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OSPI Bilingual Education. Step by step instructions for completing the OSPI AMAO Data Analysis Worksheet. AMAOs How do I find my district’s results?.
OSPI Bilingual Education Step by step instructions for completing the OSPI AMAO Data Analysis Worksheet
AMAOs How do I find my district’s results?
The Detailed Excel AMAO files are posted on the OSPI website in the EDS application “Washington Assessment Management System (WAMS)”https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/Login.aspx . • If you do not have access to WAMS, contact your District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) to provide you with the file. • The Detailed Excel AMAO file provides the same information as had been reported in previous years on the WABilingualwebsite, without the conditional formatting. • This file includes all results regardless of the minimum cell size, so are only available by logging onto EDS. Please treat these data as confidential in compliance with FERPA requirements. AMAO 2012-2013
AMAO 2012-2013 1 2
Select the file indicated under “AMAO 2012_2013.xlsx” to download your file. Detail Excel AMAO file 9/4/2013
Formatting your Detail Excel AMAO file to evaluate Title III The file requires formatting to be readable. You can do this yourself, or format your file like the example in this presentation by following the instructions found at: http://www.k12.wa.us/MigrantBilingual/pubdocs/AMAO2013formattable.pdf
AMAOs How do I analyze my district’s results? One process as recommended by Paul McCold, OSPI
Download the AMAO Data Analysis Worksheet You need this to follow the steps
AMAO Data Analysis Worksheet Analyze data using the AMAO District data for SY 2012-2013 to determine factors that prevented achievement of the annual measurable achievement objectives. • Download AMAO Detailed Excel File from OSPI in the EDS application WAMS https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/Login.aspx . If you do not have access to WAMS, contact your District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) to provide you with the file. • Complete this “AMAO Data Analysis Worksheet” to identify areas of concern. Use additional copies of the sheets below as needed. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Migrant and Bilingual Education
Part I AMAOs. Use the Detailed Excel File for your district to complete the following questions. • Which AMAO Targets were not met? • Scan across the district total values (1st district row) to locate which AMAOs fail to meet targets. Use the percentage column for grades reporting “NR” to see if they have less than the targeted values (67.5% & 7.4%). Recommendhighlighting cells not meeting targets. • Indicate below which AMAOs the district did not meet, and for which grades at the district level. For AMAO-3 list subject and grades that did not meet. • (First highlighted row is an example).
Scroll down so the District Level rows and the AMAO summary columns are showing.
Part I AMAOs. Use the Detailed Excel File for your district to complete the following questions. • Which AMAO Targets were not met? • Scan across the district total values (1st district row) to locate which AMAOs fail to meet targets. Use the percentage column for grades reporting “NR” to see if they have less than the targeted values (67.5% & 7.4%). Recommendhighlighting cells not meeting targets. • Indicate below which AMAOs the district did not meet, and for which grades at the district level. For AMAO-3 list subject and grades that did not meet. (First highlighted row is an example).
For AMAO-3 list subject and grades that did not meet. For unformatted sheets, these are in Columns AA and AG.
Part I AMAOs. Use the Detailed Excel File for your district to complete the following questions. • Which AMAO Targets were not met? • Scan across the district total values (1st district row) to locate which AMAOs fail to meet targets. Use the percentage column for grades reporting “NR” to see if they have less than the targeted values (67.5% & 7.4%). Recommendhighlighting cells not meeting targets. • Indicate below which AMAOs the district did not meet, and for which grades at the district level. For AMAO-3 list subject and grades that did not meet. (First highlighted row is an example).
2. AMAO 1: Grades and Schools • Even if the district met the 67.5% AMAO-1 improvement target, identify specific schools or grades needing improvement. • Scan down the AMAO1Pct Gain column to locate the percentages that have less than 67.5% of students making targeted improvement. Do not rely on Met AMAO1 column for this determination. • Indicate below any schools and grades within schools falling below 67.5% students showing improvement. Do not include schools with less than 10 matched students. • 3. AMAO 2: Grades and Schools • Even if the district met the 7.4% AMAO-2 transition target, identify specific schools or grades needing improvement. • Scan down the AMAO2Pct Transitioned column to locate the percentages that have less than 7.4% of students transitioning from the TBIP program. Do not rely on Met AMAO2 column for this determination. • Indicate below the schools and grades within schools falling below 7.4% of students transitioning. Do not include schools with less than 10 tested students. • 4. AMAO 3: Grades and Schools • The percent meeting standard in MSP/HSPE reading and math are shown in the last set of AMAO columns (Reading Met AMO and Math Met AMO). Cells that prevented the district or school from meeting the targets for AMAO3 are indicated by a “No” in columns these columns (or the Met Participation cells if <95%). • Scan down the Met AMAO3 column to locate schools and grades not meeting AMO. Highlight. • Indicate below schools not meeting AMAO-3 (AMO) by subject (math or reading). “NR” indicates the entity met due to N<20. Treat “NR” as meeting AMAO-3.
AMAO Targets Not Met by school and grade. it is recommended to list elementary schools first, middle schools next, and high schools last
Filter on Grade uncheck “Select ALL” scroll down then check “Total”
You can copy the school names and paste these into the worksheet, or print on paper.
Once filtered, you will only be selecting cells that are unfiltered.
You can copy the results (one result at a time) and paste these into the worksheet, or print the worksheet and write these into the cells. “NA” means there were no Title III students testing in those schools.
For the grades within schools, you will need to unfilter the spreadsheet and scroll down through each school’s results noting the grades not meeting for each AMAO.
For cells with N<R (number less than required < 20) if there are 10 or more students, use the actual percent gaining/transitioning to determine if they met. Ignore if <10 students. Use Pct Transitioned column Use Pct Gain column
AMAO Targets Not Met by school and grade. Copy extra pages or insert extra rows as needed to include all schools with Title III/TBIP students.
How well are your ELL students performing by the Language Domains?
Scroll over to the Pct Advanced Transitional columns (AJ to AM on formatted sheets). These columns indicate the percent of all ELLs in your district that have moderate-high English comprehension (i.e., percent scoring at Level 3 or Level 4).
Highlight any District Level values more than 10% points below the state Level for each respective grade. note: you can copy the “ü” in the worksheet and paste it into the cells.
Part II Language Domains. Use the Detailed Excel File for your district to complete the following questions.
Filter for each grade and compare school results to statewide results for each grade.
Look for cells 10% or more below the statewide percent for that grade. Ignore schools with less than 10 Title III students overall. You can highlight the cells you want to focus on. Note that the Writing column had less than 15% at L3 or L4, so include those with less than half of the state total (12% / 2 = 6% or less).
Enter for each grade filtered, the schools whose grades are 10% or more lower than the state percentage of advanced English students in each language domain.
Complete the table by consecutively filtering by grade and highlighting cells with low percent of advanced English students. These are the places where the English language development needs are the greatest.
Notice that when the filter is turned off, you can readily see the schools and specific grades that have a lower than average percent of students at L3 or L4. These are your schools and grades with the greatest need for English Language support services.
Where there are very few schools involved in a grade level, you can filter to include more than one grade at a time. Remember to compare the school specific grade to the comparable state level grade. Note: none of these middle school grades are 10% or more below the state grade equivalent totals. Among the High School grades, there are three cells 10% points or more below their state grade equivalents.
Part III. MSP/HSPE Performance: Use the Detailed Excel File for your district to complete the following questions. • How did ELL students perform on the MSP/HSPE in reading, math, writing and science? • Scan down the %Meeting MSP/HSPE Standards to determine which, if any, of the academic subjects are below the state averages for your district, schools, or grades. • Indicate (by placing a✓) below for any grades at the district level, school totals, and then the grades within schools falling more than 5% points below the state total average, or the state average for each grade. Ignore cells with fewer than 10 students. • It is recommended to list elementary schools first, middle schools next, and high schools last.
By highlighting the cells, you will be easily able to identify these later. Enter check marks (or x) into the cells indicated into the worksheet.
Repeat the filter for each grade consecutively until the worksheet is complete and all cells have been highlighted.
Once all grades have been compared to the state results and the filter is turned off, you can easily see highlighted where your district is below the state average in the academic subjects. Notice that once you filter for the upper grades, the number of schools you need to enter the results for is far fewer.
Because school differ in the English proficiency levels of their LEP students, the percent meeting state academic standards will be determined in part by these differences. For example, if your 5th graders are well below the state average, it may be because your district has a greater concentration of Level 2 students in the 5th grade than the state average. Thus, your lower performance is due to English proficiency and not the quality of instruction for these students. One way to control for these differences is to compare the MSP/HSPE results for each English language level separately (i.e., by WELPA level).
Filter for Grade “Total” The columns starting “WELPA Level 1 Pct Met Reading” provide the Level-specific results. Notice that there are no cells with 10 or more students at Level 1 English level proficiency in this district. Move the spreadsheet to the right to view Level 2 results.