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Children's Fluid Requirements - The Healthiest Drinks For Kids

Whilst good nutrition is one of the most important aspects of a child's health, what we give our kids to drink is just as significant as the quality of food we give them to eat.

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Children's Fluid Requirements - The Healthiest Drinks For Kids

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  1. Children's Fluid Requirements - The Healthiest Drinks For Kids Whilst good nutrition is one of the most important aspects of a child's health, what we give our kids to drink is just as significant as the quality of food we give them to eat. Breast Feeding vs Formula Feeding From birth to around 6 months of age of course, there's little doubt that breast milk is the best thing for babies to consume. ​Best Organic Infant Formula ​offer a nutritionally adequate substitute but do not offer the benefits for a child's immunity provided by breast milk.. Studies have found that the younger an infant is exposed to formula, the greater their risk of developing problems related to their immune system such as allergies, eczema and asthma later in life. There are reasons why breast feeding may simply not be possible of course, but unless this is the case, it should always be preferential over the bottle. Cows Milk? Whilst it's important to start introducing solids at around 6 months of age, it is ideal to continue breastfeeding as well (if possible) up until about 12 months. If this is simply not an option, then formula is definitely the best fluid for a child of that age to be consuming. Cows milk should not be introduced until after 12 months. This helps to avoid the potential for an allergic reaction; and ensures a better nutrient intake for the child as cows milk is a poor source of certain nutrients such as iron (which are added to formulas). After 12 months, you can progress to either cow's milk or ​Best Natural Infant Formula​. As many parents are probably aware it is recommended to provide full cream milk (around 4% fat) at this age as it is an important source of the fats needed for growth and development for a toddler.. The Australia dietary guidelines recommend that low fat dairy foods are encouraged for children over the age of two years. It is important to consider the individual nutritional needs of your child. Alternatives to Milk As a general rule of thumb, plain cows milk is the best choice for young children, though sometimes certain children either can't tolerate milk or simply don't like the taste of it. Food allergies occur in about 6% of children under 3 years, with nearly half of all cases being attributed to cow's milk. The good news is that approximately 80% of them will outgrow the allergy by the age of 5. Young children with cow's milk allergy will have to rely on a substitute eg goat's milk or soy milk. Make sure that any allergy or intolerance is properly diagnosed by a

  2. doctor using medically approved allergy testing methods. It is important to diagnose allergy correctly and avoid limiting foods in a child's diet unless it is truly necessary. If you suspect your child may have a food allergy seek advice from your doctor. Unlike popular belief, A2 milk will still cause allergic reactions in children allergic to cow's milk. Goats milk or soy milk (fortified with calcium) are generally acceptable alternatives, though allergies to these milks can also occur in rare cases. Rice milk is also available and generally has added calcium, though due to its low fat and protein content, should not be considered an alternative to cow's milk or formula among children under two. Flavored milks are often preferred by children but these contain a lot of added sugar which means extra kilo joules and encourages children to prefer sweetened drinks.As long as you limit the amount of flavored milk to avoid too many extra kilo joules, flavored milks can help to provide enough calcium for a child, though of course other dairy foods (such as custard, yogurt and cheese) are also good sources. How much? Up until the age of 12 months, breast milk or formula should be the major fluid an infant receives. After that it is still important to make milk or toddler formula an important part of a child's fluid intake, (around 600ml's of milk per day) though throughout this second year of life, the most important fluid contribution should come from the best fluid of all - water. Water is needed for an enormous range of chemical functions in our body, and many people simply don't drink enough of it; including children. It is recommended that children under five consume approximately 4 glasses of water and 600ml of milk every day. There are other conditions which will affect how much water a children needs to drink, though these are general recommendations for most children, so it's best to speak to your doctor about any other specific circumstances. Kids will need even more water during hot weather, if they are very active as well as when they are sick eg with vomiting, fever and diarrhea, which all cause extra fluids to be lost. With excessive fluid loss with illness it may be necessary to give your child special electrolyte supplements (ask your doctor/pharmacist about this) to help prevent dehydration. Children can become dehydrated quickly through illness, so if you suspect that your child may be dehydrated, seek medical help immediately. Signs of acute dehydration include cool skin, dry mouth, fatigue, sunken eyes, swollen tongue and poor circulation.

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