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Exploring Government Types: Case Studies and Choices

Gain insights into various government types through engaging case studies and help individuals make informed choices based on their preferences.

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Exploring Government Types: Case Studies and Choices

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  1. What is Government?

  2. Government Definition: The way a society organizes itself to solve problems.

  3. Democracy • Definition: A government in which the people vote on all issues and the majority rules.

  4. Republic • Definition: In this form of government, the people elect officials to make decisions for them. Power is transferred through elections.

  5. Communism • Definition: In this form of government, the government owns all property and shares it equally with everyone.

  6. Socialism • In this form of government, the government owns a few key industries or businesses and distributes those resources equally.

  7. Nazism • In this form of government, all decisions are made for the benefit of one group.

  8. Fascism • A form of government in which all decisions are made for the benefit of the government.

  9. Monarchy • The leader of this government rules with absolute power, has a title, and passes on power through his or her bloodline.

  10. Dictatorship • Definition: The leader in this form of government has absolute power.

  11. Theocracy • Definition: This form of government is ruled by the state religion.

  12. Militarism • The government is ruled by the government’s military. • The country’s leader often appears in uniform.

  13. Oligarchy • Government that is ruled by several leaders.

  14. Aristocracy • A form of government ruled by the wealthy.

  15. Matriarchy • A government that is ruled by women.

  16. Patriarchy • A form of government ruled by men.

  17. Tribalism • A form of government ruled by a family or families.

  18. Diarchy • Government in which two people share the rule of the country.

  19. Anarchy • A state where there is no government.

  20. Case Study 1 Big Ego Igor is charismatic, well spoken and even fairly attractive. He knows people love him and that is the way he likes it. He thrives with adoration, is driven to lead and wants to make decisions for people. He believes he knows what is best for everyone. Government choice: Rationale:

  21. Case Study 2 Paris Hilton, Donald Trump and Bill Gates have decided to combine their assets and start a new country. They know their wealth, upper class stature and education will come in handy for their new government. Government choice: Rationale:

  22. Case Study 3 Sad Sack Sally has been told her whole life that she is “just a girl” and can’t play with the boys. She was not allowed to participate in Boy Scouts, wrestle for her high school or play in the NFL . She has had enough of this “Boys’ Club” and wants to find a government where she will rise to the top. Government choice: Rationale:

  23. Case Study 4 OMG…these 3 BFFs want to hang together and LOL all day while ruling at the same time. They wouldn’t dream of ditching each other and must work together in their new government. TTYL.. Government choice: Rationale:

  24. Case Study 5 Left handed Louie is looking for some new digs. He thinks left handed people are superior, brighter and more attractive. He believes everyone should learn to write left handed or be severely punished. This will create a strong nation of South Paw Lefties! Government choice: Rationale:

  25. Case Study 6 Annihilating Army Alfred loves to wear his army uniform and spends hours polishing his brass buttons and shining his black boots. He has an arsenal of weapons and believes that people in the military know government strategy the best; plus who is going to argue with a guy carrying an AK-47? Government choice: Rationale:

  26. Case Study 7 Johnny Joe Jim-Bob is leaving his family’s show, 19 Kids and Counting, in search of a life of his own. He comes from a huge family so he is used to sharing, working together and providing for the common good. Which form of government might provide an easy transition for JJJ-B? Government choice: Rationale:

  27. Case Study 8 Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dot are conjoined twins that can not be separated. They will spend their entire life joined at the hip. If they both wanted to play an active role in government, which form would be a perfect match for this duo? Government choice: Rationale:

  28. Case Study 9 No more teachers, no more books! No more government for Hal Schnooks! He is fed up! Schnooks wants to be left alone and revolt against all authority figures. Government choice: Rationale:

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