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Neural (nerve) Control yr-9-health.wikispaces/Unit+Outline

Neural (nerve) Control http://yr-9-health.wikispaces.com/Unit+Outline. Chapter 7.1 page 225. Human Nervous System. Consists of 2 main parts The Central Nervous System (spinal cord and brain) and, The Peripheral Nervous System (all of the other nerves in your body and limbs.

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  1. Neural (nerve) Controlhttp://yr-9-health.wikispaces.com/Unit+Outline Chapter 7.1 page 225

  2. Human Nervous System • Consists of 2 main parts • The Central Nervous System (spinal cord and brain) and, • The Peripheral Nervous System (all of the other nerves in your body and limbs.

  3. Nerve Cells - Neurones Nerve cells conduct neural (electric) impulses. Neurones consist of • Cell body • Dendrites (branches that receive information) and, • Axons (that conduct messages away from the cell) – one direction only. • Synaptic knob of the axon • Myelin – an insulating lining that covers the nerves and increases neural transmission speeds. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of the myelin sheath that may cause many different symptoms.

  4. Nerve diagrams

  5. Neuro-transmitters At the junction of each nerve connection (synapse) there is a small gap where chemicals are released to transfer the impulse from an axon to the dendrite of the next nerve. Many drugs such as opium and heroin (opiates) are chemically very similar to these neuro-transmitters and this can lead to addiction to the drug. They produce a similar effect on the brain as do naturally occurring Endorphins – that act to kill pain, cause sensations of pleasure (addiction to running), and cause sleepiness.

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