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Website Design and IA Brief. BRANDING. REFORM. The four versions of the mark shown here illustrate all the permitted ways of reproducing the mark Whenever you see our mark it should only be in one of these four colour ways. REFORM. REFORM. REFORM. COLOUR OPTIONS. Primary colours.
BRANDING REFORM • The four versions of the mark shown here illustrate all the permitted ways of reproducing the mark • Whenever you see our mark it should only be in one of these four colour ways. REFORM REFORM REFORM
COLOUR OPTIONS Primary colours R:210 G:20 B:122 R:135 G:0 B:78 R:135 G:0 B:78 dotted grid R:210 G:20 B:122 dotted grid Secondary colours R:255 G:255 B:255 R:0 G:0 B:0 R:105 G:105 B:105 R:105 G:105 B:105 dotted grid R:0 G:0 B:0 dotted grid R:255 G:255 B:255 dotted grid Tertiary colours R:102 G:0 B:102 R:153 G:102 B:255 R:204 G:153 B:255 R:102 G:0 B:102 R:153 G:102 B:255 dotted grid R:204 G:153 B:255 dotted grid For dotted grid effect go to Format, Colour, Fill Effects, Pattern
TYPOGRAPHY Franklin Gothic Medium Franklin Gothic Book IMPACT REFORM THE QUICK REFORM FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY BROWN DOG. THE QUICK REFORM FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY BROWN DOG. THE QUICK REFORM FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY BROWN DOG. REFORM The quick REFORM fox jumped over the lazy brown dog. The quick REFORM fox jumped over the lazy brown dog. The quick REFORM fox jumped over the lazy brown dog. REFORM The quick REFORM fox jumped over the lazy brown dog. The quick REFORM fox jumped over the lazy brown dog. The quick REFORM fox jumped over the lazy brown dog. REFORM The quick REFORM fox jumped over the lazy brown dog. The quick REFORM fox jumped over the lazy brown dog. The quick REFORM fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.
INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE: CONCEPTUAL MODEL Home Tier 1 Research Events Tier 2 Tier 3 Information The Week Media Tier 4 Template instances (i.e, distinct pages) sit in the site in a distinct hierarchy – Tiers 1-4. Page designs (look and feel) must reflect this.
INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE:COMPLETE STRATEGY Home Health Research Recent Economy Education Welfare Govt Justice Events Up coming Annual Party Conferences Round Table Archive Podcasts Information Our Vision Our People Our Work Influence Support Information Contact DfR/EfR Coverage Recent Health Economy Education Welfare Govt Justice The Week
HOME NAV AND SITE NAVIGATION home | about us | research | events | contact Our Vision Our People Our Work Influence Up Coming Annual Party Conf Round table Archive Podcasts Information Support Jobs Recent Health Economy Education Welfare Govt Justice Coverage Legal, privacy, accessibility
TEMPLATE 1: HOME Logo Box Bar 1: Newsfeed (UK political) Bar 2: search Bar 3: main nav Bar 4: breadcrumbs Box 1: main content, generally paragraphed text with sub-heads - flowing data Box 2: Link to “Most Recent” Research Box 3: Link to “Up-coming” Events animated or static GIF/jpeg/PNG with overlaid text linking to a temporary or news splash page. Hidden from view when not in use Fun Box Box 4: Subscribe to The Week Bar 5: Facebook Twitter YouTube AudioBoo Bar 6: Legal, privacy, accessibility
TEMPLATE 2: RESEARCH AND EVENTS Logo Box Bar 1: search Bar 2: main nav Bar 3: breadcrumbs Box 1: content categorised into sub-sections with links to specific content Fun Box 1: Fun Box 2: Fun Box 3: Bar 4: Legal, privacy, accessibility
TEMPLATE 3: INFORMATION AND COVERAGE PAGES Bar 1: search Logo Box Bar 2: main nav Bar 3: breadcrumbs Box 1: main content, generally paragraphed text with sub-heads - flowing data Box 2: mugshot and/or video and/or newsclip Box 3: Link to specialist research area (eg Health) Box 4: Link to relevant events Bar 4: nav to previous subhead Bar 5: nav to next subhead Bar 6: Legal, privacy, accessibility