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Understanding Personality: The Freudian and Jungian Perspectives

Delve into the depths of personality with insights from Freud's psychoanalytic theory and Jung's archetypes. Explore drives, instincts, ego defense mechanisms, and projective tests. Discover the complexities of the unconscious mind and psychodynamic qualities shaping human behavior.

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Understanding Personality: The Freudian and Jungian Perspectives

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  1. Chapter 10 Personality

  2. Personality • Personality – Psychological qualities that bring continuity to an individual’s behavior in different situations and at different times.

  3. Psychodynamic Theories • Psychoanalysis–Freud’s system of treatment for mental disorders. -Identifies unconscious thoughts and emotions and brings them to consciousness.

  4. Psychoanalytic Theory • Freud’s theory that relates personality to the interplay of conflicting forces within the individual.

  5. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Unconscious – Psychic domain of which the individual is not aware, but which is the storehouse of repressed impulses, drives, and conflicts that are unavailable to consciousness.

  6. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Drives and instincts Eros Libido Thanatos

  7. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Drives and instincts Eros Drives people toward acts that are sexual, life-giving, and creative. Libido Thanatos

  8. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Drives and instincts Eros Drives people to experience sensual pleasure. Libido Thanatos

  9. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Drives and instincts Eros Libido Drives people toward aggressive and destructive behaviors. Thanatos

  10. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Personality structure Id Superego Ego

  11. ID • Needs, drives, instincts, and repressed material. • EGO • In touch with reality; strives to meet the demands of the id and superego in “socially acceptable ways.” • SUPEREGO • Conscience; counteracts the socially undesirable impulses of the id.


  13. Freud’s Model of the Mind

  14. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Psychosexual stages – Successive, instinctive patterns of associating pleasure with stimulations of specific bodily areas at different times of life. Oral Stage Anal Stage Phallic Stage Latency Genital Stage

  15. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Oedipus complex – According to Freud, a largely unconscious process whereby boys displace an erotic attraction toward their mother to females of their own age and, at the same time, identify with their fathers.

  16. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Identification – The mental process by which an individual tries to become like another person, especially the same-sex parent.

  17. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Penis envy– According to Freud, the female desire to have a penis – a condition that usually results in their attraction to males.

  18. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Fixation– Occurs when psychosexual development is arrested at an immature stage. Oral Fixations

  19. Ego defense mechanisms – Largely unconscious mental strategies employed to reduce the experience of conflict or anxiety. 8 Defense Mechanisms: Repression Denial Rationalization Reaction formation Displacement Regression Sublimation Projection Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory

  20. 1. Repression: excluding unacceptable thoughts from awareness. 2. Denial: avoiding a difficult situation by pretending it doesn’t exist. 3. Rationalization: giving socially acceptable reasons for unacceptable behaviors. 4. Reaction formation: acting the opposite of how you actually feel.

  21. 5. Displacement: shifting your reaction from the real source of your distress. 6. Regression: adopting childlike behaviors that were effective ways of dealing with stress as a child. 7. Sublimation: gratifying sexual or aggressive desires in ways that are socially acceptable. 8. Projection: attributing our own unconscious desires to other people.

  22. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory • Projective tests – Personality assessment instruments based on Freud’s concept of projection. • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) • Rorschach inkblot technique

  23. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) A projective test requiring subjects to make up stories that explain ambiguous pictures.

  24. Rorschach Inkblot Test A projective test requiring subjects to describe what they see in a series of 10 inkblots.

  25. NEO-FREUDIANS • Carl Jung • Karen Horney • Alfred Adler • Gordon Allport • Abraham Maslow • Carl Rogers • Albert Bandura

  26. Personal unconscious – Portion of the unconscious corresponding roughly to Freud’s id. Collective unconscious – Jung’s addition to the unconscious, involving a reservoir for instinctive “memories” including the archetypes, which exist in all people. Carl Jung

  27. Carl Jung: Extending the Unconscious • Archetypes Animus Anima Shadow

  28. Carl Jung: Extending the Unconscious • Archetypes Animus The male archetype Anima The female archetype Shadow

  29. Carl Jung: Extending the Unconscious • Archetypes Animus Archetype representing the destructive and aggressive tendencies we don’t want to recognize in ourselves. Anima Shadow

  30. Carl Jung: Extending the Unconscious • Introversion – The Jungian dimension that focuses on inner experience–one’s own thoughts and feelings, making the introvert less outgoing and sociable than the extrovert. • Extraversion – The Jungian personalitydimension involving turningone’s attention outward,toward others.

  31. Thought Freud exaggerated the role of sex drives in human behavior and misunderstood sexual motives of women. Developed femininepsychology. Karen Horney

  32. Karen Horney: A Feminist Voice in Psychodynamic Psychology • Basic anxiety –An emotion that gives a sense of uncertainty and loneliness in a hostile world and can lead to maladjustment. • Neurotic needs –Signs of neurosis in Horney’s theory; these ten needs are normal desires carried to a neurotic extreme.

  33. Horney’s 10 Neurotic Needs

  34. Inferiority Complex An exaggerated feeling of weakness and inadequacy which stems from childhood. Compensation – Making up for one’s real or imagined deficiencies. Alfred AdlerIndividual Psychology

  35. Humanistic Theories • Humanistic Theories include: • Gordon Allport’s trait theory • Abraham Maslow’s self-actualizing personality • Carl Roger’s fully functioning person

  36. Gordon Allport and the Beginnings of Humanistic • Traits – Stable personality characteristics that are presumed to exist within the individual and guide his or her thoughts and actions under various conditions. • Central traits form the basis of personality. • Secondary traits include preferences and attitudes. • Cardinal traits define peoples lives.

  37. Abraham Maslow and the Healthy Personality • Self-actualizing personalities – Healthy individuals who have met their basic needs and are free to be creative and fulfill their potentials.

  38. Carl Rogers’s Fully Functioning Person • Fully functioning person – Term for a healthy, self-actualizing individual, who has a self-concept that is both positive and congruent with reality.

  39. Carl Rogers’s Fully Functioning Person • Phenomenal field – Our psychological reality, composed of one’s perceptions and feelings. • Unconditional positive regard – Love or caring without conditions attached.

  40. Evaluating Humanistic Theories • Positive psychology – Movement within psychology focusing on the desirable aspects of human functioning, as opposed to an emphasis on psychopathology.

  41. Bandura: Social Learning • Observational learning – Process of learning new responses by watching the behavior of others. BoBo Doll Experiment

  42. Cognition Environment Behavior Reciprocal Determinism • Process in which the person, situation, and environment mutually influence each other.

  43. Locus of Control • Locus of control – An individual’s sense of where his or her life influences originate. • Internal vs. External • Julian Rotter

  44. Another approach describes personality in terms of stable patterns known as temperaments, traits, and types. What Persistent Patterns are Found in Personality?

  45. Personality (Hippocrates) • Humors – Four bodily fluids that, according to ancient theory, control personality by their relative abundance. Blood (cheerful) Phlegm (cool) Black Bile (depressed) Yellow Bile (angry)

  46. Personality and Temperament • Temperament– Basic, pervasive personality dispositions that are apparent in early childhood and establish the tempo and mood of an individual’s behaviors.

  47. Patterns in Personality • The “Big Five” traits • Openness to experience • Conscientiousness • Extraversion • Agreeableness • Neuroticism • Cattell identified 16 personality factors Big 5 - Psych Central

  48. Assessing Traits • NEO-PI (Big Five Inventory) • MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) • Reliability and validity are important attributes of good psychological tests!

  49. The MMPI-2 • 567 True/False Questions • Originally developed to identify psychiatric disorders. Sample Questions: • I have a good appetite. • Sometimes I like to stir up some excitement. • I work under a great deal of tension. • I often think people are watching me.

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