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SCOREBOARD. Updated on 3/7 Began 2/8 Ends 3/15. 1) 0 – 84 = Ice Cream 85 - 119 points = Pizza and Cup Cakes 120 or higher = 2 Slices of Pizza per student. VOICE LEVEL: 1 WHISPER. VOICE LEVEL: 1 WHISPER. Do Now: 3 /9/ 17. Read the following word problem

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SCOREBOARD Updated on 3/7 Began 2/8 Ends 3/15 • 1) 0 – 84 = Ice Cream • 85 - 119 points = Pizza and Cup Cakes • 120 or higher = 2 Slices of Pizza per student

  2. VOICE LEVEL: 1 WHISPER VOICE LEVEL: 1 WHISPER Do Now: 3/9/17 Read the following word problem Apply the 3 Reads Strategy to the problem Attempt to solve the problem A scalene triangle has three unequal side lengths.  The medium-length side is 7 cm longer than the shortest side.  The longest side is twice as long as the shortest side.  The total perimeter is 39 cm.  What are the lengths of the sides of the triangle?   Who, What, When, Identify operations or action Write the question in Where and Why. words. your own words Third Read Second Read First Read

  3. 5.3.3 –How Do I Use The 3 Reads? Objective: Students will be able to develop strategies for solving word problems using the 3 reads strategy with a 75% accuracy or more on the exit slip. Students will be able to complete a concept map for Chapter 4. • What will students be able to do? • What must you score on the exit slip to meet the objective?

  4. HW REVIEW!!! 5.3.1

  5. 5.3.3 – How Do I Use The 3 Reads? 5-115 –Do Now 5-116: Whole Group 5-118 : Poster

  6. Chapter 5.3.3 Whole Group Task Manager Facilitator Reporter/Recorder Resource Manager 5-116 You have 6 minutes to work with your table. • If your table finishes before the timer, go ahead and read 5-118 Third Read Second Read First Read

  7. TASK MANAGERS - Grade Round 1

  8. Chapter 5.3.3 Poster Task Manager Facilitator Reporter/Recorder Resource Manager 5.3.3 – Applying The 3 Reads Names 3/9/17 5-118 Ms. Pacheco, Mr. Edwards, and Mr. Richards are three math teachers at Turner Middle School.  Ms. Pacheco is three years older than Mr. Richards.  Mr. Edwards is twice as old as Mr. Richards.  The sum of Mr. Richards’ age and Mr. Edwards’ age is 81.  How old is each person?  Word Problem 1st read Picture/Colors 2nd read 3rd read Solve

  9. TASK MANAGERS - Grade Round 2

  10. In your Ipads: -Go to join.www.quizizz.com RULES: • In your Ipads, turn The Volume Down • Write your first name and initial of your last name. • Keep the Voice Levels at a “2”

  11. In your Ipads: -Go to www.awwapp.com -Click Start Drawing - Draw something that relates to today’s lesson.

  12. 2 Minute Breather#13 The Wave https://youtu.be/McYJpjwYgbE?list=PLS6iL38ozA1bEIspK__Up3DurQoEWhImz


  14. Independent Work GO TO: mrromeromath.weebly.com • Ed Puzzle: CC7: 5.3.1 • IXL – (LEVEL I) - R.1 –“Write Variable Expressions” - R.2 –“Write Variable Expressions: Word Problems” 3) Exit Slip 4) Math Concept Map: Chapter 4 (Tables )

  15. Chapter 4 Concept Map • You will create a concept map from Chapter 4 Vocabulary. • This will be done individually. • Today, Tables 5-8 will begin their concept map. • For concepts you are unsure about, you can go to CPM or search for the concepts online.

  16. What is a Concept Map?? - Show Example!

  17. Math Concept Map

  18. GOOGLE DRAWINGSChapter 4 Concept Map • Open a webpage (Go to your Google Drive by searching for Google Drive on a search engine.) • In the top left, click New > More > Google Drawings. • Title : “ Name – Math Concept Map” • In the top right corner, share your document with fromero@laalliance.org • Insert shapes, lines or text with the editing tools.

  19. GOOGLE DRAWINGSChapter 4 Concept Map Create your own concept map with the following concepts(Color of boxes will be green): Chapter 4: Expressions • Algebraic Expression • Combining Like Terms • Constant 4) Variable 5) Coefficient 6) Distributive Property 7) Term

  20. GOOGLE DRAWINGSChapter 4 Concept Map • Open a webpage (Go to your Google Drive by searching for Google Drive on a search engine.) • In the top left, click New > More > Google Drawings. • Title : “ Name – Math Concept Map” • In the top right corner, share your document with fromero@laalliance.org • Insert shapes, lines or text with the editing tools.

  21. GOOGLE DRAWINGSChapter 4 Concept Map Create your own concept map with the following concepts(Color of boxes will be green): Chapter 4: Expressions • Algebraic Expression • Combining Like Terms • Constant 4) Variable 5) Coefficient 6) Distributive Property 7) Term

  22. Chapter 4 Definitions • Algebraic Expression: An expression that contains variables, numbers and operations. 2) Combining Like Terms : Adding and subtracting like terms which have the same variables and exponents. 3) Constant: A number in an expression that will not change. 4) Variable: A letter that represents a number. 5) Coefficient: A number used to multiply a variable.

  23. Chapter 4 Definitions 6) Distributive Property: The distributive property states that multiplying a sum by a number gives the same result as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products together. 7) Term: A part of an algebraic equation or a number in a sequence or a series or a product of real numbers and/or variables.

  24. Chapter 4 Definitions • Algebraic Expression: An expression that contains variables, numbers and operations. 2) Combining Like Terms : Adding and subtracting like terms which have the same variables and exponents. 3) Constant: A number in an expression that will not change. 4) Variable: A letter that represents a number. 5) Coefficient: A number used to multiply a variable.

  25. Chapter 4 Definitions 6) Distributive Property: The distributive property states that multiplying a sum by a number gives the same result as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products together. 7) Term: A part of an algebraic equation or a number in a sequence or a series or a product of real numbers and/or variables.


  27. Independent Work GO TO: mrromeromath.weebly.com 1) Ed Puzzle: 2) Ixl: Tables 1 - 4 - R.1: Write Variable Expressions - R.2: Write Variable Expressions - K.7: Interpret Graphs of Proportional Relats - C.5: Add and Subtract Integers: Word Problems • Math Concept Map: Chapter 4 (Tables 1-4) • Exit Slip

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