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IT’S YOUR FUTURE; TAKE CHARGE. Charles Kaufman Scholarship, Internship, Career Development Coordinator 202-B Kaufman@txstate.edu. IT’S YOUR FUTURE; TAKE CHARGE. Resume Cover Letter Interview Internship. RESUME: Get to the Point.
IT’S YOUR FUTURE; TAKE CHARGE Charles Kaufman Scholarship, Internship, Career Development Coordinator 202-B Kaufman@txstate.edu
IT’S YOUR FUTURE; TAKE CHARGE Resume Cover Letter Interview Internship
RESUME: Get to the Point Prospective employers review dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes. They will spend 20 to 30 seconds with your resume. If your resume is like the others, you may lose out. Consider points that are uniquely you. The purpose of the resume is to differentiate you and your talents from the rest.
RESUME HEADINGS • Skills • Education • Experience • Activities (possibly Interests) • References
OBJECTIVE Your objective is simple: You are seeking a _________ internship with __________. Your resume may not need a stated objective since you may cover this matter in your cover letter.
SKILLS “What can the student do?” In our business this primarily means, “How savvy are you with technical tasks?” The ability to speak multiple languages also is a skill. EXAMPLES: • Microsoft Office: (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) • InDesign, the Adobe Creative Suite • Dreamweaver • Avid • Final Cut Pro • Bilingual: English / French or Spanish, etc.
EDUCATION Texas State University-San Marcos Graduation: May 2010 School of Journalism and Mass Communication Major: Advertising Minor: Business Dean’s List: Fall 2009, Spring 2010 Semester abroad: Spain, Summer 2007; studied Spanish history and economics, University of Madrid.
RESUME: What not to list No need to list courses in your major. Juniors and Seniors in masscomm sequences at various universities generally take the same sorts of courses. • List only courses unique to your experience (Ex: • Studied British government at London University) • High school jobs, clubs, honors, unless you were valedictorian or editor of your newspaper.
EXPERIENCE Name of Employer #1 Dates of service Title: Intern, Reporter, etc. Description of quantifiable duties unique to your experience Name of Employer #2 Dates of service Title: Intern, Reporter, etc. Description of quantifiable duties unique to your experience Name of Employer #3 Dates of service Title: Intern, Reporter, etc. Description of quantifiable duties unique to your experience
EXPERIENCEMake the ordinary extraordinary If you worked as a server in a restaurant or cashier at a store, for example, list tasks that are unique to your experience. Everyone knows that a server takes order, serves food, takes money and communicates with customers. ‘No need to list these. However, list aspects of a job that are quantifiable, such as: • Shift manager, trained and supervised five servers • Top July Employee, serving 9,000 people in July 2010
ACTIVITIES EXAMPLES • Public Relations Student Society of America • Ad Club • Society of Professional Journalists • National Broadcasting Society • Fraternity/Sorority • Bobcat Build • ASG Senator from SJMC
Cover Letter GOAL: Connect skills and objectives with the employer’s needs and objectives. RESEARCH employers. Navigate their websites for pertinent information. LETTER: It is not a narrative form of your resume. Introduction Show familiarity with employer Create linkage Write persuasively Thank you
Cover Letter INTRODUCTION: TELL US WHO YOU ARE I am a senior (name the sequence) student at Texas State University and am eager to work as a fall intern with (name of organization). Write direct, clear sentences using plain language. Get to the point. This is no place to state your life philosophy.
Cover Letter SHOW FAMILIARITY WITH EMPLOYER If the employer is specific about what it seeks in an intern, match your skills with those needs. Refer to the company’s website or something that impresses you about the employer. Connect your interests with their interests. You will stand out as a fit for the company.
Cover Letter CREATE LINKAGE: Example In navigating your website, I was particularly impressed with the “case studies” concerning the All-American Hospitals Corporation campaign. I have a keen interest in working with health issues. (explain)
Cover Letter POWER OF SUGGESTION Enclosed (or attached) please find my resume. I look forward to visiting with you about this opportunity at your earliest convenience. THANK YOU Thank you for your consideration. CLOSE Sincerely yours,
REMEMBER • Proof your resume and cover letter • Make them perfect, NO MISSPELLINGS • Do NOT write generic letters. • Keep the cover letter brief, to the point. • The goal of the letter is to get the employer to the resume; the goal of the resume is to get the employer to call you for an interview. • One mistake may get your materials tossed.
IT’S YOUR FUTURETAKE CHARGE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Charles Kaufman Scholarship, Internship, Career Development Coordinator 202-B Kaufman@txstate.edu