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Entanglement in Quantum Gravity and Space-Time Topology

Quarks-08 Sergiev Posad 24.05.08. Entanglement in Quantum Gravity and Space-Time Topology. Dmitri V. Fursaev Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, RUSSIA. the talk is based on hep-th/0602134,

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Entanglement in Quantum Gravity and Space-Time Topology

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  1. Quarks-08 Sergiev Posad 24.05.08 Entanglement in Quantum Gravity and Space-Time Topology Dmitri V. Fursaev Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, RUSSIA the talk is based on hep-th/0602134, hep-th/0606184, arXiv:0711.1221 [hep-th]

  2. quantum entanglement: states of subsystems cannot described independently 1 2 entanglement has to do with quantum gravity: ● possible source of the entropy of a black hole (states inside and outside the horizon); ● d=4 supersymmetric BH’s are equivalent to 2, 3,… qubit systems ● entanglement entropy allows a holographic interpretation for CFT’s with AdS duals

  3. Holographic Formula for the Entropy Ryu and Takayanagi, hep-th/0603001, 0605073 (bulk space) minimal (least area) surface in the bulk 4d space-time manifold (asymptotic boundary of AdS) separating surface entropy of entanglement is measured in terms of the area of is the gravity coupling in AdS

  4. entanglement entropyin quantum gravity Suggestion (DF, 06,07): EE in quantum gravity between degrees of freedom separated by a surface B is 1 2 B is a least area minimal hypersurface in a constant-time slice • conditions: • ●static space-times • ●slices have trivial topology • ● the boundary of the slice is simply connected entropy of fundamental d.of f. is UV finite

  5. aim of the talk extension to problems with non-trivial topology: slices which admit closed least area surfaces;

  6. plan ● motivations for entanglement entropy (EE) ● problems with non-trivial topology ● tests of the suggestions

  7. entanglement entropy

  8. for realistic condensed matter systems the entanglement entropy is a non-trivial function of both macroscopical and microscopical parameters; • its calculation is technically involved, it does not allow an analytical treatment in general • DF: entanglement entropy in a quantum gravity theory can be measured solely in terms of macroscopical (low-energy) parameters without the knowledge of a microscopical content of the theory

  9. Motivations:effective action approach to EE in a QFT - “partition function” • effective action is defined on manifolds • with cone-like singularities - “inverse temperature”

  10. Example: finite temperature theory on an interval these intervals are identified

  11. the geometrical structure for conical singularity is located at the separating point

  12. “gravitational” entanglement entropy(semiclassical approximation) the “gravitational”entropy appears from the classical gravity action (which is a low-energy approximation of the effective action in quantum gravity)

  13. conditions for the “separating” surface fluctuations of are induced by fluctuations of the space-time geometry the geometry of the separating surface is determined by a quantum problem

  14. the separating surface is a minimal least area co-dimension 2 hypersurface

  15. the work is done with A.I. Zelnikov slices with non-trivial topology slices which locally are • slices with handles 1 2 1 2 (regions where states are integrated out are dashed)

  16. slices with wormhole topology

  17. closed least area surfaces on topological grounds, on a space-time slice which locally is there are closed least area surfaces example: for stationary black holes the cross-section of the black hole horizon with a constant-time hypersurface is a minimal surface: there are contributions from closed least area surfaces to the entanglement

  18. slices with a single handle we follow the principle of the least total area suggestion: EE in quantum gravity on a slice with a handle is are homologous to , respectively

  19. slices with wormhole topology EE in quantum gravity is: are least area minimal hypersurfaces homologous, respectively, to

  20. observation: if the EE is • black holes: EE reproduces the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy • wormholes may be characterized by an intrinsic entropy

  21. Araki-Lieb inequality inequalities for the von Neumann entropy strong subadditivity property equalities are applied to the von Neumann entropy and are based on the concavity property

  22. strong subadditivity: c d c d 1 2 f f b a a b generalization in the presence of closed least area surfaces is straightforward

  23. Araki-Lieb inequality, case of slices with a wormhole topology entire system is in a mixed state because the states on the other part of the throat are unobervable

  24. conclusions and future questions • there is a deep connection between quantum entanglement and gravity which goes beyond the black hole physics; • entanglement entropy in quantum gravity may be a pure macroscopical quantity, information about microscopical structure of the fundamental theory is not needed (analogy with thermodynamical entropy); • “the least area principle” can be used to generalize the entropy definition for slices with non-trivial topology; • the principle can be tested by the entropy inequalities; • BH entropy is a particular case of EE in quantum gravity; • wormholes can be characterized by an intrinsic entropy determined by the least area surface at the throat

  25. thank you for attention

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