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Kevin Weaver CFG IT Conference – 20 March 2013

Top 10 t ips when implementing a CRM system . Kevin Weaver CFG IT Conference – 20 March 2013. t he countdown – number 10. Think fully around user training - not just end user training for initial go live Refresher training on-going For staff newly recruited or with changed roles

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Kevin Weaver CFG IT Conference – 20 March 2013

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  1. Top 10 tips when implementing a CRM system Kevin Weaver CFG IT Conference – 20 March 2013

  2. the countdown – number 10 • Think fully around user training - not just end user training for initial go live • Refresher training on-going • For staff newly recruited or with changed roles • Making the most of the system you’ve invested in • Expanding your use of the system beyond initial go live

  3. the countdown – number 9 • Consult the market – it’s living and changing in terms of products and suppliers • Products • Richness of functionality / Usability • Road map • Ability to grow with your needs • Suppliers • Ethos / Matching vision • Methodology • Support • References – friends, contacts, consultants, suppliers

  4. the countdown – number 8 • Involve your stakeholders along the way at appropriate stages • To maintain enthusiasm and momentum • Board • Managers • End users • Involve at the right level – avoid design by committee and unnecessarily lengthening the design phase • Regular updates internally • Publicise your achievements as you go (e-newsletters, intranet etc)

  5. the countdown – number 7 • Make sure that there is a real business case for a new system • Is there a real need for a new system • Who do you need to consult? • What do you want to achieve? • How will you measure your achievements? • Can your existing system meet your growing needs? • Do you need a detailed functional tender? • ROI • Open interpretation – by suppliers • …or supplier workshops / review the market first?

  6. the countdown – number 6 • Keep the plan and system simple – wherever you can • Understand vanilla capabilities before bespoking • Is the system mature and used by similar organisations? • Be open to changing your processes to fit a product • Simplify upgrades • Minimise time to go live • Keep your costs down • Align with best practice

  7. the countdown – number 5 • Plan for moving beyond the initial go live • How will you make sure the system is a success and beds in? • Measuring and publicising achievements • Efficiencies, time saving and ROI • Staff focusing on activities that make an impact for your organisation vstime consuming low level admin • Internal user forum and champions • Best practice • Managing concerns • Reviewing system use • Ensure initial enthusiasm is maintained • Internal support and training

  8. the countdown – number 4 • Appoint a “good” and willing project manager • Sufficient time dedicated to the role • With authority to make decisions • Trusted and respected • Communicates and collaborates well • Knows your business processes • Knows what you need to achieve • Has relevant experience • Accountable to an involved project sponsor

  9. the countdown – number 3 • Plan for and invest highly in user acceptance testing • Key staff will need time protected for this • Probably more than you initially think and the right staff • Critical in ensuring the implementation gives you what you need • Prepare thorough business process scripts well in advance • Consider integrations and data brought across too • Needs to be thorough and complete • only test issues raised have been appropriately dealt with afterwards • avoid repeated / incomplete UAT phases • Increasing time and complexity – before system has been used live • redesigning the system before it has been used in anger • Start to prepare process based desk manuals for end users

  10. the countdown – number 2 • Accept that change will happen during the implementation and plan for it • Implementations may not happen quickly • Your needs at the end may not be the same as the initial needs identified • Change control processes during the implementation • Consider impact on budget and timing for project delivery • Staff will leave, new staff will join, existing staff may change roles • Risk assess regularly and plan actions and responsibilities for mitigation – in advance

  11. the countdown – number 1 • …and watch out for HMRC moving the goalposts • Online government gateway gift aid claim submission • “Charities Online” from 22 Apr 2013 • paper claims accepted until at least 30 Sep 2013 • not a long transition period • Includes automatic amendments to already claimed gift aid • no longer through manually sending a cheque back • Faster repayment – within 15 working days • R68(i) claims repay within 30 days • Costs and preparation • Your internal processes • Your CRM / Fundraising systems • …and other external agencies / integrated products too

  12. charities online – claim using an online form • up to 1,000 Gift Aid donors • complete and attach schedule spreadsheet to the online claim form • no limit to the numbers of claims you can submit • HMRC published the new schedule spreadsheets with explanations on how to use them last Friday (15 March 2013) • look for Charity News on the HMRC site • along with details on how to sign up to use Charities Online

  13. charities online – claim through your database • for those who file Gift Aid claims for more than 1,000 donors • although it can also be used to make smaller claims • send one claim per day directly from your CRM and fundraising system • with details of up to 500,000 Gift Aid donors.

  14. charities online – claim using a paper form • for those who don't have access to the internet • a new form, ChR1, replaces all existing R68 claim forms • ChR1 forms can be ordered from the HMRC Charities Helpline from 25 March 2013 • continuation sheets (called ChR1CS) can be requested • allowing for up to 90 Gift Aid donors in each individual claim • HMRC will automatically scan the information • so payments may be made quicker • no limit to the number of claims that can be submitted

  15. gift aid small donations scheme • new scheme being introduced in April 2013 • applies to cash donations of £20 or less • collection boxes, tins, buckets, … • no need to collect donor declarations • claim on total donations of up to £5,000 per year • the 'matching rule‘ • every £10 of donations claimed under GASDS must be matched with £1 of donations claimed under Gift Aid in the same tax year

  16. experiences and lessons learned within the group • …otherwise known as “what did I miss?”

  17. links • HM Revenue & Customs to introduce online Gift Aid filing system on 22 April (third sector, 22 Feb 2013) • Charities Online: making your Gift Aid repayments quicker and easier(HMRC) • Using R68i forms during the transition period(HMRC) • Charities Helpline (HMRC)

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