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Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition & Metabolism in Physical Activity

Dive deep into ATP, metabolic pathways, energy systems, nutrient functions, calorie balancing, and more for optimal performance in sports and fitness.

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Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition & Metabolism in Physical Activity

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  1. Module 3 Review Metabolism and nutrition

  2. ATP and Energy Pathways • What is ATP and where does it’s energy come from • Differentiate between energonic and exergonic reactions as well as between catabolic and anabolic reactions • Define the hydrolyzation and phosphorylation of ATP/ADP and what enzyme catalyzes this reaction • What are the 3 main metabolic systems and what are the 4 metabolic pathways • For the metabolic pathways, what type are they, where do they occur, what is the substrate and what is the rate limiting step

  3. ATP and Energy Pathways • What type of activity does the phosphagen system provide energy for and how does it occur, and what controls this system • How much creatine phosphate does the body store and which muscle fiber type stores more • What are the two possible substrates for glycolysis and which yields a higher net of ATP • What is the end product of glycolysis and what are its two possible pathways • What is the cori cycle and where does it occur

  4. ATP and Energy Pathways • What controls glycolysis? • Understand the oxidation of carbohydrate, fat and protein and its relation to the Krebs Cycle and electron transport chain

  5. Fueling Physical Activity and Fatigue • Understand which energy systems are being used at any given time and the effect of intensity and duration on the primary energy system being used • Be able to rate the energy pathways in terms of energy production rate and energy production capacity • What is the lactate threshold and at what percentage does it occur in untrained/trained individuals • Why does lactate threshold occur • How is lactate threshold improved

  6. Fueling Physical Activity and Fatigue • What is OBLA, what does lactate threshold and OBLA indicate in relation to glycolysis and motor units • Define oxygen uptake, maximum oxygen uptake, oxygen deficit and oxygen debt (EPOC) • How does exercise intensity affect oxygen deficit and debt • What are the negative effects of a buildup of hydrogen ions in the muscular system • List the factors that affect EPOC

  7. Fueling Physical Activity and Fatigue • What is the depletion and repletion (half-life) rate of creatine phosphate • What is the depletion and repletion rate of glycogen and what affects this repletion rate • What are the bioenergetic limiting factors for the various degrees (intensity/duration) of exercise

  8. Nutrients and Diet • What is a macronutrient and what substances are macronutrients • What is the function of carbohydrate, how many calories are in a gram of carbohydrate, how do carbohydrate molecules exist, what are the general population, aerobic endurance athlete and strength/power athlete carbohydrate recommendations • What makes a carbohydrate complex vs simple

  9. Nutrients and Diet • What is the function of proteins, how many calories are in a gram of protein, and how do they exist as molecules • What is the difference between essential and non-essential amino acids • List the protein recommendations for the general population, aerobic endurance athletes, resistance/power athletes and athletes in general • Differentiate between high quality/complete proteins and lower quality/incomplete proteins and what is the dietary recommendation for high quality proteins

  10. Nutrients and Diet • What is the function of fats/lipids and how many calories are in a gram of fat • How do bonds dictate lipid type and what specific recommendations are there for specific lipid types • What are the recommendations for the general population and athletes • Differentiate between “good” fat and “bad” fat • How is calorie counts converted to grams (and vice versa) and calculate percentages of diet

  11. Nutrients and Diet • What are micronutrients, what are the two types and what are their functions • What the recommendation for the micronutrients for athletes and which micronutrients are important for athletes • What are the hydration recommendation for athletes • What are the risks of dehydration and the warning signs for dehydration • What are the food and hydration recommendations for pre-/during and post training or competition

  12. Weight Management • Know the three possible states of caloric balance • Explain the factors that affect caloric expenditure • Know the estimated caloric needs (table 10.7) • Know the guidelines for weight gain, including the amount of calories needed to gain one pound of lean body mass • Know the guidelines for weight loss, including the amount of calories needed to lose one pound of fat mass • Be able to calculate caloric needs for weight gain or loss

  13. Weight Management • Know the warning signs for anorexia nervosa, bulimia, the combination of the two, excessive exercising and excessive overeating • Know what to do if you suspect one of these disorders in an athlete or client

  14. Ergogenic Aids • Define an ergogenic aid • Explain the dosing, benefits and adverse effects of anabolic steroids • List the other anabolic agents • What are the benefits and adverse effects of human growth hormone • What are the benefits and adverse effects of erythropoietin • What are the benefits, dosing amounts, physiology behind and adverse effects of creatine phosphate

  15. Ergogenic Aids • What are the benefits and adverse effects of caffeine and ephedrine and what is their relation to each other

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