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Gold Medal Words

Gold Medal Words. Vocabulary 9 Unit 7. That call by the judge was bogus. apex (n.) the highest point, tip malign (v.) to speak evil of, slander; (adj.) evil bogus (adj.) false, counterfeit. The group told us adieu when we left. metropolis (n.)

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Gold Medal Words

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  1. Gold Medal Words Vocabulary 9 Unit 7

  2. That call by the judge was bogus. • apex (n.) • the highest point, tip • malign • (v.) to speak evil of, slander; • (adj.) evil • bogus (adj.) • false, counterfeit

  3. The group told us adieu when we left. • metropolis (n.) • a large city; the chief city of an area • pensive (adj.) • thoughtful; melancholy • surly (adj.) • angry and bad-tempered; rude

  4. I was so happy about the advent of summer. • vagrant • (n.) an idle wanderer, tramp; • (adj.) wandering aimlessly • shoddy (adj.) • of poor quality; characterized by inferior, dishonest workmanship

  5. I assimilate the responsibilities of my sister when she is gone. • interim • (n.) the time between; • (adj.) temporary, coming between two points in time • adieu (n.) • “Farewell!”; a farewell

  6. A sprightly breeze makes wind-skiing a joy.

  7. The apex of the world is Mt. Everest. • a large city; the chief city of an area • metropolis (n.) • thoughtful; melancholy • pensive (adj.) • angry and bad-tempered; rude • surly (adj.)

  8. The advent of Christmas raised the already exorbitant cost of games. • (n.) the time between; • (adj.) temporary, coming between two points in time • interim • “Farewell!”; a farewell • adieu (n.)

  9. The interim between games was always the apex of hot dog sales. • (n.) an idle wanderer, tramp; • (adj.) wandering aimlessly • vagrant • of poor quality; characterized by inferior, dishonest workmanship • shoddy (adj.)

  10. He found his way out of a perilous alley. • the highest point, tip • apex (n.) • (v.) to speak evil of, slander; • (adj.) evil • malign • false, counterfeit • bogus (adj.)

  11. Seeing the birds, I was overcome by a malign feeling.

  12. My friends and I tend to meander around parking lots. • advent (n.) • an arrival; a coming into place or view • meander • (v.) to wander about, wind about; • (n.) a sharp turn or twist

  13. The rains inundated our basement with sewer water. • momentous (adj.) • very important • sprightly (adj.) • lively, full of life; spicy, flavorful • perilous (adj.) • dangerous

  14. Rumors malign many people’s good names. • obstreperous (adj.) • noisy; unruly, disorderly • inundate (v.) • to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size • exorbitant (adj.) • unreasonably high; excessive

  15. The Iraqi had to assimilate to the customs of America when he arrived. • assimilate (v.) • to absorb fully or make one’s own; to adopt as one’s own; to adapt fully • tirade (n.) • a long, angry speech, usually very critical

  16. Camouflage is a momentous tool for animals in the wild (and not so wild).

  17. The interim between classes is short. • an arrival; a coming into place or view • advent (n.) • (v.) to wander about, wind about; • (n.) a sharp turn or twist • meander

  18. In the metropolis of Paris, there are a few surly people, leading to a bad reputation for many. • noisy; unruly, disorderly • obstreperous (adj.) • to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size • inundate (v.) • unreasonably high; excessive • exorbitant (adj.)

  19. very important • momentous (adj.) • lively, full of life; spicy, flavorful • sprightly (adj.) • dangerous • perilous (adj.)

  20. to absorb fully or make one’s own; to adopt as one’s own; to adapt fully • assimilate (v.) • a long, angry speech, usually very critical • tirade (n.)

  21. For one team, the surroundings were home-field advantage; for the other, a perilous risk.

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