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‘Silver Book’ Jay Banerjee FRCS FCEM MSc(Ed Res) (on behalf of the multi-disciplinary group) Consultant in Emergency Medicine University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester, UK Health F oundation Quality Improvement Fellow 2012-13, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Cambridge, MA, USA.
‘Silver Book’ Jay Banerjee FRCS FCEM MSc(Ed Res)(on behalf of the multi-disciplinary group)Consultant in Emergency Medicine University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester, UKHealth Foundation Quality Improvement Fellow 2012-13,Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Cambridge, MA, USA
THE FUTURE IS PREDICTABLY GREY….. World • Older people will outnumber children by 2018 • By 2038, over-65s > 1.3 billion (506 million in 2008) – a leap from 7% of the world's population to 14% • Europe is the greyest continent, with 23 of the world's 25 oldest countries UK • Patients over 70 years of age account for more than 15% of attendances (Hospital Episode Statistics) • Represent 40% of the 5 million people admitted to hospital in 2008/9 – and increasing • Next 20 years, people >85 yrs set to increase by two-thirds, compared with a 10% growth in the overall population • Most patients are admitted to hospital via the Emergency Department which is one of the key points in the health and social care system.
SOME FINDINGS…. • NHS must close the gap between the promise of care and compassion outlined in its Constitution and the injustice that many older people experience (Ombudsman) • 35% of inspected hospitals needed to improve, 25% did not meet 1 or 2 standards (100 inspected, CQC) • patients’ privacy not being respected – for example, curtains and screens not being closed properly (CQC) • staff speaking to patients in a dismissive or disrespectful way (CQC) • how often should a patient be told that “because of being unable to use the toilet… she should wet the bed”? Is that OK as long as it is only 10 times a month or 20? (Patient Association, UK)
CAN THE FUTURE BE A BRIGHTER SHADE – “SILVER” ? • Prof Matthew Cooke NCD Urgent & Emergency Care • Prof David Oliver, NCD Older People • Prof Alistair Burns, NCD Dementia
QUALITY CARE FOR OLDER PEOPLE WITH URGENT & EMERGENCY CARE NEEDS: SILVER BOOK An intercollegiate body of work describing care standards for older people over the first 24 hours of an urgent care episode, with the specific remit to: • help decrease variations in practice • influence the development of appropriate services across the urgent care system • identify and disseminate best practice • influence policy development
SILVER BOOK MEMBERSHIP • Age UK • Association of Directors of Adult Social Services • British Geriatrics Society • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy • Community Hospitals Association • College of Emergency Medicine • College of Occupational Therapists • National Ambulance Service Medical Directors • Royal College of General Practitioners • Royal College of Nursing • Royal College of Physicians • Royal College of Psychiatrists • Society for Acute Medicine
- Focus on Long Term Conditions (heart failure/frailty/dementia/ COPD) • - More effective responses to urgent care needs • - Advance care planning/end of Life care plans • - Targeted input into Care Homes • Access to integrated services through NHS Pathways (3DN) including health & social care Clear operational performance framework integrated with GP processes Ready access to specialist advice when needed Improved integration with 1° & 2° responders via NHS Pathways Front load senior decision process including primary care, ED Consultants& Geriatricians General Practice & GP OOH Inpatient wards Community Support 999 ED AMU Objective: A left shift of activity across the system as a function of time; yesterday’s urgent cases are today’s acute cases and tomorrow’s chronic cases. Optimise emergency care: - Evidence based management - Multidisciplinary input from PT / OT & community matrons - Access to intermediate and social care - Front line geriatrician input - Effective information sharing with primary care/ secondary care/ community - Develop minimum data set - Redesign to decrease LOS with social & multidisciplinary input using a “pull” system - Effective Date of Discharge - Ambulatory care (macro level) for falls/LTC
PURPOSE OF SILVER BOOK • Describes the issues relating to older people accessing urgent care in the first 24 hours irrespective of provider • Describes the competencies required to respond • Recommends urgent care standards for older people - first 24 hrs of an acute care episode • Contextualises health & social care for older people & at the interface • Aimed to improve satisfaction and outcomes for older people in urgent care & satisfaction amongst staff
SILVER BOOK: IS AND ISN’T • This document is a best practice guideline, comprising recommendations based on a review of the literature and refers to evidence where available • It does not describe the commissioning and mode of delivery of the competencies, as these will vary according to local needs, resources and policies. • The older person’s care needs may be delivered in the emergency room, the acute medical unit or a community setting depending on local service configuration.
UNDERPINNING PRINCIPLES • Respect for the autonomy and dignity of the older person must underpin our approach and practice at all times. • All older people have a right to a health and social care assessment and should have access to treatments and care based on need, without an age-defined restriction to services • A whole systems approach with integrated health and social care services strategically aligned within a joint regulatory and governance framework, delivered by interdisciplinary working with a patient centred approach provides the only means to achieve the best outcomes for frail older people with medical crises
STANDARDS • There must be an initial primary care response to an urgent request for help from an older person within 30 minutes • The presence of one or more frailty syndrome should trigger a more detailed comprehensive geriatric assessment, to start within 2 hours (14 hours overnight) either in the community, patient’s own home or as an in-patient, according to the patient’s needs • Health and social services should be commissioned such that they can contribute to early assessment of older people, including mental health assessments. • Older people who present with intentional self-harm should be considered as for failed suicide
RECOMMENDATIONS • Generic – across all settings in first 24 hrs; including discharge planning • Specific – include • Primary care • Community hospitals • ED/UC/AMU • Mental health • Safeguarding • Major incident planning • Commissioning • Training and development for all staff groups
EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT • The assessment area for older people should be located in a quieter, preferably separate, area of the department where observation is possible but noise, interruptions and over stimulation is minimised. However, it should not be close to an exit. • Food and drink should be readily available; helping with nutrition should be provided when necessary • Clinical equipment should be kept to an absolute minimum and where possible create an ambience consistent with the age of the patient • For selected older people, comprehensive geriatric assessment should commence within 2 hours (14 hours overnight) of access to a hospital
SUMMARY • The ED represents a key point in the health and social care system where older people with health & social crises can be managed • Create a “frailty friendly front door” • Focus on the needs of the patient, respond to the needs • Think outside the box – challenges are new, traditional way of thinking would not solve it • Commissioning the right model relevant to the needs of the local population • jb234@le.ac.uk