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  1. The Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors On-The-Page Factors Off-The-Page Factors These elements are in the direct control of the publisher Elements influenced by readers, visitors & other publishers Trust Content Are pages well written & have substantial quality content? Do links, shares & other factors make pages trusted authorities? Cq Ta QUALITY AUTHORITY Have you researched the keywords people may use to find your content? Do visitors spend time reading or "bounce" away quickly? Cr Te RESEARCH ENGAGE Do pages use words & phrases you hope they'll be found for? Has site or its domain been around a long time, operating in same way? Cw Th WORDS HISTORY Search engine optimization (SEO) seems like alchemy to the uninitiated. But there's a science to it. Below are some important "ranking factors" and best practices that can lead to success with both search engines and searchers. Has site been flagged for hosting pirated content? Cf Vd Are pages fresh & about "hot" topics? FRESH PIRACY Do you have image, local, news, video or other vertical content? Is content ad-heavy? Do you make use of intrusive interstitials? Cv Va VERTICAL ADS On-The-Page SEO Off-The-Page SEO Links Is your content turned into direct answers within search results? Ca Content Architecture HTML Trust Links Personal Social ANSWERS Are links from trusted, quality or respected web sites? Lq QUALITY +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +2 Is content "thin" or "shallow" & lacking substance? QualityCq CrawlAc TitlesHt AuthorityTa QualityLq CountryPc Reputation Sr Vt THIN Do links pointing at pages use words you hope they'll be found for? Lt TEXT Architecture Can search engines easily "crawl" pages on site? Do many links point at your web pages? Ac Ln CRAWL NUMBER +3 +3 +2 +2 +2 +3 +1 Research Cr MobileAm Description Hd EngageTe TextLt LocalityPl SharesSs Does your site work well for mobile devices? Have you purchased links in hopes of better rankings? Am Vp MOBILE PAID Does site manage duplicate content issues well? Have you created links by spamming blogs, forums or other places? Ad Vl DUPLICATE SPAM +2 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 WordsCw Duplicate Ad StructureHs HistoryTh NumbersLn HistoryPh Personal As Does site load quickly? SPEED Pc What country is someone located in? COUNTRY Do URLs contain meaningful keywords to page topics? Au URLS What city or local area is someone located in? Pl LOCALITY Does site use HTTPS to provide secure connection for visitors? +2 +1 -1 -3 Ah +2 SpeedAs HeadersHh PiracyVd PaidVp FreshCf HTTPS Has someone regularly visited your site? Ph HISTORY Do you show search engines different pages than humans? Vc CLOAKING Social HTML +2 +1 -1 Do those respected on social networks share your content? -2 -3 VerticalCv URLsAu Sr AdsVa StuffingVs SpamVl REPUTATION Do HTML title tags contain keywords relevant to page topics? Ht TITLES Do many share your content on social networks? Ss SHARES Do meta description tags describe what pages are about? Hd DESCRIPTION +1 +2 -1 AnswersCa HTTPSAh HiddenVh Do pages use structured data to enhance listings? Hs STRUCTURE Factors Work Together +3 WRITTEN BY: Do headlines & subheads use header tags with relevant keywords? Hh +2 HEADERS All factors on the table are important, but those marked 3 carry more weight than 1 or 2. No single factor guarantees top rankings or success, but having several favorable ones increases the odds. Negative “violation” factors shown in red harm your chances. +1 CREATED BY: Do you excessively use words you want pages to be found for? -3 Vs -2 -1 ThinVt CloakingVc STUFFING -2 http://selnd.com/seotable Do colors or design "hide" words you want pages to be found for? LEARN MORE: Vh -3 HIDDEN © 2017 Third Door Media

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