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Jean Monnet Activities within the Erasmus+ Programme

Learn about the Jean Monnet Activities, a funding program under Erasmus+ aimed at promoting teaching, research, and reflection in European Union studies.

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Jean Monnet Activities within the Erasmus+ Programme

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  1. Jean Monnet Activitieswithin the Erasmus+ Programme

  2. ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME OVERVIEW The Erasmus+ programme aims to support actions in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2014-2020.

  3. What does Erasmus+ programme support Grants for actions and activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. Mobility opportunities for students, trainees, staff and volunteers Transnational partnership and sharing innovative practices in the fields of education, training and youth Strong international dimension (i.e. cooperation with Partner Countries) providing for institutional cooperation and mobility of young people and staff worldwide. The new Sport action in support to grassroots projects and cross-border challenges such as combating match-fixing, doping, violence and racism.

  4. Jean Monnet Activities • A funding programme of the European Union devoted to teaching, research and reflection on European Union studies • Launched in 1989 in the name of, one of the architects of the European Union, Jean Monnet (1888-1979) • Under Erasmus+ celebrates 25 years of activity and looks to the future

  5. A worldwide network (1989 – 2016) 78 countries throughout the world more than 800 universities offer Jean Monnet courses as part of their curricula 4,781 projects in the field of European integration studies more than 1,700 professors 265,000 students every year

  6. A community of specialists in EU studies • Focus on EU studies to promote excellence in teaching and research on the European integration process in various disciplines • European Union studies comprise the study of Europe in its entirety with particular emphasis on the European Integration process in both its internal and external aspects

  7. Objectives

  8. Jean Monnet Classical Subject Areas EU and Comparative Regionalism Studies EU Communication and Information Studies EU Economic Studies EU Historical Studies EU Intercultural Dialogue Studies EU Interdisciplinary Studies EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies EU Legal Studies EU Political and Administrative Studies

  9. Less traditional Jean Monnet Subject Areas Include an element of teaching, research or reflection on the EU and contribute, in general, to the Europeanization of the curricula. Comparative studies will only be considered where they relate to the different integration processes throughout the world. Sociology Philosophy Religion Geographystudies Literature Art Sciences Environmental studies

  10. What's in for participants, individuals involved? • Enhanced employability,career prospective • More active Citizenship • Support for young researchers • Increased opportunities for academic staff

  11. What's in for organisations? • Increased capacity to teach and research • Improved and innovative curricula • Increased financial resources • Modern, professional environment • Promoting young researchers, professors • Integration of good practices, new EU subjects • Collaboration with other organisations

  12. Jean Monnet selection 2016 – Distribution of applications per sub-action

  13. Jean Monnet 2016 – distribution of selected applicatons per sub-action

  14. Jean Monnet selection 2016-Distribution of selected applications per discipline

  15. Jean Monnet conferences, seminars • Annual Jean Monnet Conferences • 9-10 Nov 2015: "A Union of Shared Values – the role of education and civil society " • 17 - 18 October 2016: "Global Governance in times of Global Challenges" • Thematic seminars • JMAPPs (Jean Monnet Actions’ Promotion Projects)

  16. Jean Monnet Support Actions • Support to JM online platform for exchanges between JM Community members http://jeanmonnet.ning.com/ • Support to 6 designated institutions (Collèged’Europe Bruges/Natolin, EUI Florence, ERA Trier, CIFE Nice, EIPA Maastricht, AED Odense)

  17. Information and dissemination tools • Jean Monnet Community online platform http://jeanmonnet.ning.com/ 800 members Discussion forum on different topics involving Jean Monnet professors • Jean Monnet Directory https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/JeanMonnetDirectory/#/search-screen/ Up-dated research tool providing data on all Jean Monnet projects • Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/ Information of projects, results and success stories

  18. Thank you for your attention

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