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Should English immersion replace bilingual education?

Should English immersion replace bilingual education?. -What is English immersion? -What is bilingual education? -History of bilingual education -Why is this an issue? -Support for immersion -Support for bilingual education. By Elena Facchinei. What is English immersion?.

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Should English immersion replace bilingual education?

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  1. Should English immersion replace bilingual education? -What is English immersion? -What is bilingual education? -History of bilingual education -Why is this an issue? -Support for immersion -Support for bilingual education By Elena Facchinei

  2. What is English immersion? Students study English intensely WHILE learning core subjects in English Transferred to all English classrooms

  3. What is Bilingual Education? • 2 languages • More complex • 2 types: • Transitional • Developmental

  4. History of Bilingual Education ORIGINS: • 1839 – Ohio • 1847 – Louisiana • 1850 – New Mexico

  5. History of Bilingual Education BANNED: • WWI • fear of disloyalty • “Americanization”

  6. History of Bilingual Education • Bilingual Education Act of 1968 • Lau v. Nichols Case CHANGES?

  7. Why is this an issue? • Change in US population • Change in US demographics “…the suburban baby boom is now Hispanic…”

  8. Why is this an issue? • Political issues • Segregation • No Child Left Behind

  9. Support for English immersion Politically-influenced opposition to bilingual education: • $ MONEY $ • Wasteful

  10. Support for English immersion -Segregated -Linguistically isolated -Resistance Focus on unfairness of bilingual education

  11. Support for English immersion • Stuck • Wrongly placed Complaints from Spanish-speaking immigrants over bilingual education

  12. Support for English immersion • Bilingual education: • Not enough • Flores Case

  13. Support for English immersion • Success on west coast • Lexington Institute study

  14. Support for bilingual education • Immersion is ineffective • -Too long • -Unrealistic expectations

  15. Support for bilingual education • Benefits of using native language • Likely to succeed • Better English • Equal curriculum • No shame

  16. Support for bilingual education • Jim Cummins’ research • Developmental interdependence theory • Threshold theory

  17. Support of bilingual education • Not about immigration • Must move • Accept cost

  18. Support for bilingual education • U.S. = minority • Increasing demand • Helps adapt to society

  19. Questions • 1. Which policy do you think is more beneficial for the students that speak a native language? • 2. Should language education be the first subject area cut because of budget cuts?

  20. Bibliography • " Bilingual Education - Need for Bilingual Education, Benefits of Bilingualism and Theoretical Foundations of Bilingual Education ." Education Encyclopedia - StateUniversity.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2010.http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1788/Bilingual-Education.html • Cromwell, Sharon. "Education World ® - Curriculum: The Bilingual Education Debate: Part I." Education World® The Educator's Best Friend. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. <http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr047.shtml>. • Fessenden, Ford. "No Child Left Behind? Say It in Spanish." The New York Times 16 Dec. 2007, sec. Education: 1-2. Print. • Freedman, Samuel . "ON EDUCATION; It's Latino Parents Speaking Out On Bilingual Education." The New York Times 14 June 2004, sec. Education: 1-2. Print. • Jost, Kenneth. "Bilingual Education vs. English Immersion." CQ Researcher 19.43 (2009): 1-7. Print.

  21. Bibliography • National Association of Bilingual Education. "History of Bilingual Education." Rethinking Schools Online 12.3 (1998): 1-2. Print. • "ProEnglish: The English Language Advocates." ProEnglish: The English Language Advocates. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2010. <http://www.proenglish.org/>. • Roberts, Sam. "More Immigrants Have Doctorates." The New York Times 20 Apr. 2010, New York ed., sec. Education: A14. Print. • "What is Bilingual Education?." Bilingual Education. University of Michigan, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2010. <sitemaker.umich.edu/370bling

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