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How the Internet has changed my life.
The advent of internet-based databases caused a major shift in my life. Due to the student information system, Infinite Campus, my career changed from a network design consultant to a database systems analyst and trainer. After working on that system for 3 years, I was asked to take over operation of the technology department for the Muskego-Norway School District.Bob Boyd
Well, I would have to say that an important change in my life due to theInternet is a man named Gerry, who I met on the personals after I broke upwith my boyfriend of 3+years.Turns out the guy is absolutely great.YAHOO!Janet
The internet has impacted my life in scores of exciting ways. At one point in my career the internet made me a better teacher by offering me access to resources and ideas that I would otherwise not have had access. Now, as a teacher in an online school, the internet makes it possible for me to be a teacher. The influence of the internet has gone far professional assistance to impact my personal life as well. The internet has allowed me to keep in contact with friends and family who are far away and in a world without the internet may have become mere distant relations or former acquaintances. Additionally, the internet has allowed me to make new social connections through my involvement with blogging. Anna
The internet, particularly email, has improved my ability to communicate, save time and money, and collaborate. I do side work for my father's photography business. Many of the files used are emailed back and forth. Ten years ago I would have had to physically spend the time and money to travel from Hartford to Menomonee Falls to do what we do today. It saves on expenses and increases profit for all involved. Unfortunately, my father has both poor English and typing skills so sometimes I have to call long distance (no cell or high speed... yet) just to figure out what he wants. But for the rest of the family, friends, and contacts, email does improve the bottom line. Paul Pulvermacher
How the internet has change my life The internet for all intensive purposes is my life. It’s hard to believe how quickly that has happened. I graduated from college only ten years ago. I did not have my own computer. I did not email anyone. I did not use/search the web very much. Today, I check my email as I’m getting ready in the morning. I pay my bills online, conduct any research online. I rarely use the phonebook anymore. When there is a computer issue at work, like the network being down, it seems like life comes to a standstill. It is truly amazing how fast and how much the internet has become an integral part of my life. Jamie Beckman
How has the Internet changed my life - The Internet has allowed me the opportunity to communicate with people more frequently and efficiently. This increase in communication has had a positive impact on my career, my students and their families, and my personal life. The speed with which you can express your feelings, ask questions and receive information saves time and makes work time much more productive. Kimberly Stuve
The Internet has provided me with a way to keep in constant contact with the people I need to without having to contanstly travel to be with them or having to keep late hours at work while I monitor/work with my students. It has allowed me to spend precious time at home without abandoning my work, friend, and family responsibilities. Brian Yearling
My life has changed immensely due to the Internet. First of all, my job as a high school English teacherhas gotten much easier. With online grading programs and email communication, keeping parents informed of their child'sgrade is more efficient and less time consuming. Also, my lesson plans change and improve constantly. I am able to access a multitude of new information, ideas and lesson plans from educators world wide. With easy access to so many resources, one should feel ashamed to use the same lessons year after year. On a personal note, I can't imagine my life without the Internet. Email is a wonderful way to keep in touch with family members throughout the state and country. Also, paying bills and shopping online saves time for a single mom. I don't always have time to browse through the stores, but I could do so online, create a shopping list and head out to the store with a mission in mind. These few elements really have improved my life. Peg Meddaugh
I don't think these are 'changes' in my life because for as long as I can remember we've had internet, at least since high school.The internet has allowed me to become really aware of all kinds of details in a short amount of time.... the weather, the news, the lowest possible price when shopping, phone numbers and addresses, driving directions, airline schedules ....I don't own a phone book, I don't own a map, I don't have a date book or an address book, I don't write letters, I don't own a cookbook, I rarely write checks to pay bills....So maybe these aren't important changes but the expectation that I wantto know now, I want it taken care of now, I want everything to beinstant and convenient are all direct results of the Internet. Melissa Schuett
As an English teacher and aspiring writer, I, too, love the feel of books. Greater than that love, though, is the love of knowledge. I love trivia. I love knowing a little bit about a lot of things and a lot about a few things. As a kid, I used to read our encyclopedias just for something to do. So, one of the greatest things about the Internet is that I can research any little thing at any time, and I do. Today I saw a bug I had never seen before, so I looked it up. I think it was some kind of sawfly, which I had not even heard of before. Whenever my five year-old son asks me a question I can’t answer, which is frequently, I say, “I don’t know. We’ll have to look that up on the Internet.” The only downside is the occasional pang of regret I feel on behalf of encyclopedia salespeople! • Penni Uribe
Most important change in mylife because of internet is being able to stay ineasy contact with my friends all over the world. One of my very closefriends serves in the army in Afghanistan and it is nice to be able to emailhim and get a quick response saying he is ok.Kristin Hubmann
Here is my thoughts on what has changed. 1. Communication with friends and family through email. 2. Research in general. (Examples: Consumer Reports, for school, ect.) 3. Pay the bills and save on postage. 4. Keep up with current events other than a newpaper. 5. Shopping Rob Grisar
An important change that the Internet brought to my life is "time". The Internet allows me the time to communicate with family and friends about what events that partake in my life and in my family's. I am able to send messages to multiple people when necessary without rewriting information, or I am able to keep up a web page that informs them about the events that happen each year. Also, I have access to an array of information written about an enfanent amount of subjects, which makes it easy to find information about sport teams and players around the country, especially the Packers, Brewers, and Bucks. Along with that, I am able to shop stores and order merchandise (also tickets to events) without getting out of my pajamas. Carl Dehne
The question for today is what do I believe to be an important change in my life because of the Interent. On personal level, I could probably begin by saying that using the Internet has greatly assisted me in my research and post-graduate work (access to libraries and databases from around the world).In the classroom alone, it has allowed me to greatly increased daily communication with parents. I believe that by using Email, Webgrader, the school's website etc, parents are becoming more involved in the education of their children. Rosie Green
It has made my life more convenient. Sending attachments, looking upinformation and not having to travel to find it, communicating andsharing with others, printing pictures, paying the bills, shopping,etc. It has also made teaching easier too through hands on activitiesthat help make material revelant to students lives. Daniel Simonson
The biggest change the Internet has had on my life is that it has given me the ability to stay in touch with family and friends around the world. I frequently communicate with friends in Antartica, Mexico,and all around the USA. If I did not have the Internet, I feel as if I would not be in touch with a lot of the people I communicate with. Amanda Simon
I thought long and hard about the importance of the change the web and internet have had in my life. It came down to a matter of convenience having information at my fingertips without having to leave my house. On the down side it is easy to get lost in the sea of information forgetting your original goal. The internet or web has provided a means of using my time more efficiently. The web has provided a proficient communication tool between the classroom and parents. A medium where class assignments and expectations can be posted and resources to help students complete assignments. With the glut of information at my finger tips I am able to comparison shop, read reviews, and purchase items from my home and have them delivered to my home. I am able to pay bills and manage my bank account over the internet. I found and applied for my current position online. Jim Nelson
The biggest changes in my life resulting from the Internet are 1) I have a teaching job online, which allows me to work from home most of the time and teach students from all across the state. 2)My husband has a job (he works for an ISP) 3) The Internet is my primary source for information, news, recipes, teaching ideas, directions, and even my telephone is through the internet. Angela Jurisch
Changes in my life because of the internet or web:I can think of two that I feel are at the top:It makes my life much easier, both as a teacher and realtor. I am able toaccess information quickly and easily.On the coat tail of that, it helps me to communicate better, faster, andmore often. Not just with both of my jobs and parents or clients, but italso allows me to keep in regular contact with people that I would mostlikely not keep in contact without the ease of the ease of e-mail.Sue Guzinski