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2. Topics For Discussion. Brief history leading to the ICT ModelICT FunctionsThe Weekly Procurement ProcessExperience to dateContract Path/TLR Model. 3. The Entergy Quest to Join an RTO.
1. 1
2. 2 Topics For Discussion Brief history leading to the ICT Model
ICT Functions
The Weekly Procurement Process
Experience to date
Contract Path/TLR Model
3. 3 The Entergy Quest to Join an RTO
4. 4
5. 5 The ICT Proposal (or Plan B, C, D)
6. 6 Underlying Rational for the ICT Proposal If it is not mandatory, why do it?
Achieve greater independence, transparency and oversight over the operation of the Entergy transmission system
Achieve greater efficiency in providing and pricing transmission service and the expansion of the transmission grid
Develop mechanism for better incorporating merchant generation into Operating Companies’ commitment and dispatch decisions (WPP Proposal)
7. 7 A Quick Review of the Key Elements of the ICT Conditional Approval by FERC on April 24, 2006 and final approval in October, 2006
Term of Agreement: 4 years
Southwest Power Pool (SPP) selected as ICT
Established an Independent Coordinator of Transmission (ICT) to administer the Entergy OATT
ICT performs the Tariff Administration and Reliability Coordination functions
The ICT also performs regional planning
New Transmission Expansion and Pricing Policy
Established a new Weekly Procurement Process with ICT oversight
8. 8 ICT Functions: Tariff Administration Went “live” on November 17th, 2006
Key responsibilities:
ICT accepts/denies requests for short term service based on availability of applicable AFCs
ICT accepts/denies requests for long term service, based on results of SIS performed by the ICT
ICT responsible for calculating and posting AFCs
ICT maintains and administers the Entergy OASIS site
9. 9 ICT Functions: Reliability Coordination ICT provides Reliability Coordinator Services under NERC policies
Assumed RC functions on November 1, 2006
The ICT has managed short-term reliability on the Entergy transmission system very well
Coordinated with various parties to develop operating guides in the Acadiana Area
The ICT has helped to coordinate long range planning
Acadiana upgrades
Free economic studies
10. 10 ICT Functions: Planning Base case model development
Base plan development
ICT Base plan used for cost allocation.
ICT integrates Entergy construction plan with other Transmission Owners’ plans to identify:
Potential synergies among the plans
Potential economic regional upgrades
Transmission Service Request Studies
Interconnection Studies
11. 11 Weekly Procurement Proposal
12. 12 Weekly Procurement Process (WPP) The WPP is an integral part of our ICT proposal. The intent of the WPP is to achieve the following:
Provide Entergy and its Network Customers production cost savings through optimization of short-term purchases and the use of existing resources for the next week.
The ICT has been involved in the development of the WPP software, stakeholder process, and software testing
The WPP operated by Entergy, with oversight provided by the ICT
WPP implemented March 2009
13. 13 Weekly Procurement Process, continued The process accomplished through a simultaneous optimization of existing transmission service and new transmission service requests, subject to transmission constraints (via a SCUC algorithm using a MIPS solver)
Entergy offers weekly and daily service to Network customers through the WPP
Network customers submit cost information on existing DNRs and market bids from new resources
All previously granted firm service will be protected in the weekly process
14. 14 Weekly Procurement Process, III The option to participate in the process is available to all network customers that wish to qualify alternative network resources on a weekly basis through the WPP
All network transmission customers have equal priority in the granting of service through the weekly process.
No network customer can be made worse off as a result of the WPP process (hold harmless provision)
15. 15 ICT Experience To Date
16. 16 Performance to Date Files quarterly and annual ICT reports with FERC
The ICT has done a good job performing the Reliability Coordinator function
The ICT successfully managed a significant increase in transmission usage across the Entergy system
Has analyzed and responded to various AFC modeling issues
Helped implement various tariff changes that implicate the AFC process, including various Order 890 requirements
Engaged in a top-down review of the AFC software
17. 17 Performance to Date, continued Planning and Tariff Studies
Actively engaged in long-term planning for the Entergy System
Has performed transmission service request studies within specified time constraints
Developed the ICT Strategic Transmission Expansion Plan (“ISTEP”) as a comprehensive review and report on the ICT’s long-term expansion plan for the ETR transmission system
Focused consideration of both reliability and economic expansion projects with the ETR footprint.
18. 18 Performance to Date, III Weekly Procurement Process
Was actively engaged in the design and testing of the software and in Market Trials
Facilitated the participation of Independent Generators in market trials, providing IPPs with an opportunity to gain valuable experience with the WPP systems and processes
Has identified modeling and process errors that have been corrected, leading to an installation of various safeguards to facilitate the successful launch of the WPP
Formed a WPP Issues Working Group (WPPIWG) expressly focused on the WPP to provide stakeholders with regular information on the development and progress of the WPP
19. 19 Contract Path/TLR Model
20. 20 The Pro Forma Tariff; Unbundled Services Provides for the following types of services:
Network Integration Service (NITS)
Point-to-Point (PTP) Transmission Service
Defines and provides for Ancillary Services
Prescribes the terms and conditions of these services
Prescribes the methodology for charges associated for these services
Charges Are Based On Embedded Costs
Attachment C is Transmission Provider specific, and details the procedures for determining Available Transfer Capability
21. 21 Network Integration Transmission Service Network Service is the delivery of capacity and energy from designated network resources to serve network loads on a comparable basis with the Transmission Provider’s use of the transmission system to serve native load.
Network Service is firm service, and the minimum term is one year.
The designation of NITS resources can be done on a more frequent basis (up to day-ahead at Entergy)
22. 22 Network Service Example
23. 23 Network Service, continued Secondary Network service also available
Non-firm service used to deliver economy energy to network loads from resources that have not been designated as Network Resources
Network customers pay a monthly demand charge based upon its Load Ratio Share times one-twelfth of the Network Transmission Revenue Requirement (NTRR)
Load Ratio Share (LRS) is based on coincident peak at time of system peak
24. 24 Point-to-Point Service PTP Service is the reservation and transmission of capacity and energy from specific Point(s) of Receipt to the Point(s) of Delivery under Part II of the OATT
Customers can reserve the capacity, pay PTP charges, and not use the service
PTP charge based on stated rate and MW reserved (not a LRS), and charge incurred regardless of whether energy actually scheduled
25. 25 PTP Service Examples
26. 26 Types of PTP Service Firm Service
27. 27 Ancillary Services Ancillary Services are services that are necessary to maintain system security, organization, and reliability
They are broken down into 6 different schedules
Schedule 1 : Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service
Schedule 2 : Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service
Schedule 3 : Regulation and Frequency Response Service
Schedule 4 : Energy Imbalance Service
Schedule 5 : Operating Reserve – Spinning Reserve Service
Schedule 6 : Operating Reserve – Supplemental Reserve Service
28. 28 Mechanism for Requesting PTP or Network Service Transmission customers reserve transmission service via a Transmission Provider’s OASIS web site
Open Access Same-time Information System
Per the pro forma OATT, Transmission Service is subject to availability of capacity, and is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis
Transmission Providers post the available transmission capacity (ATC) on the OASIS for various source-sink pairs
Long-term requests require a System Impact Study
Studies performed in queue order
29. 29 Available Transfer Capability Defined: A measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses.
Entergy view on ATC shortcomings:
Contract path based
Control area-to-control area calculations
Does not accurately reflect the ability of a particular generator to deliver its output over local facilities
Non-simultaneous calculations
True ATC is highly specific to time and source-sink locational pairs
30. 30 Contract Path Example
31. 31 Available Flowgate Capability AFC is a flow-based methodology that takes into account local constraints by calculating transfer capability with increased granularity
AFC also resolve simultaneity problems by decrementing impacted flowgates when transactions are approved
Applies to short-term transmission service requests
Long-term transmission service requests still processed via System Impact Study (SIS) process
32. 32 Available Flowgate Capability, II In place at SPP, MISO, PJM, Entergy et al
Different implementations
Assumptions define balance between granting more or less service and congestion.
Granularity determined by market structure
LMP market for intra-RTO transactions at MISO and PJM
Entergy must use unit specific AFCs
33. 33 Managing Transmission System Congestion All methods used to calculate system transfer capability are forecasts
System conditions frequently differ in real-time versus what was predicted with the ex ante transfer capability forecasts
These changes may cause transmission congestion
Often the only remedy in a non-LMP world is to use the NERC Transmission Loading Relief (TLR) process to unwind transactions
Reliability redispatch used for “local” problems, but not as effective for regional problems on flowgates
TLRs neglect economics
Share-the-pain philosophy based on the type of service
34. 34 Summary Transmission access is determined by the available transfer capability
There are multiple methods for calculating transfer capability, all of which are based on ex ante forecasts of future system conditions
The pro forma tariff is a physical rights model that creates certain challenges for real-time congestion management
The ICT has provided an additional level of independence, transparency and oversight to ensure non-discriminatory access to the grid
Entergy has also taken a number of steps to increase transmission access under the current physical rights transmission model, including:
Implemented the AFC process to overcome the inherent shortcomings of the ATC calculations
The new Weekly Procurement Process, enabled Entergy to establish an additional mechanism for granting short-term firm transmission service based on the redispatch of all network resources and other resources included in the WPP
35. 35 Questions?