1. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 1 15 : Ethics in Practice(NB. other ‘ethics’ work with Paula & Fatemeh) Consider/recap some basic theory on ethics
Explore this in relation to HD
Apply this to some practical examples.
Pre-reading : Naidoo & Wills (2000)2nd ed
Ch 6, “Ethical issues in health promotion”.
Also/Last Year ? : Read Cribb & Duncan (2002) in Bunton & Macdonald Ch 12.
2. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 2
3. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 3 Adapting N&W Ch6 - Health Development & the 3 branches of Philosophy : ‘Logic’ – or ‘reasoned argument’ ?
Epistemology – study of ‘truths’, eg. “What is fact?”, “What is health?”, “What can be known about it?”
Ethics – study of principles / morality / values
4. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 4 For ‘3’, eg: ‘Why do we do HD work ?’ ‘Moral’ reasons
(it’s the right thing to do)
‘Practical’ reasons
(it gets the result we want)
5. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 5 From Cribb & Duncan / Naidoo & Wills :
6. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 6 N&W Ch6 : Professional Duty & Principles (1) 1. Beauchamp & Childress (1995)
Four widely-accepted ethical principles :
Autonomy (‘self-determination’)
Beneficence (‘doing good’)
Non-Maleficence (‘not doing harm’)
Justice (fairness)
7. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 7 Ethical scenarios (SHEPS) For the example you have been given from the 7 on the handout :
1) How does it measure up to B&C ?
2) Note any ways in which the attempt at ‘health development’ work is :
‘not right’
‘not effective’
3) Any suggested improvements?
8. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 8 N&W Ch6 : Professional Duty & Principles (2) 2. Seedhouse’s (1988) ‘Ethical Grid’
Apply B&C’s 4 ethical principles to :
Central Conditions
Key Principles
External considerations
9. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 9 2. Seedhouse’s (1988) ‘Ethical Grid’
10. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 10 N&W Ch6 : Professional Duty & Principles (3) 3. SHEPS (1997) code of conduct
(in <HOMER>)
Includes a duty to :
Be fair
Respect personal & group rights
Avoid harm
Respect confidentiality
11. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 11 N&W Ch6 : Professional Duty & Principles (4) 4. SHEPS (1997) principles of practice :
Promote self-esteem & autonomy
Counter prejudice & discrimination
Act on soc/econ/phys environments
Good information flow
‘health-promoting processes & methods’
12. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 12 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion(WHO,1986)
13. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 13 To fluoridate ? ….. York (Centre for Reviews & Dissemination) Review :
14. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 14 Further reading ? :- Chap 6 in Katz. Peberdy & Douglas (2000)2nd ed- Cribb (1997) in Jones & Sidell Ch 13- Seedhouse texts. Next session 16 : Inclusion & anti-discrimination
Pre-read : Maggie Pearson ‘Racist Notions of Ethnicity & Culture in Health Education’, Ch 3 in
Rodmell,S & Watt,A (1986) The Politics of Health Education.
15. reflecting on personal and professional practice GM 7017 15 (???) :Reminder/suggestion for 2 weeks time !Session 17 :‘Working for ethics from within the system’ Prepare briefings on, eg :
‘race’ / sex / age / ability equality
Ind. Tribunals
Unions Task :
Get updated info
Sound out a colleague in the field about ‘how to use the system’
Present to group