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INDUSTRY PLENARY SESSION. WELCOME !. Joint projects. S 0 1 EDTNA/ERCA Session: EDTNA/ERCA Joint Projects and Industry Partners Projects S aturday , 3 1 August , 16:15 -1 8 :30, Concert Hall S 06 A 012 Protein intake and phosphate control

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  2. Joint projects • S 01EDTNA/ERCA Session: EDTNA/ERCA Joint Projects and IndustryPartnersProjects • Saturday, 31 August, 16:15-18:30, Concert Hall • S 06 A 012 Protein intake and phosphate control • in renal care: internationalvariations in trendsandpractice • Sunday, 1 September,11:00-12:30, Concert Hall

  3. Sessioncontent Chairs: Jitka Pancirova (Czech Republic) & Tai Mooi Ho Wong (Spain) • A Guide to Implementing Renal Best Practice in Haemodialysis;Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Project How to manage anaemia in haemodialysispatients, GS: Dr. Elizabeth Lindley (United Kingdom) • A Guide to Implementing Renal Best Practice in Haemodialysis;Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Project Guidanceon anticoagulation, GS: Dr. James Tattersall (United Kingdom) • A Guide to Implementing Renal Best Practice in Haemodialysis;Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Project Adequacyoftreatment, GS: ProfessorFrantisek Lopot (Czech Republic) • Guidelines on vascular access cannulation and care;Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Fresenius Medical Care Project to achieveenhanced multidisciplinary renal team practice in HD and produce VA guidelines. Project update 2013, GS: Maria Teresa Parisotto (Germany) • Multilingualpatienteducationdocuments (forrenalnurses); NEW Joint EDTNA/ERCA & B. Braun AvitumProject, GS: Tai Mooi Ho Wong (Spain) • Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: assessing the educational support required for nurses across Europe – NEW Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Amgen Project, GS: Dr. Andrey Gurevich (Switzerland)

  4. Joint projects A Guide to ImplementingRenalBestPracticeinHaemodialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Project EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro are proud to present our joint project aiming todefine multidisciplinary Clinical Guidefor HD. Together we willlaunch this project results on November2013. Why do we need Clinical Guide for Haemodialysis? • Renal patients are older and suffer from various co-morbidities • There is higher demand for individualised treatments • Patient numbers continue to increase • Outcomes are not improving, considering application of moderntechnology, treatment regimes and medicine

  5. Joint projects A Guide to ImplementingRenalBestPracticeinHaemodialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Project Overviewofchapters • Introduction& Use of Guide • Individualisationoftreatment • How to achieve the prescribed dialysis dose • Water for dialysis and dialysis fluid • Fluid management • Anticoagulationstrategy • VascularAccessManagement • AnaemiaManagement • Nutrition • Infection& Hygiene

  6. Joint projects A Guide to ImplementingRenal Best PracticeinHaemodialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Project Project Team Members

  7. Joint projects A Guide to ImplementingRenal Best PracticeinHaemodialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Project Project Co-ordinators on behalfof EDTNA/ERCA Jitka Pancířová, AnkiDavidson

  8. Elizabeth Lindley • Lizzi originally trained as a solid state physicist at the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble. • She moved to cancer research after completing her PhD and then to renal care in 1989. • Lizzi is now a Specialist Clinical Scientist in Renal Care at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in the United Kingdom. • She has been an active volunteer for EDTNA/ERCA for over 20 years including periods as Research Board Chair and Journal Club Moderator. • She is now the moderator of the RenalPro e-mail discussion forum and a member of the European Renal Best Practice Advisory Board • Her interests include CQI, dialysis adequacy, body composition and the management of renal anaemia and bone disease.

  9. Elizabeth Lindley

  10. James Tattersall • Dr James TattersallfromUnitedKingdomhas been working in nephrology for 29 years. • He has written research publications and textbook chapters in dialysis, clinical nephrology, information technology and disaster management. • James is a member of the advisory board of the European Renal Best Practice, contributing to guideline development. In addition to patient care, he develops software to assist the management of renal patients.

  11. James Tattersall

  12. James Tattersall

  13. František Lopot • František Lopot fromtheCzechRepublicisAssociate Professor in Biophysics • He has been working in nephrology over 30 years • AwardedLifetimememberof EDTNA/ERCA, hold variouspostswithingtheAssociationincludingEC member, Journal Editor orConference President

  14. František Lopot

  15. Joint projects MultilingualPatientEducationDocuments (forrenalnurses) Joint EDTNA/ERCA & B. Braun Avitumproject Project objectives • To establish the difficulties faced by renal nurses in caring for culturally diverse CKD patients • To develop multilingual patient education documents as a support tool for renal nurses • TaiMooi Ho, a Project co-ordinator on behalfof EDTNA/ERCA • Simone Klein, a Project co-ordinatoron behalfof B. Braun Avitum

  16. Joint projects Multilingual Patient Education Support Tool for Renal Nurses A total of 10 documents on CKD Stages 1-3 were produced in Englishas first step: • About Your Kidneys • High Blood Pressure (BP) • Home BP Monitoring • Diabetes Mellitus • Healthy Lifestyle • Physical Exercise • Stop Smoking • Low-salt Diet • Common Medicines • Reactions Following Following Diagnosis These documents will be translated into several languages and will be available on EDTNA/ERCA & B. Braun Avitum websites

  17. TaiMooi Ho Wong • Tai Mooi Ho completed her General Nursing and Midwifery training in the UK. • She has over 30 years experience in renal nursing, having worked in England, Scotland and USA. Tai Mooi is currently employed at Hospital del Mar, Barcelona,Spain. Her nursing interests include hypertension and patient education. • She is volunteer member of the EDTNA/ERCA since 2006.

  18. TaiMooi Ho Wong • Due to her original Chinese background, she has performed linguistic support tasks for non-Spanish speaking Chinese patients at the hospital where she works. In addition, she has collaborated in intercultural mediation projects organised by the Department of Health of the Catalan government and other local healthcare institutions.

  19. TaiMooi Ho Wong

  20. Joint projects Guidelines on Vascular Access Cannulation and Care Joint EDTNA/ERCA & FreseniusMedicalCare project to achieveenhancedmultidisciplinaryrenal team practice in HD and produce VA guidelines. Jean Pierre van Waeleghem Jitka Pancířová Maria Teresa Parisotto

  21. Maria Teresa Parisotto • Maria Teresagraduated in Nursing in the 1974 and in Nursing Management (HeadNurse) in 1976 in Milan, Italy. • Shededicatedthe majority of her workingtime to dialysisbothPeritonealandHaemodialysis. • In 1989 shejoinedFreseniusMedical Care Italy withthepositionofapplicationspecialistforperitonealdialysis. • In 1999 shemoved to FreseniusMedical Care headquarters in Germany as PeritonealDialysis Marketing Director. • In 2005 shewentback to her rootsandtookthepositionofDirectorNursing Care withtheresponsibilityofcoordinatingthenursingactivities in theFreseniusMedical Care - NephroCaredialysiscentres, located in Europe, MiddleEastAfricaand Latin America.

  22. Maria Teresa Parisotto

  23. Maria Teresa Parisotto

  24. Maria Teresa Parisotto

  25. Joint projects SecondaryHyperparathyroidism (SHPT) survey Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Amgenproject • Project aimsto help understand the nephrology nurses professional educational needs around the management of Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (SHPT). • The results will help to provide recommendations on how to improve the focus and quality of education given to nurses around this subject. • Liana Poulia, the Project co-ordinator

  26. Andrey Gurevich • Andrey is the European Medical Director Nephrology at Amgen in Zug, Switzerland. • He received his medical degree from the Pavlov Medical University in St Petersburg, Russia in 1997, and subsequently completed postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Nephrology at the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies in St Petersburg, the University of Colorado in Denver, USA and the York Hospital in York, UK. • His extensive publications in both Russian and English cover a variety of Nephrologyrelated topics, although his area of specialist interest is end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and its complications.

  27. Joint projects Surveyforrenalnurses Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Shire Pharmaceuticals project Renal care professionals responsible for providing dietary advice to patients in renal units in the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK completed the questionnaire. Questions focused on dietary protein intake recommendations, trends in phosphate consumption and awareness and adherence to binder therapy. S 06 Patient Empowerment, Concert Hall, Sunday, 1 September 2013, 11:00 by Elizabeth Lindley (UK)


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