior)
What does this simple switch of wording do in how you communicate about a student?
14. Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a general term that refers to the application of an applied science that uses proactive and effective educational methods, behavioral interventions, environmental redesign and systems change methods to support individuals who exhibit disruptive and/or dangerous behaviors in school, work, social, community and family settings (Carr et al., 2002; Horner et al., 1990).
It is not a program, a curriculum, a one size fits all solution to all of your problems.
It is a process a change process that guides a school as they plan and create a preferred future (Fullan) for students. This preferred future encompasses the development of a culture of competence for student behavior through a supportive, preventive, and positive environment.It is not a program, a curriculum, a one size fits all solution to all of your problems.
It is a process a change process that guides a school as they plan and create a preferred future (Fullan) for students. This preferred future encompasses the development of a culture of competence for student behavior through a supportive, preventive, and positive environment.
15. Based in Behavioral Science Behavior is learned
Behavior is related to the immediate and social environmental factors
Systemic manipulation of the environmental factors influences behavior
Behavior can change
Appropriate and effective feedback leads to changes in behavior We are not born bad, we learn how we behave.
Think about how your behavior is different when you experience the environmental factor of a good vs. bad service from a waiter at a restaurant.
Changing the environment we are in changes how we behave.
The key words here - appropriate and effective should be the goal for schools when dealing with student behavior.We are not born bad, we learn how we behave.
Think about how your behavior is different when you experience the environmental factor of a good vs. bad service from a waiter at a restaurant.
Changing the environment we are in changes how we behave.
The key words here - appropriate and effective should be the goal for schools when dealing with student behavior.
16. The Foundation Students learn appropriate behavior in the same way they learn to read through instruction, practice, feedback, and encouragement. We understand that students enter our schools with varying levels of academic skill development.
Through the paradigm changes involved in PBS we are able to understand that we need to apply the same understanding to behavior. We are mistaken to assume or expect students to already know how to behave.
Good teaching is effective in teaching academics and in teaching appropriate behaviors.We understand that students enter our schools with varying levels of academic skill development.
Through the paradigm changes involved in PBS we are able to understand that we need to apply the same understanding to behavior. We are mistaken to assume or expect students to already know how to behave.
Good teaching is effective in teaching academics and in teaching appropriate behaviors.
17. A Research Based Foundation Research indicates that one way to effectively support children with problem behavior is to build skills through effective teaching.
(Carr et al., 2002; Horner, Albin, Sprague & Todd, 2000)
Children have social skills, but they may be inappropriate for the school situation or are at varying stages of development. We need to teach the appropriate behaviors that are expected and that they need for the school situation.
Teaching skills for competence is everyday practice for academics and through PBS is becomes everyday practice for behavior also.Children have social skills, but they may be inappropriate for the school situation or are at varying stages of development. We need to teach the appropriate behaviors that are expected and that they need for the school situation.
Teaching skills for competence is everyday practice for academics and through PBS is becomes everyday practice for behavior also.
18. This triangle represents what we know about students responses to instruction and how to provide for student learning through a continuum of support academically. This also applies to behavior. We need to develop a continuum of support for behavior. This continuums need to work together to address the needs of the whole child.This triangle represents what we know about students responses to instruction and how to provide for student learning through a continuum of support academically. This also applies to behavior. We need to develop a continuum of support for behavior. This continuums need to work together to address the needs of the whole child.
19. Behavior Support ???
20. What? PBS is about using what we know in a process that supports building competence in students in the realm of behavior and social skills. It is about developing schools that use prevention and intervention as tools to assist students within the school environment. The gotch ya approach is replace with an academic approach to behavior.PBS is about using what we know in a process that supports building competence in students in the realm of behavior and social skills. It is about developing schools that use prevention and intervention as tools to assist students within the school environment. The gotch ya approach is replace with an academic approach to behavior.
21. PBS is more than just a set of practices or strategies. It goes much deeper. PBS is a process and systems approach to effective and positive behavior support for all students by combining these features.
PBS is more than just a set of practices or strategies. It goes much deeper. PBS is a process and systems approach to effective and positive behavior support for all students by combining these features.
22. Systems of Support The systems addressed in the PBS include:
School-wide system:
Common purpose & approach to discipline; Clear set of positive expectations & behaviors; Procedures for teaching expected behavior; Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior and discouraging inappropriate behavior; Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation
Nonclassroom settings:
Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged; Active supervision by all staff; Use of pre-corrections & reminders; Positive reinforcement
Classroom settings:
Classroom-wide positive expectations taught & encouraged; Teaching classroom routines & cues taught & encouraged; Ratio of 4 positive to 1 negative adult-student interaction; Active supervision; Redirections for minor, infrequent behavior errors; Frequent pre-corrections for chronic errors; Effective academic instruction & curriculum
Individual students:
Behavioral competence at school & district levels; Function-based behavior support planning ; Team- & data-based decision making; Comprehensive person-centered planning & wraparound processes; Targeted social skills & self-management instruction; Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations
The systems addressed in the PBS include:
School-wide system:
Common purpose & approach to discipline; Clear set of positive expectations & behaviors; Procedures for teaching expected behavior; Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior and discouraging inappropriate behavior; Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation
Nonclassroom settings:
Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged; Active supervision by all staff; Use of pre-corrections & reminders; Positive reinforcement
Classroom settings:
Classroom-wide positive expectations taught & encouraged; Teaching classroom routines & cues taught & encouraged; Ratio of 4 positive to 1 negative adult-student interaction; Active supervision; Redirections for minor, infrequent behavior errors; Frequent pre-corrections for chronic errors; Effective academic instruction & curriculum
Individual students:
Behavioral competence at school & district levels; Function-based behavior support planning ; Team- & data-based decision making; Comprehensive person-centered planning & wraparound processes; Targeted social skills & self-management instruction; Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations
23. Outcomes the academic and behavior targets that are endorsed and emphasized by students, families and educators
Practices the interventions and strategies that are evidence base and structure the way staff interact with students
Systems the supports that are needed to enable accurate and durable implementation of the practices of PBS
Data the information that is used to identify the current status, the need for change, and the effects of interventions. Outcomes provide a clarity of purpose for what we do as educators. Within the PBS process we consider systems (for adults), practices (for students), and data (for decision making). These combine to create a three legged stool without each leg supporting the stool the stool isnt balanced.
Outcomes provide a clarity of purpose for what we do as educators. Within the PBS process we consider systems (for adults), practices (for students), and data (for decision making). These combine to create a three legged stool without each leg supporting the stool the stool isnt balanced.
24. How?
25. Guiding Principles Requires long-term commitment to systems change of effective practices
Implemented consistently by staff and administration
Positive behaviors are publicly acknowledged
Problem behaviors have clear consequences
Student behavior is monitored and staff receive regular feedback
Strategies are implemented at the school-wide, specific setting, classroom, and individual student levels
Strategies are designed to meet the needs of all students
26. Key Features Administrative leadership and participation
Team-based implementation
Define a clear set of positive expectations and behaviors
Teaching expected behavior
expected behaviors
Monitor and correct behavior (learning) errors
Use information for decision-making, monitoring, and evaluation
27. Implementation Readiness Commitment and Buy-in
Administrator support and participation
District and School-wide
Readiness Checklists minimum requirements Tools and strategies for each step are in place for use by teams. Coaching and consulting is available from the regional PBS consultant to assist a school team in implementation readiness activities. Tools and strategies for each step are in place for use by teams. Coaching and consulting is available from the regional PBS consultant to assist a school team in implementation readiness activities.
28. Establish a school-wide leadership or behavior support team to guide and direct the process. This team should be made up of an administrator, grade level representatives, support staff, and parents.
Secure administrator agreement of active support and participation.
Secure a commitment and agreement from at least 80% of the staff for active support and participation.
Conduct a self assessment of the current school-wide discipline system.
Create an implementation action plan that is based data based decision making.
Establish a way to collect office referral and other data on a regular basis to evaluate the effectiveness of school-wide PBS efforts.
Readiness includes these steps.Readiness includes these steps.
29. Leadership Team Represents a range of stakeholders
Administrator(s) active participant(s)
Identified team leader and internal coach(es)
May be part of another committee or team already in place
Participates in training
A team-based approach is used when implementing PBS.A team-based approach is used when implementing PBS.
30. Functions of Team Coordination of implementation
Establish regular meeting schedule
Establish a standard system for communicating
Conduct assessments
Analyze needs and develop action plans
Develop regular opportunities for training Coordination of implementation includes 1)assessing what is in place 2) establishing PBS as a priority 3) developing and operating ongoing support goals and 4) developing and operating ongoing record-keeping procedures
Establish regular meeting schedule to keep the process moving forward and to provide time for planning and implementation.
Teams should meet regularly (twice a month or once a month depending on stage of implementation) and maintain a record of planning, policy, and decisions that would establish an institutional memory for sustained and expanded implementation. Consistency of meetings is an important factor in the durability and sustainability of procedures.
Establish a standard system for communicating from the team to the school as a whole and from the school as a whole to the team. Research on change tells us that communication is a make-it or break-it factor in successful implementation.
Coordination of implementation includes 1)assessing what is in place 2) establishing PBS as a priority 3) developing and operating ongoing support goals and 4) developing and operating ongoing record-keeping procedures
Establish regular meeting schedule to keep the process moving forward and to provide time for planning and implementation.
Teams should meet regularly (twice a month or once a month depending on stage of implementation) and maintain a record of planning, policy, and decisions that would establish an institutional memory for sustained and expanded implementation. Consistency of meetings is an important factor in the durability and sustainability of procedures.
Establish a standard system for communicating from the team to the school as a whole and from the school as a whole to the team. Research on change tells us that communication is a make-it or break-it factor in successful implementation.
31. Expectations Provide a clear understanding of expected student behavior
Few in number (3-5)
Positively stated and structured
Use familiar language
Example behaviors defined for purposes of instruction
Matrix and lesson plans designed Expectations are over-arching. Examples of expectations include:
Be respectful
Be responsible
Be safe
Behaviors are the actions that students would do to demonstrate the expectation. For example, walking silently in the hallway would be a behavior that demonstrated be respectful.Expectations are over-arching. Examples of expectations include:
Be respectful
Be responsible
Be safe
Behaviors are the actions that students would do to demonstrate the expectation. For example, walking silently in the hallway would be a behavior that demonstrated be respectful.
32. Data Based Action Planning What are the questions?
Which data is available to answer the questions?
What other data is needed to answer the questions?
How will data be collected, turned into information, and disseminated?
What is the data telling you?
Make plans based on analysis. Using data to plan is a key component of successful implementation. If you dont know where you are now, how can you figure where to go next?Using data to plan is a key component of successful implementation. If you dont know where you are now, how can you figure where to go next?
33. Action Planning Think, plan, and form ideas as a team.
It is individualized for each building.
Identify strengths and needs
Chose a priority for development
Identify activities
Specify who, what, and when
Action planning provides the map for implementation. Action planning provides the map for implementation.
34. Next? Schools interested in implementation of PBS should contact your regional PBS consultant about implementation readiness activities.
For South Central it is:
Christine Combs
1-800-667-0665 Schools interested in implementation of PBS should contact your regional PBS consultant about implementation readiness activities.
For South Central it is:
Christine Combs