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Deserts. Done by: Abdulrahman Asheer. The desert is located in the yellow places in the map. This what a desert look like.
Deserts Done by: Abdulrahman Asheer.
This what a desert look like. http://www.google.com.qa/search?q=sahara+desert&sugexp=chrome%2Cmod%3D19&um=1&hl=ar&tbm=isch&tab=wi&oq=sahara+desert&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l5.302048.305614.0.306104. http://www.google.com.qa/search?q=deserts&aq=f&sugexp=chrome,mod%3D19&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=ar&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=SiftUOaDC8GctQaGhYC4CA
What is a desert ? • Deserts are natural laboratories in which to study the interactions of wind and sometimes water on the arid surface of planets. It is also an area that takes one-third of the Earths land surface. A desert is also a place with 10 inches or 25cm of rain or less than a year. Deserts cover about one seventh of the earth’s surface. All deserts are extremely dry, and can be one of the harshest places on earth.
This is an example of the largest desert in Africa which is the Sahara Desert.
What animals live there ? http://www.google.com.qa/imgres?imgurl=http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/staticfiles/NGS/Shared/StaticFiles/Photography/Images/POD/t/thorny-devil-525047-sw.jpg&imgrefurl=http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/enlarge/thorny-devil_pod_image.html&usg=__nKYO1JChWIzF3MSO-1XCflvDhoQ=&h=600&w=800&sz=103&hl=ar&start=4&zoom=1&tbnid=XEGCtAGCxiYYUM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&ei=LCvtUISqCcHStAaJqIDgAg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dthorny%2Bdevil%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dar%26tbo%3Dd%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1 • http://www.google.com.qa/search?q=camels&sugexp=chrome%2Cmod%3D19&um=1&hl=ar&tbm=isch&tab=wi&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l5.302048.305614.0.306104. http://www.google.com.qa/imgres?imgurl=http://www.iranicaonline.org/uploads/files/Lizards/lizards-fig8a.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/lizards&usg=__vkcZvScrL_l-aomtyy33Q8CMTzk=&h=600&w=800&sz=234&hl=ar&start=8&zoom=1&tbnid=efFBlcS2kilv-M:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&ei=FS3tUJDgIM7HtAaNmYGICA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dlizards%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dar%26tbo%3Dd%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1
These are the plants that live in the desert. http://www.google.com.qa/imgres?imgurl=http://www.iranicaonline.org/uploads/files/Lizards/lizards-fig8a.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/lizards&usg=__vkcZvScrL_l-aomtyy33Q8CMTzk=&h=600&w=800&sz=234&hl=ar&start=8&zoom=1&tbnid=efFBlcS2kilv-M:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&ei=FS3tUJDgIM7HtAaNmYGICA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dlizards%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dar%26tbo%3Dd%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1 http://www.google.com.qa/search?q=plants%20that%20live%20in%20the%20desert&aq=0&sugexp=chrome,mod%3D19&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=ar&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=DkrwULG5EIX0sgbCm4HoDw&biw=1150&bih=638&sei=EUrwUL7dLcbItQbzqICwBg http://www.google.com.qa/search?q=plants%20that%20live%20in%20the%20desert&aq=0&sugexp=chrome,mod%3D19&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=ar&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=DkrwULG5EIX0sgbCm4HoDw&biw=1150&bih=638&sei=EUrwUL7dLcbItQbzqICwBg
How do animals survive there? Animals survive there by eating plants. Desert animals are specially adapted to the dry conditions. Most of them do not need to drink water, but obtain sufficient moisture from the foods they eat. Some desert animals burrow down deep to find water. The two main adaptations that desert animals must make to deal with lack of water and also how to deal with extremes temperature. Also animals have to be careful from the human hunting. Most of desert animals avoid the heat of the desert by simply staying out of it as much as possible.
How do plants live there? No plant could live in a true desert, where it never rains. But the places where cacti and many other things. Also desert plants grow to get rain once in a while-even if its only every couple of years or so. Over millions of years the leaves of cacti became so small-to reduce water loss-that on many only sharp spins remain. Cactus plants are well adapted adapted to their hot and dry surroundings. There thick stems and branches now do the work that leaves ordinarily keeps on marking food through photosynthesis. I think that plants takes energy from the sun to survive there.
Human activities • Human survive there by hunting animals like rabbits and some other animals. • They also ride on camels. • They bring water and make sure to not drink so much to save some water for more days. • They use there eagles and dogs to hunt other animals.
Bad human activities? • Stay without water more than three days. • Bring a small amount of water. • To not save some water for other times. • Make sure to not forgot your dogs and eagles for hunting other animals for food. • To make sure not to let the camel that you are riding on to run away.
What can be done to prevent the bad human activites ? • The solution is to bring a big amount of water. • Make sure to not stay in the desert more three days without water. • People have to not forgot having eagles or dogs to hunt other animals for food. • To make sure to save some water and food for more days. • Keep an eye on the camel that you are riding on so it does not run away.
Bibliography • Websites: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_desert_animals_live_without_water • http://www.answers.com/topic/how-can-desert-plants-live-without-water • http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/deserts/what/ • http://inchinapinch.com/hab_pgs/terres/desert/desert.htm • http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/19466470 • https://www.google.com.qa/search?q=where+is+the+sahara+desert+located&aq=0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=5bn2UKO-NMnDswbCvYCYCg&biw=1150&bih=638&sei=6rn2UKzwDcj4sgbpyoDgCA