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Agricultural Youth Organizations. Sept 24, 2008 By Dr. David Agnew Associate Professor of Agricultural Education. Review. FFA Jeopardy -- Tony Ansen Glenrose FFA Lesson Plans. Today’ Agenda. State paragraphs 1 & 2 of the Creed State the Advisor’s part Public speaking assignment
Agricultural Youth Organizations Sept 24, 2008 By Dr. David Agnew Associate Professor of Agricultural Education
Review • FFA Jeopardy-- Tony Ansen • Glenrose FFA Lesson Plans
Today’ Agenda • State paragraphs 1 & 2 of the Creed • State the Advisor’s part • Public speaking assignment • Introduction to leadership • Introduction to parliamentary procedure • Upcoming assignments • BB activity on Leadership (1) • BB activity on Parliamentary Procedure (2) • Speech (loosely following the FFA rules) • Abstracts 4 (making a difference and New Horizons) • 1 due next week at the time of class (or email me before)
Leadership What is a leader? Who is a leader? Can I be a leader?
A leaders is: • Someone who gives us direction and helps us find the way to where were he/she knows we ought to be. YOU JOB …. Rewrite this definition of a leader… in your own words correcting and editing if needed. YOU MUST ALL Agree on the final definition.
A Leaders is:in your own words. • A leaders is someone who tells what we need to do and then makes us do if we don’t agree. YOU JOB …. Rewrite this definition of a leader… in your own words correcting and editing if needed. YOU MUST ALL Agree on the final definition
Name leaders and their traits • Take 10-12 minutes…. • In groups of three, name: • 1 person you know personally • 1 person you have seen or heard about • List the leaders’ traits • You will have a total of four (or five) leaders listed
The student will be able to: • Define leadership • Name three misunderstandings about leadership with no errors • List traits of effective leaders orally, with near accuracy • Explain leadership style and contrast three styles with no errors • Contrast leadership with power and management according to the power point projection
Leadership is a relationship where influence is given to meet individual or group goals.
A leader is a person who helps an individual or a group of individuals in achieving their goals. A leader does not always have to be the president, or the elected leader. It may be an active leader of the group, or someone who reaches out to help another person. A follower is an individual who follows the ideas, goals, or tasks of a leader. Followers are developed by workingtogether to identify goals and strategies for achieving the goals.
Six Misconceptions • Leaders are born, not made • Leadership comes from positions in the group • Leaders make all decisionsfor the group • All leaders are popular and charismatic • Leadership is power • Leadership is management
REMEMBER… • If there are no followers, there are no leaders. If roles are not understood, the group will not operate effectively!!
Know strengths and weaknesses Hard working Self confident Speak effectively in front of people Follow directions Think logically Make decisions Solve problems Trustworthy Listen effectively Understand the needs of others Respect people of other backgrounds Traits of Effective Leaders Sincere & Altruistic
Leadership Styles • Autocratic Style • Laissez-faire Style • Democratic Style
Autocratic Style • An autocratic leader is directive and makes decisions for an individual or group. Being autocratic does not mean the leader is coercive or a dictator. The leaders usually provide direction and make decisions.
Laissez-faire Style • A Laissez-faire leader gives others a major role in making decisions. They recognize that involving group in the decision-making process is important. They often realize that group members are in a better position to make a decision.
Democratic Style • A democratic leader selects a style between autocratic and laissez-faire. Democratic leaders recognize the importance of participation by members, but retain part of the decision-making responsibility.
Trivia • What form of government do we live under? • Democratic or Republican I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.
Different wats to view the Leadership Concept • Transactional vs Transformational
TransactionalLeadership • Exchanged-based relationship in which leader and followers get some (or all) of their needs met • Reward for good performance • Discipline for poor performance • Dependent on leader’s control of rewards and penalties • Transitory: • Effective as long as mutually beneficial • or leader present…
Transactional Leadership • Works well in stable organizations • Does military qualify? • Generally easier to use Why? • Transactional Leaders: • Excel at management functions • Stress plans, schedules and budgets • Explain what is required/what will be received if requirements met • Initiate structure/Arms length dealings • Goal = Change of behavior
TransformationalLeadership • Leader has powerful vision of what organization could be • Broadens employee interests to look past self-interest for the good of the group • Raises standards/Challenges the status quo • Generates awareness and acceptance • Cultivates strong bonds with followers • Bonds develop over time • Goal = change of attitudes
Transformational Leadership • Charisma (Draw to the leader) • Vision, sense of purpose, larger meaning • Instill pride/Sense of being elite • Gain respect and trust • Inspiration (Impact on followers) • Communicates high expectations • Uses symbols to focus efforts • Walks the walk: • Takes calculated risks • Proves belief in vision by actions
Characteristics of Transformational Leaders • Intellectual Stimulation • Sees difficulties as problems to be solved • Explain intricacies, promotes intelligence and creative solutions • Follower growth = organizational growth • Individually Considerate • Pays attention to personal differences • Treats each employee individually • Mentors/Coaches/Advises • Develops followers • Delegation • Empowerment
Transactional vs Transformational • How would you prefer for your leaders? • Which approach would you use if in a leadership position?
Crisis inleadership • Great need for leadership • Great opportunity for people who are willing to step forward and take part • Development of leadership education programs
Leadership potential can beenhanced by: • Increase of Knowledge and Abilities, • Experience, and • Opportunity
1. Develop a vision and focus your thinking 2. Set goals 3. Develop initiative 4. Develop self- confidence 5. Develop personal responsibility 6. Develop a healthy self-image 7. Develop self-organization 8. Eliminate procrastination 9. Study 10. Magnify your strengths 10 steps to becominga successful leader.
Leadership tip An effective leader must have command of a broad range of skills in order to bring the group to the successful completion of its goals.
Match The Task To The Capabilities of The Person Involve Different People Don’t Dictate - Delegate. Monitor Progress Consider Alternative Plans & Persons Evaluate The Task Express Appreciation TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL LEADERS for working with people
LEADERSHIP ETIQUETTE • Make Decisions That Enhance The Entire Group Rather Than Yourself • Don’t be a careerist! • Realize You Also Have A Superior • Members • Officers • Board • Principal • Shareholders • _______________
LEADERSHIP ETIQUETTE • Be an Example Of Fair Play, Integrity & Dependability • Genuinely Listens To The Needs, Feedback And Suggestions Of Members, Not Just A Select Few
LEADERSHIP ETIQUETTE • Understand That Leadership Is Not A Glory Position, But A Responsibility Position • Be Willing To Roll Up Sleeves & Help When The Going Gets Tough
LEADERSHIP ETIQUETTE • Knows That Without The Work, Support & Dedication Of All Members, The Organization Will Not Be Successful • Sacrifice Personal Glory & Recognition To Share W/ All Followers
LEADERSHIP ETIQUETTE • Work For The Success Of The Entire Group, Not For Self • Know That Power Is Given By The Members & Can Be Taken Away • Everybody is important and no one should be demeaned.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People • 1. Be Proactive • What does this mean to you? • Are you being proactive in your life? • 2. Begin with the End in Mind • Set your sights on what you want • Do you know what you want? • 3. Put First Things First • What is first things for you? • 4. Think Win-Win • What do they want? • 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood • Listen? • 6. Synergize • better when we work together • 7. Sharpen the Saw • Take care of your physical and mental well being • Maintain relationships by Stephen Covey
In Review • Define leadership • Name three misunderstandings about leadership with no errors • Leaders are born not made….. T F • Leaders make all decisions T F • Leadership is service T F • List traits of effective leaders. • Explain leadership style and contrast three styles • List 5 steps to becoming a successful leader • What are the seven habits of highly successful people?