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Join us for an engaging trivia game focused on understanding healthy vs. unhealthy relationships and different types of abuse. Learn how to Choose Respect Initiative to foster positive connections. Ideal for youth audiences.
Choose Respect Trivia Host: Presenter’s Name(s)
Choose Respect Trivia Choose Respect Initiative Healthy Relationships Unhealthy Relationships Types of Abuse Scenarios Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Trivia
$100 (Types of Abuse) Pinching, shoving and slapping, and/or throwing objects
$100 Answer (Types of Abuse) What is physical abuse?
$200 Question (Types of Abuse) Unwanted touching, pressure to have sex, and threats to find someone else who will do what he or she wants sexually
$200 Answer (Types of Abuse) What is sexual abuse?
$300 (Types of Abuse) Put downs, insults, rumors, accusations, or threats.
$300 Answer (Types of Abuse) What is verbal abuse?
$400 (Types of Abuse) Humiliation, possessiveness, or withdrawal of attention.
$400 Answer (Types of Abuse) What is emotional abuse?
$500 (Types of Abuse) Emotional, sexual, physical, and verbal abuse all fall under this category.
$500 Answer (Types of Abuse) What is dating abuse or relationship abuse?
$100 (Choose Respect) Designed to motivate youth to form healthy relationships to prevent dating abuse before it starts.
$100 Answer (Choose Respect) What is Choose Respect?
$200 (Choose Respect) The main target audience for Choose Respect.
$200 Answer (Choose Respect) Who are 11-14 year olds?
$300 (Choose Respect) A pattern of behavior that is found in healthy relationships.
$300 Answer (Choose Respect) What is respect?
$400 (Choose Respect) Unhealthy relationships can start early and last___.
$400 Answer (Choose Respect) What is a lifetime?
$500 (Choose Respect) Encourages young people to actively form healthy, respectful relationships.
$500 (Choose Respect) What is Choose Respect?
$100 (Scenarios) John tells Jane that she should dress how he wants her to dress.
$100 Answer (Scenarios) What is emotional abuse?
$200 Question (Scenarios) Although John’s partner Jane tells him not to touch her at times, he still insist on touching her.
$200 Answer (Scenarios) What is sexual abuse?
$300 (Scenarios) John is shoved into a wall every time he disagrees with Jane.
$300 Answer (Scenarios) What is physical abuse?
$400 (Scenarios) Jane calls John stupid whenever she is angry at him.
$400 Answer (Scenarios) What is verbal abuse?
$500 Question (Scenarios) Jane gave her partner, John, the silent treatment whenever he does not call her right away.
$500 Answer (Scenarios) What is emotional abuse?
$100 (Healthy Relationships) Taking a deep breath, counting to 10, walking away, or talking it out.
$100 Answer (Healthy Relationships) What is anger control or anger management?
$200 (Healthy Relationships) Acknowledge different point of view, be willing to give and take, and look for win-win situations whenever possible.
$200 Answer (Healthy Relationships) What is negotiation or compromise?
$300 (Healthy Relationships) Sticking to the subject and avoiding insults and trying to come up with possible solutions.
$300 Answer (Healthy Relationships) What is fighting fair?
$400 (Healthy Relationships) Identifying new solutions by breaking down an issue into small parts or by talking through the situation.
$400 Answer (Healthy Relationships) What is problem solving?
$500 (Healthy Relationships) Speaking honestly and openly about your feelings and expectations in a relationship to avoid miscommunication.
$500 Answer (Healthy Relationships) What is assertiveness?
$100 (Unhealthy Relationships) One of you makes fun of the other person’s opinions, looks, and there is no consideration for the other person’s feelings and thoughts.
$100 Answer (Unhealthy Relationships) What is disrespect?
$200 (Unhealthy Relationships) One of you makes all the decisions and is very demanding, such as telling the other person what to do, wear, or who to hang out with.
$200 Answer (Unhealthy Relationships) What is control?
$300 (Unhealthy Relationships) One of you make threats to do something drastic if the relationship ends.
$300 Answer (Unhealthy Relationships) What is over-dependence?
$400 (Unhealthy Relationships) One of you is just plain mean.
$400 Answer (Unhealthy Relationships) What is hostility?