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Mastering Recount Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students

This resource guides students through the process of writing recounts, from understanding the key features to using time connectives effectively. It includes shared writing activities, role-plays, and individual writing tasks to strengthen recount skills.

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Mastering Recount Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Recounts

  2. Recounts Date: __________LI: Text mark recount features Texts:Our Trip to the ZooMy Day at LegoLand Recount - Day 1 Text Marking Characteristics of a Recount: Features of a Recount

  3. Recounts Date: __________LI: To answer general recount questions Word Work: What When Where Who Why Recount - Day 2 Text Marking Texts: (These are the same as yesterday)Our Trip to the ZooMy Day at LegoLand General Questions about a Recount: Questions

  4. Recounts Date: __________LI: To use time connectives to explain role play Word work: Time connectives: What are they? Why are they used? List examples Recount - Day 3 To use Time Connectives Role Play for Shared Writing: Two children come into the classroom to fetch their lunch. (Add a few details) Shared writing, using time connectives: Writing Frame using Time Connectives Role Play for Individual Writing: Two children come into the classroom to fetch a coat, but one knocks a vase off the table.

  5. Recounts Date: __________LI: To write the body of a recount Word work: Sequencing of a recount, using time connectives for clues Tsunami Recount Shared Writing: Using time connectives, write the body of a recount using (Encourage Elephants and Lions to write additional details, not just use sentences beginning with connectives.) Flight Time Line,Flight Time Line LA Recount - Day 4 To write the body of a recount

  6. Recounts Date: __________LI: To write a recount Word work: What problems did we find this week that we need to remember? Shared writing of a recount: Children to explain about their trip to Fairplay House Use the writing frame to write the recount Writing Frame using Time Connectives Recount - Day 5 To write a recount Individual writing of a recount: Using writing frames for support, children to write recounts independently. Elephant Writing Frame, Lion Writing Frame Recount self-assessment cards: Elephant Recount self-assessment card Snake Recount self-assessment card

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