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Field-Based Analysis of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Halocarbons

AQR Color-Tec ®. Field-Based Analysis of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Halocarbons. http://www.aqrcolortec.com. What is AQR Color-Tec ® ?. Field test kit for chlorinated solvents Detects total chlorinated halocarbons (CVOHs) in soil and water samples to less than 3 µg/L or µg/kg

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Field-Based Analysis of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Halocarbons

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  1. AQR Color-Tec® Field-Based Analysis of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Halocarbons http://www.aqrcolortec.com

  2. What is AQR Color-Tec® ? • Field test kit for chlorinated solvents • Detects total chlorinated halocarbons (CVOHs) in soil and water samples to less than 3 µg/L or µg/kg • Provides qualitative data and estimated concentrations • Results in 3 minutes per sample • Over 20,000 samples analyzed • Initially developed in 1997 • Tested and verified at EPA, DOD, DOE and state chlorinated solvent site investigations • Commercial production began 2007

  3. AQR Color-Tec®Method Detection Limits Statistical Comparison of Split-Sample CG/MS Results to AQR Color-Tec® Zero Values Only (non-detections) (typical chlorinated solvent site data set N = 42) AQR Color-Tec® detects all CVOHs toless than 3 µg/L Parameter Concentration (µg/L) Mean 0.362 Range 0 to 2.55 Standard Deviation 0.736 95% UCL of the mean 0.857 90th Percentile Value 1.626 95th Percentile Value2.370

  4. AQR Color-Tec®Comparison to GC/MS data AQR Color-Tec® resultsconsistently indicate a relative correlation to split sample laboratory GC/MS (EPA 8260B) comparison data. This graph shows the relative correlation by plotting AQR Color-Tec readings with the split sample GC/MS concentrations of total CVOHs detected in 61 groundwater samples from a chlorinated solvent site.

  5. AQR Color-Tec®Open-Loop Stripping Analysis Procedure Ambient air enters through carbon filter Hand-Operated Vacuum Pump (100cc) Pump Handle Tygon Tubing Colorimetric Tube Carbon Filter Air Flow Purge Needle (long) Pre-filtered ambient air is purged through the sample, stripping the volatile compounds into the headspace Headspace (~30%) Water Sample Air Bubbles Pump Stand 40 ml VOA Vial

  6. AQR Color-Tec®Open-Loop Stripping Analysis Procedure Ambient air enters through carbon filter Hand-Operated Vacuum Pump (100cc) Pump Handle Tygon Tubing Colorimetric Tube Carbon Filter Air Flow Purge Needle (long) Purged volatile compounds pass through the headspace, needle, and tubing into the colorimetric tube where they react and cause a distinct color change Headspace (~30%) Water Sample Air Bubbles Pump Stand 40 ml VOA Vial

  7. Headspace Headspace Added Water (de-ionized) Water Sample Soil Sample AQR Color-Tec®Sampling Media Analyze liquid or solid samples Samples and tubes are heated before Analysis Soil Set-up Water Set-up

  8. AQR Color-Tec®Conversion Table • Converts AQR Color-Tec® tube readings to µg/L or µg/kg • Based on comparison of Color-Tec data to GC/MS data using over 5000 water samples collected from 152 chlorinated solvent sites. • A “Median” estimated value for each Color-Tec reading was obtained using statistical comparison of Color-Tec data and GC/MS (EPA Method 8260B) data. • The “Range” value reflects the potential deviation from the Median value based on the Color-Tec and EPA Method 8260B comparison results.

  9. AQR Color-Tec®Increases Sampling Coverage AQR Color-Tec® with Laboratory sampling Laboratory Sampling Only The low per-sample cost of AQR Color-Tec® allows for more samples, resulting in increased coverage and reduced uncertainty. The AQR Color-Tec® data is used to focus definitive analysis sampling onto critical areas. Combining AQR Color-Tec® with laboratory sampling increases overall data quality at a lower cost by providing improved sampling coverage with high analytical accuracy. 48 Color-Tec Samples @ $25 each 24 Samples @ $100 each Definitive analysis provides high analytical accuracy, but sampling quantity is often limited to control costs, resulting in data gaps, sampling uncertainty, and low overall data quality Total Cost = $2,400 Total Cost = $1,800 6 Laboratory Samples @ $100 each

  10. AQR Color-Tec®Comprehensive Instructions • Detailed Procedures Manual • Kit Set-up • Method principles • Sample Collection • Reading the tubes • QA/QC procedures • Trouble shooting guide • Conversion Table • References • Method Applications

  11. EPA Guidance FeaturingAQR Color-Tec® • Using Dynamic Field Activities for On-Site Decision MakingMay 2003; OSWER No. 9200.1-40 EPA/540/R03/002; Chapter 5, http://www.epa.gov/superfund/programs/dfa/download/guidance/40r03002.pdf • Site Characterization Technologies for DNAPL Investigations September 2004; EPA 542-R-04-017; http://www.clu-in.org/download/char/542r04017.pdf • Understanding Procurement for Sampling and Analytical Services under a Triad ApproachJune 2005, EPA 542-R-05-022http://www.epa.gov/swertio1/download/char/procurement.pdf • Conducting Contamination Assessments at Drycleaning SitesEPA Technology Innovation Program;State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners http://www.drycleancoalition.org/download/assessment.pdf

  12. D H E C State Guidance FeaturingAQR Color-Tec® • Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Drycleaner Remediation Guidance Document 2004http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/HM/drycleanerguidance.pdf • South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control; Field Inspection Guidancehttp://www.schouse.org/reports/dhec/scdcrtfprogramstatusreport2007.doc • North Carolina Dry-Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Program Guidance for Conducting Drycleaner Facility Prioritization Assessmentshttp://wastenot.enr.state.nc.us/SFHOME/DryClean/Download/PAR%20guidance.doc

  13. EPA Triad Implementations Case Studies Using AQR Color-Tec® • Using AQR Color-Tec for Source Identification and Delineation Naval Construction Battalion Center Davisville North Kingstown, RI - 2008 Triad Conference http://www.umass.edu/tei/conferences/Triad_PDF/Anderson.pdf • Fast Track to Reducing Conceptual Site Model UncertaintyCH2MHill; Storage Tank Site ST-123 POL Fuel Yard http://www.Triadcentral.org/user/includes/dsp_profile.cfm?Project_ID=25 • Best Practices in Triad Approach to Characterize TCENational Laboratory Environmental Sciences Division Argonne, IL http://www.triadcentral.org/user/doc/TPP-Hurlburt-BestPractices.pdf • Adaptations to Triad as a Basis for Exit Strategy Development Decision Logic Flow Chart2006 Triad Poster Session; CH2MHill http://www.triadcentral.org/user/doc/TPP-Hurlburt-TriadAdaptations.pdf • Successful Triad Implementations at Federal SitesAQR Color-Tec Method locates source areas at Calloway Drum Recycling Site, Auburndale, Floridahttp://www.triadcentral.org/user/doc/TPP-Callaway-Field_Based_Decision_Approach.pdf

  14. AQR Color-Tec® Featured OnEPA CLU-IN Technology Page EPA CLU-IN web page provides information about treatment and characterization technologies. AQR Color-Tec is featured with other test kits in the technology descriptions and selection tools section

  15. AQR Color-Tec®Equipment and Expendables • Cost per sample is $19.95 (Basic QA/QC included) • Provided in 20-sample kits with all required expendables • Hardware kit includes piston pump, pump stand, heating equipment, and carrying case • Professional technical support is included with any purchase • Customized comprehensive training courses are available Hardware Kit = $1,195 20 Sample Pack = $395

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