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Standard Week 10 Voca b

Standard Week 10 Voca b. English II. Repugnant. Offensive to taste and feeling This alien was so _____ that the FBI decided not to let anyone know about these hideous-looking creatures because they were just too gross. CANDID. Straightforward, Honestly frank

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Standard Week 10 Voca b

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  1. Standard Week 10 Vocab English II

  2. Repugnant • Offensive to taste and feeling • This alien was so _____ that the FBI decided not to let anyone know about these hideous-looking creatures because they were just too gross.

  3. CANDID • Straightforward, Honestly frank • I thought I could be _____ with my friend, Gretchen, when she tried to make the phrase “fetch” happen, because “fetch” was never, ever going to happen.

  4. Mean Girls Link

  5. ENVOY • A Representative of a government who is sent on a special diplomatic mission • I was sent as a(n) _____ to Israel with the sole intention of clearing up any racial tension that existed.

  6. FEIGN • To give a false appearance of; To make up, Fabricate • The boxer would _____ a punch and when you flinched, she would come in with a sucker-jab.

  7. FLAIR • A natural talent or aptitude; a knack • Some say I have a(n) _____ for juggling, although I have never tried to juggle with chainsaws.

  8. Progressive Chainsaw juggler

  9. ESCALATE • To increase, enlarge, or intensify • The fight _____ quickly when Brick, our newscaster from Channel 4, killed a man with a Trident.

  10. Anchorman “That escalated quickly!”

  11. INCREDULOUS • Skeptical; Expressive of disbelief, unbelievable. • After I said I was a millionaire, she looked at my cheap sneakers from K-Mart and gave me a(n) _____ stare.

  12. HORDE • A gathered multitude of human beings; A crowd (people or things) • They tried to cram a(n) _____ of people into the main street of Disneyland for the 100 year celebration, which made it very hard to walk around.

  13. A horde of people at Disney

  14. SCUTTLE • To run hastily; To dash • At the repugnant restaurant, I saw a tiny mouse _____ across the floor and then hide behind a plant.

  15. Mouse scuttles across the floor of a dirty restaurant.

  16. PROGNOSIS • A prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease • The doctor's _____ was that I should be rid of the embarrassing rash within a week

  17. GRIEVOUS • Causing sorrow; serious • The nuclear technician made sure he didn't make any _____ mistakes, because the consequences of these errors could be a disaster.

  18. General Grievous causing a grievous

  19. HETEROGENEOUS • Consisting of dissimilar elements; Assorted • It looks like you have a(n) _____ mixture of candy from Halloween, so why not trade with me so you can build up your supply of peanut butter cups?

  20. A heterogeneous bowl of M&Ms, reeses pieces, and skittles

  21. MONOLOGUE • A story or drama told or performed by one person; A long speech • As an actor, you must be able to perform alone on stage, so I'm making you perform a(n) _____ in front of the entire class.

  22. Taylor Swift’s monologue song on SNL

  23. IMPEL • To drive or urge forward • My football captains are trying to _____ the whole team to victory by bringing us together.

  24. Remember the Titans are impelling each other to win

  25. EXPEDIENT • Something that is a means to an end; Contributing to personal advantage, beneficial • Running 2 miles each day is supposed to be _____ toward one's health but I find walking just as practical.

  26. DRUDGERY • Hard and consistent work in any menial or dull occupation • Her workload was so boring that she finally gave up and slipped away from the _____ at the office to go on a much-needed break.

  27. CUBICLE • A small compartment, as for work or study • Dilbert is famous for working in a small _____ that looks like a tiny box.

  28. Office Space movie trailer… (They work in cubicles)

  29. INSCRIBE • To enter in a book, or on a list, roll, or document, by writing • The first draft of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was _______ on a piece of parchment for Shakespeare to see all written out.

  30. AUXILIARY • An individual or group that offers assistance or support • I felt like I could serve as a(n) _____ bouncer for the club because they were short on muscular men.

  31. RASPING • A harsh, grating sound; Unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound • Her _____ voice sounded like she had been a smoker for years, but the scratchy sound made me shudder nonetheless.

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