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Algebra unifies calculi of programming

Algebra unifies calculi of programming. Tony Hoare Feb 2012. With Ideas from. Ian Wehrman John Wickerson Stephan van Staden Peter O’Hearn Bernhard Moeller Georg Struth Rasmus Petersen …and others. and Calculi from. Robin Milner Edsger Dijkstra Ralph Back Carroll Morgan

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Algebra unifies calculi of programming

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  1. Algebra unifies calculi of programming Tony Hoare Feb 2012

  2. With Ideas from • Ian Wehrman • John Wickerson • Stephan van Staden • Peter O’Hearn • Bernhard Moeller • Georg Struth • Rasmus Petersen • …and others

  3. and Calculi from • Robin Milner • EdsgerDijkstra • Ralph Back • Carroll Morgan • Gilles Kahn, • Gordon Plotkin • Cliff Jones • Tony Hoare

  4. but in this talk, only four • Robin Milner x • EdsgerDijkstrax • Ralph Back • Carroll Morgan x • Gilles Kahn, • Gordon Plotkin • Cliff Jones • Tony Hoare x

  5. Subject matter: specs • variables (p, q, r) stand for computer programs, designs, contracts, specifications,… • they all describe what happens inside/around a computer that executes a given program. • The program itself is the most precise description • giving all the excruciating detail. • The user specification is the most abstract • describing only interactions with environment. • Designs come in between.

  6. Example specs • Postcondition: • execution ends with array A sorted • Conditional correctness: • if execution ends, it ends with A sorted • Precondition: • execution starts with x even • Program: x := x+1 • the final value of x is one greater than the initial

  7. More examples of specs • Safety: • There are no buffer overflows • Termination: • execution is finite (ie., always ends) • Liveness: • no infinite internal activity (livelock) • Fairness: • no infinite waiting • Probability: • the ration of a’s to b’s tends to 1 with time

  8. Also • Security • low programs do not access high variables • Separation • threads do not assign to shared variables • Communication • outputs on channel c are in alphabetical order • Predictability • there are no race conditions • timing • interval between request and response is short

  9. Advantages of unification • Same laws for programs, designs, specs • Same laws for many forms of correctness • Tools based on the laws serve many purposes • and communicate by sound interfaces • Scientific controversy is resolved • and engineers confidently apply the science

  10. Operators on specs • or \/ disjunction • and /\ conjunction • then ; sequential composition • while * concurrent composition Constants • skip I terminates immediately • true ⊤ does anything • false ⊥ never starts

  11. The language model • a language is a set of strings of characters • /\ is set intersection • \/ is set union • ; is pointwise concatenation of strings • * is pointwise interleaving of strings • I is the language with only the empty string • ⊤ is set of all strings • ⊥ is the empty set.

  12. Laws \/ /\ ; * assoc yes yes yes yes comm yes yes no yes  yes yes no no unit T zero T

  13. Distribution axioms • ; distributes through \/ • (p*q) ; (p’ * q’) => (p;p’)*(q;q’) • where p => q =def q = p \/ q (refinement) • in the language model • there are less interleavings on the left of => • remember the exchange law in categories?

  14. Theorems • => is a partial order • All the operators are monotonic • (p*q);q’ => p*(q;q’) • Proof: substitute  for p’ in exchange • (p/\q);(p’/\q’) => (p;p’)/\(q;q’) • Proof: lhs => p;p’ by monotonicity of ; lhs => q;q’ similarly. The result follows from Boolean algebra.

  15. Hoare triple: {p} q {r} • defined as p;q=> r • starting in the final state of any execution of p, q ends in the final state of some execution of r • (p and r may be arbitrary specs). • example: {..x+1 ≤ n} x:= x + 1 {..x ≤ n} • where ..b (finally b) describes all executions that end in a state satisfying a single-state predicate b .

  16. Milner triple: r - p -> q • defined as p;q=> r (same as Hoare!) • r may be executed by first executing p and then executing q . • p is usually restricted to atomic actions. • example: (<a>;q) – <a> -> q where <a> is an atomic action • r -> p = def. p => r • an execution step may reduce non-determinism

  17. Theorems • Using these definitions, the rules of the Hoare calculus and of the Milner calculus are derivable by simple algebraic proofs from the laws of the algebra.

  18. Rule of consequence • p => p’ {p’} q {r’} r’ => r {p} q {r} • r -> r’ r’ –q-> p’ p’ -> p r –q-> p • Proof: ; is monotonic, => is transitive. • These two rules are not only similar, they are the same!

  19. Sequential composition {p} q {s} {s} q’ {r} {p} q;q’ {r} r –q-> s s –q’-> p r –q;q’-> p • Proof: associativity of ;

  20. Small-step rule p –<a>-> r (r;q’) –<a>->(q;q’) {p} q {r} . {p} q;q’ {r;q’} Proof: monotonicity of ;

  21. Choice • {p} q {r} {p} q’ {r} {p} (q \/ q’) {r} • both choices must be correct • r –q-> p (r \/ r’) –q-> p • so the execution may make either choice

  22. Frame Law • {p} q {r} {p*f} q {r*f} • adapts a rule to a wider environment f • r –q-> p (r*f) –q-> (p*f) • a step that is possible for a single thread is still possible in a wider environment f

  23. Concurrency (and Conjunction) • {p} q {r} {p’} q’ {r’} {p*p’} (q * q’) {r*r’} • permits modular proof of concurrent programs. • {p} q {r} {p’} q’ {r’} {p/\p’} (q /\ q’) {r/\r’} • in Floyd’s rule of conjunction, q = q’.

  24. Concurrency r –p-> q r’ -p’-> q’ (r*r) -(p*p’)-> (q*q’) • provided p*p’ = τ • where τ is the unobserved transition, (which occurs (in CCS) when p and p’ are an input and an output on the same channel).

  25. Dijkstra triple: p => q\r • usually written: p => wlp(q,r) ‘defined’ by: p;q => r (again) wp(q,r) =wlp(q, r/\ terminates) q\r specifies the weakest program which can be executed before q to achieve the overall effect of r .

  26. Morgan triple: q => r/p • ‘defined’ by: p;q => r (again) • r/p is the weakest program which can be executed after p to achieve r.

  27. Theorems • q\(r /\ r’) = (q\r) /\ (q\r’) • (r /\ r’)/p = (r/p) /\ (r’/p) • (q \/ q’)\r = (q\r) /\ (q’\r) • r/(p \/ p’) = (r/p) /\ (r/p’)

  28. Theorems • (q;q’)\r = q\(q’\r) • r/(p;p’) = (r/p)/p’ • (q\r)*(q’\r’) => (q*q’)\(r*r’) exchange law

  29. Unification is the goal of every branch of pure science, because it increases conviction in theory Specialisation is needed for each application, e.g., Hoare logic: proofs of correctness, Milner: implementation, Dijkstra: program analysis, Morgan: programs from specifications …

  30. Algebra • is modular, incremental, comprehensible, abstract and beautiful. • An algebraic law can say as little as you like • using any other concepts that you need. • new properties can be added by new laws. • The definition of a concept is allowed only once • so it must describe all the needed properties, • using only previously defined concepts. • Inductive clauses restrict incrementality • Algebra is good for unification

  31. Summary: p;q=> r is written by Hoare (triple) Wirth (triple) Milner (transition) Dijkstra (weakest precondition) Morgan (specification statement) p {q} r {p} q {r} r –p-> q p => wlp(q,r) q => [p, r] Milner restricts p to atomic actions (small-step version). The others restrict p and r to descriptions of single states.

  32. Conclusions • All the calculi are derived from the same algebra of programming. • The algebra is simpler than each of the calculi, • and stronger than all of them combined.

  33. Isaac Newton Communication with Richard Gregory (1694) “Our specious algebra [of fluxions] is fit enough to find out, but entirely unfit to consign to writing and commit to posterity.”

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