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This guide by David Palfreyman covers qualitative data analysis techniques using NVivo 8 software. Learn to analyze different data types, set up projects, code, query, visualize, and utilize online resources for a deeper understanding.
Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo8 David Palfreyman
Outline • Qualitative data and how to analyze it. • Your data • Nvivo 8 David Palfreyman
Types of qualitative data Text Images Audio Video Interviews Focus groups Documents Observation Artifacts David Palfreyman
Research questions • Do teachers in lower- and higher-resourced schools have different attitudes to discipline? David Palfreyman
Units of analysis • Cases • Attributes • Data extracts (e.g. quotations) • Codes (labels) • LOTS OF DATA (in bundles) MEMO S - Relations - - Themes - David Palfreyman
MS Word for smaller projects • Search (CTRL+F; Shift+F4) • Coding with formats (bold, italics, font, size, colour) • Insert comments • Collect quotations (Find formats, copy and paste) David Palfreyman
Set up your project in Nvivo • Sources: input data (documents, media files, …); memos. • Nodes: store ideas and coding. • Sets: group your sources and ideas. David Palfreyman
Analyze with NVivo • Finding bits of data(e.g. How many informants are over 25? OR: Who mentions “commitment” in their interview?OR: I had a document and some information about Mary – or was it Maria…? – and did I make a note about her?) • Coding: labelling bits of data(e.g. This person finds ZU students “difficult” –like my previous interviewee) • Queries: asking questions of your data(e.g. How has “commitment” been referred to in the focus groups?OR: Do any of the participants make a connection between “family” and “motivation”?OR: Do men and women tend to differ in their priorities?) David Palfreyman
Seeing (and showing) the bigger picture • Memos: record your thoughts about the data while you remember them! • Models: visualize what is going on in the data.(e.g. concept maps, processes, categories, dimensions) • Links: connect data items and content. • Quantifying codes(e.g. Is there a statistically significant difference between men’s and women’s comments on this issue?) David Palfreyman
Online resources Grounded Theory: A thumbnail sketch http://www.scu.edu.au/schools/gcm/ar/arp/grounded.html (A clear summary of Grounded Theory as applied to actual data). CAQDAS: A primer http://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/mmethods/research/software/caqdas_primer.html (a detailed review of various softwares for QDA, comparing their features and also the theoretical assumptions they embody). Nvivo 8 tutorials http://www.qsrinternational.com/support_tutorials.aspx?productid=18 http://qsrinternational.fileburst.com/Document/NVivo8/Teach_Yourself_NVivo_8_Tutorials.pdf David Palfreyman