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Famous for: . Exploring Antarctica and making if part of the Australian Antarctic Territory.Also famous for climbing the 4000 metre peak of Mt Erebus in just 5 days.Was able to confirm that Antarctica was a continent.Was very adventurous and brave- survived against all odds.. When it occurred. 1907-1909: joined British explorer Ernest Shackleton to climb Mt Erebus1911-1914: His greatest expedition was when he led the Australian Antarctic Expedition1929: 1st Summer Cruise to Antarctica1930:197
1. Sir Douglas Mawson
3. When it occurred 1907-1909: joined British explorer Ernest Shackleton to climb Mt Erebus
1911-1914: His greatest expedition was when he led the Australian Antarctic Expedition
1929: 1st Summer Cruise to Antarctica
1930: 2nd Summer Cruise to Antarctica
4. Why the expedition occurred: Mawson wanted to map the coastal area of Antarctica closest to Australia.
He also wanted to set up 2 huts at Commonwealth Bay to be used as a base.
5. Mawson�s crew on his ship-the Aurora
6. Mawson�s expedition party!
7. The main expedition(1911-1914) Mawson, Mertz and Ninnis set out to explore the east coast of Antarctica in 1911.
Ninnis and their supplies were lost down a crevasse. Ninnis died as a result of this fall.
8. Significance for Australia: Mapped the coastline of Antarctica.
Collected samples of rocks and discovered glaciers.
Improved our understanding of Antarctica.
9. Interesting facts:
He was a geologist, so he studied rocks.
Sailed from England to Australia on the Ellora at the age of 2. The captain thought he would be an adventurer as he kept trying to climb the ship mast.
Mawson located the South Magnetic Pole. This is the place where both hands on the compass point vertical- the only place in the world that this happens is the South Magnetic Pole.
10. Remembered on $100 note You can see how important Douglas was- having his face on a $100 note. He was on it from (1984 to1996).
11. Sources: www.abc.net.au/schoolstv/Australians/
Explores of Australia by John Nicholson
Antarctica Australia�s neighbours by Nicolas Brasch
50 famous Australians by Meredith Costain
Australian knowledge: Australia and New Zealand in Antarctica by Ann Kelly
12. Assistance: Help from Dad picking my famous Australian.
Help from Mum searching on the Internet, assistance with using PowerPoint and understanding the meaning of words.